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MrNate's Potential Skirmishes (Vol. 1)

The other day, I saw a few of my closest friends talk about personal Death Battle match-ups that they thought of and discussed why the connections, why they liked it, why it probably won't happen, and who would ultimately win. And as a bandwagon hopper, I decided to strike when the iron is hot so here's a collection of match-ups that I personally like and why it would make for a good fight.

Les do dis.


1. The Goon VS Angel Dust

(Dark Horse Comics VS Hazbin Hotel) OST Name: A Web of Crime Connections: -Both are associated with the Mafia, whether it was through a chain of events or they were born in it. -Both live in a world filled with demons, monsters, and all sorts of paranormal creatures. -Both usually have broad exterior and tend to make dirty jokes whenever they see the chance. -However, on the inside, they've gone through a lot of hardships and traumatic events. Carrying tons of weight on their shoulders. Why I Like It: -I just love the thought of a bulky gorilla of a man going up against a scrawny twink spider demon. -It would be great to see Death Battle use a comic book character that isn't Marvel or DC. -Death Battle did use another Dark Horse character, The Mask, so it could be plausible that they could do another DH character. -Given their sense of humor, it would be a treat to see both Goon and Angel play off each other. Why It probably won't happen: -The chances of this fight, in general, are lower than the Mariana Trench. -The Goon is relatively obscure so I wouldn't count on this match-up becoming a thing. -If The Goon were to be used in a match-up, he'd probably be fighting someone like Hellboy or The Russian instead. -Hazbin Hotel has a minimal amount of feats and Helluva scaling so it would take a while for a HH/HB fight to come to fruition. Who wins? Surprisingly, I'm not sure. In terms of general feats, The Goon should likely win but when scaling gets involved, it starts to get messy. Angel probably scales to Sir Pentious, who survived his blimp exploding (which was said to be small town level) but at the same time, The Goon probably scales to Hellboy (who's now town level) but that's a debate in of itself. All and all, no discernable clue whatsoever.

2. Jason Voorhees VS Michael Myers (Friday The 13th VS Halloween) OST Name: Slasher Showdown Connections: -Both are iconic horror movie villains who are practically associated with the word 'Slasher'. -Both are remorseless killers who feel little to no sympathy for the victims they've slaughtered. -Both usually wield a large blade as their go-to weapon. -Both will tend to get creative with their kills by using their own surroundings. -Both are built like tanks, practically walking off any form of damage as if it was nothing. -No matter how many times they've died, they'll always come back. Why I Like It: -It's a perfect horror movie match-up idea. -I spent my teen years watching both movies and it would be amazing to see these two behemoths clash. -As a die-hard horror movie fan, I would LOVE to see some Horror-representation in Death Battle. Why It probably won't happen: -Death Battle hates horror movie match-ups, moving on. Who wins? Jason without a doubt. Michael is no joke but Jason has displayed far greater feats of strength, durability, regeneration/immortality, weaponry, and... basically had a lot more going for him compared to Mikey.

3. Undyne VS Sheeva (Undertale VS Mortal Kombat) OST Name: Undying Kombat Connections: -Both come from a race of non-human creatures (Monsters/Shokkan) who were forced to live in a remote area. -Both are proud female warriors who are willing to fight and die for their own race. -Both serve under the rule of a king (Asgore/Shao Khan). -Both rose up to a high rank, becoming a formidable warrior among their people. -Both suffered a humiliating defeat against a human. (Frisk/Kitana) Why I Like It: -I wrote this fight awhile back and I would love to see Death Battle make this a reality. -I am a gigantic simp for both characters so seeing in them in a match-up makes meh very h̶o̶r̶n̶y̶ happy. Why It probably won't happen: -Undertale Stats are relatively muddled and vague so it would be a hard time trying to figure things out. -Sheeva and Undyne have more popular match-up ideas (Ex: Pearl/She-Hulk) so if they were to be used, it would be for different matches. -If any Undertale character were to be used in Death Battle, Sans has the overall higher chance. Who wins? When I first wrote this fight, It ended in a draw but when I found out City Level MK is a thing so I figured 'Oh ok, Sheeva wins'. But then, I was told that the feats where MK got those buffs were actually debunked which means that City Level MK is prolly not a thing and now stats in MK are in a state of limbo. To sum it up, Sheeva likely wins but it could still be a tie. I dunno.

4. Postal Dude VS The Antagonist (Postal VS Hatred) OST Name: A Postal Crusade Connections: -Both are psychotic lunatics who carry a fuck ton of weapons with them. -Both are remorseless killers who are willing to murder just about anyone. -Both run amok through whatever area they're in, causing mass carnage in their wake. -Both are seemingly opposite in personality despite their psychopathic tendencies. (PD is more playful and joking while Not Important is all 'grrr im edgy') -Both of their respective series revel in controversy. For better or for worse. Why I Like It: -Honestly, Postal Dude in a Death Battle is something I just wanna see, I don't care who he's fighting. Why It probably won't happen: -The chances of this fight happening, in general, are extremely low. -Postal and Hatred, while known for their controversy, are still under-the-radar type franchises. Who wins? Postal Dude. The guy's got it all. Better stats, Better weapons, Better personality, B̶i̶g̶g̶e̶r̶ ̶c̶o̶c̶k̶, Better everything.

5. Heinz Doofenshmirtz VS Megamind (Disney VS Dreamworks) OST Name: Good to be Bad Connections: -Disney VS Dreamworks-Matchup -Both had a rough upbringing that ultimately turned them down the path of evil. -Both are overzealous and campy self-proclaimed evil geniuses -Both have a large arsenal of tech by their side. -Both rely more on their tech and intellect rather than brute strength. -Both a comedic lackeys on their side that usually do the heavy lifting. (Norm/Minion) -Both are genuinely good and caring people despite their evil nature. -Both ultimately turned away from their life of villainy to start anew. Why I Like It: -Doofenshmirtz and Megamind have such lovable personalities it would amazing to see both of them play off -Given their extensive weaponry, it would be fun to see both these -The Match-Up in general has been generating a lot of praise so there is a chance it could happen. Why It probably won't happen: -Despite the match-up's popularity, Megamind would prolly be facing off against Felonious Gru.

Who wins? While both have a large arsenal, some of which can easily one-shot the other, Dr. Doofenshmirtz ultimately wins through his superior speed and all of his -Inators that could instana-KO Megmaind without any warning.

6. Ridley VS King K. Rool (Metroid VS Donkey Kong Country) OST Name: Kunning & Krool Connections: -Both are some of Nintendo's most popular antagonists -Both are large villainous reptilians who will always serve a thorn to the main protagonist's side. (Samus Aran/Donkey Kong) -Both are leaders of their own group of underlings, living life as a pirate. -No matter how many times they fail or presumably die, they'll keep finding a way back into the protagonist's life Why I Like It: -I grew up playing Metroid and Donkey Kong Country so seeing these two fight would bring back a sense of nostalgia. -Just the thought of a scary space dragon getting the daylights knocked out of him by a fat crocodilian man is the funniest shit. Why It probably won't happen: -Ridley and K.Rool both have more popular match-up ideas (Ex: Vilgax/Blackbeard) so if they were to be used, it would be for different matches. Who wins? In terms of general feats, Ridley has K. Rool beat. But in terms of scaling, K. Rool sits on Ridley and squishes him into pulp.

7. The Creeper VS Pumpkinhead (Jeepers Creepers VS Pupmkinhead) OST Name: Hunters of The Night Connections: -Both are obscure horror movie monsters. -Both are prey upon helpless humans for their own reasons. (Food/Vengeance) -Both are essentially immortal, having been around for almost thousands of years. -Both are only active on specific conditions. (The Creeper is active every 23rd Spring/Pumpkinhead is only active when someone is in need of vengeance) Why I Like It: -Pretty much the same reasons as Jason VS Michael, though it would also be amazing to see Death Battle use more obscure horror characters. -The match-up in general has gained a small following and was even written before so it's a possibility. Why It probably won't happen: -Unlike Jason VS Michael, both movie franchises are under-the-radar so chances of this happening are low -Again, Death Battle hates horror movie-match ups, Moving on. Who wins? Pumpkinhead. While The Creeper is the fastest of the two as well as having a wider weapon variety and his truck would provide a lot of help. All of it wouldn't matter because Pumpkinhead was easily much stronger, way more durable, and the fact that no matter what the Creeper did, he just couldn't kill Pumpkinhead.

8. Gigan VS G1!Starscream (Godzilla VS Transformers) OST Name: Connections: -Both are considered to be the most popular antagonists in their respective franchises. -Both are gigantic mechanical/cybernetic villains who usually serve under a master. -Both are sadistic and ruthless in both combat and nature. -Both will show cowardice when they're confronted with an overwhelming force Why I Like It: -I also wrote this fight awhile ago and it would be amazing if Death Battle did this. -The match-up itself has gained a following so the chances are relatively high -Godzilla and Transformers representation is something I always look forward to, especially with Gigan and Starscream. Why It probably won't happen: -Starscream was already used in Death Battle against Rainbow Dash. -Starscream isn't necessarily 'worth bringing back' material. Could be wrong though. Who wins? When I wrote the fight, Gigan won and I still firmly believe that he should come out on top.

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