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  • Writer's pictureMrNate2015

Micro Horror Battle: Samuel Blunt VS Larry Chiang

(Following fight is dedicated to a close friend of mine, hope you enjoy it!)

Battle of The Butchers

Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark VS Dead Rising


Samuel Blunt:

Feats: -Killed his wife during a heated argument about money -Proceeded to grind her dead body into sausage meat and buried her bones in the backyard under a large flat rock -After perfecting the sausage meat and selling it to the public, it garnered a great demand  -Killed a School Teacher  -Killed his Dentist  -Responsible for the deaths of many children and pets alike --However, nobody suspected him of the murders/disappearances until he revealed it Physicality: -Strong enough to overpower and lift fully grown adults

-The story states that the people he overpowered and killed were 'plump' so it could be possible he was able to lift people that were possibly overweight -Killed his wife just by stabbing her  -Fast enough to chase after a young boy -Average durability Mentality: -Kept his wife's murder a secret by telling anyone that she simply moved away -Was able to perfectly cook the sausage meat -Made sure to keep a look out for anyone that he would deem good enough for his sausage meat -Had kept his murders secret for an unknown amount of time, possibly weeks or months Equipment: Butcher Knife: -His main weapon -Blunt used it stab his wife to death Sausage Grinder: -After killing his victims or overpowering them, Blunt will through their body into a sausage grinder Weaknesses: -Short Tempered/Reckless --Literally killed his own wife because of it ---Also lead to him revealing his secret -Still Human --It's implied that he was either thrown into his own sausage grinder or fed to his hogs ________________________________________________ Larry Chiang:

Feats: -Went insane during the Zombie Outbreak in the Willamette Parkview Mall -The final psychopath you face in 72 Hour Mode -Kidnapped Carlito and severely injured him enough to kill him -Fought Frank West Physicality: -Given his large stature, he should have a fair amount of strength -Capable of dragging and lifting fully grown men -Can physically harm and survive blows from Frank West -Frank is capable of crushing skulls/tearings zombies apart and can endure weapons such as Blast from the Past, a weapon that can casually break hordes of zombies into pieces with one swing -Strong enough to lifting and throwing meat carcasses  -Fast enough to bullrush Frank West -Frank is fast enough to  dodge oncoming vehicles that move at top speeds -Larry can withstand gunshots and fire -Able to move in quick bursts  Mentality: -Mentally Insane -Upon seeing Frank, he believes that Frank is actually a customer -Considers Zombies to be rotten and Survivors to be fresh -Unlike most Psychopaths, Larry will not attack unless provoked  -It's debatable whether Larry is a cannibal or he simply went crazy -Capable of demonstrating basic combat abilities such rushing and blocking -Capable of using the area surrounding him such has placing his opponent on meat hooks or throwing meat carcasses at them Equipment: Meat Cleaver: -Larry's main weapon -Strong enough to cut through human flesh and bone Knives: -Larry can throw knives as a means of long range -Strong enough to knock down Frank West Meat Hooks: -Sharp meat hooks that are capable of piercing flesh victims onto the hooks and viciously slice at him Meat Carcasses: -Can use near by meat carcasses hanging on meat by hurling at them -Meat Processor:

-One of his preferred methods of killing his victims is by putting their bodies into a meat grinder

Cans of Meat:

-Larry is capable of replenishing health from eating cans of meat Weakness: -Mentally Unstable -Still Human despite durability ______________________________________________________________________ Meat Processing Area


    The sound of psychotic laughter and smell of blood lingered through out the dimly Meat Processing Area as a large obese bald man who appeared to be from Asian descent happily placed a freshly killed body of a poor survivor who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Larry Chiang could only grin as he looked at the dangling bloodied corpse that he was responsible for, taking in great pride for having ended the man's life. He had already ground up another survivor in the process and the other survivor's corpse would surely meet the same end.

    "Hahaha! Fresh meat as always!" The Fat Butcher chuckled as he happily strolled his way to his meat processor to make some freshly ground meat. However, the sound of the doubles doors swinging open caused Larry to cock his head to see someone walk into his workspace. The visitor was another big plump bald man who scanned the area for some good meat, though that relatively plump butcher caught his eye.

    "Aaaah! A Customer, you're just in time! I've just prepared some freshly ground meat for you to try!" Larry happily cheered as he happily brought up a plate of 'delicious' ground meat as Samuel Blunt leaned in, ignoring the corpse that was danging from the meat hook. Blunt helps himself to a piece, giving the meat a good taste test before spitting it out while letting a disgusted grunt.

    "BWAH! You call that fresh? That's the most foul tasting meat I've ever tasted!" Blunt cried as he whacked the plate aside while Larry's eyes widened in response. 

    "Hey! I-I worked hard to find that meat that fresh!" Larry said while Blunt merely scoffed at Larry's defense.

    "Worked hard? Don't make me laugh! My Sausages is far better than any of this fodder, in fact, you'd be perfect for my grinder!" Blunt growled before grabbing a hold of a large Butcher Knife while Larry couldn't believe the nerve on this guy. The man really thought he could talk all that trash while undermining the struggles he had to face to get fresh meat such as that.     "You're a petty man, you know that!? First, you come into my store, then insult me and my meat, and now you think you can just try to kill me like that? I DON'T THINK SO!" Larry shouted before he grabbed a hold of a nearby meat cleaver as the two glared at each other.     No matter how you sliced it, someone's body was gonna be fed to a grinder today...


Blunt was first to attack by running forward and swinging his knife in diagonal formation, attempting to cut open Larry's chest. However, Larry retaliated by blocking the knife with his meat clever as the two locked eyes once more with hatred burning within them. Larry proceeded to push Blunt back with tremendous force, knocking the Sausage Maker several feet back in the process. The Asian Butcher proceeded to charge forward much similar to that of a bull as struck Blunt and pinned him against a wall.  In an attempt to save himself, Blunt kneed Larry in the gut several times but due to his imposing size, the butcher didn't even budge. Samuel decided to slam his forehead right into Larry's face, causing the Asian Butcher scream with pain as he stepped back while holding his face with pain. With Larry temporarily stunned, Blunt raised his knife up in the air before stabbing him right the shoulder.     Surprisingly, Larry seemed to shrug off the pain as he elbowed Blunt in the chest with enough force to knock him back. Blunt fell back first onto the ground while Larry yanked the knife out of his shoulder. The Chinese Butcher proceeded to swing his cleaver in a downward motion, aiming to slice open Blunt's face but The Sausage Maker rolled right out of harm's way and quickly retrieved his knife.     Upon grabbing his knife, Blunt lunged towards Larry before viciously stabbing him several times in the back and shoulder but Larry once again overpowered him by slicing into his arm with his cleaver before kicking him into a near carcass, resulting in both Blunt and the carcass to topple over. This gave Larry enough time to book it into the corner of the arena as he grabbed onto an open can of meat sitting on a lone counter as he began to scoop the contents and eat them up while Blunt stood up, a clear visible vein of anger taking place on his bald head.     The Sausage Maker bolted after the Chinese Butcher with his knife raised in the air once again. Larry saw this and was quick to avoid being stabbed in the back for a second time as Blunt began to viciously swing and slash his knife, letting loose a loud scream of murderous rage. For a man his size, Larry was fast enough to dodge a grand majority of his swings, though Blunt did managed to scathe Larry's flesh a few times. However, Larry retaliated with a powerful swing his cleaver.      The meat cleaver swung right into Blunt's shoulder blade, making the butcher scream with pain as blood began to seep from his shoulder as a result. Larry prepared another slash but Blunt was quick enough to grab Larry by the wrist as he proceeded to stab the butcher in the gut, however he didn't strike any vital organs unfortunately. Larry growl with agony as he proceeded to knock Blunt backward with a swift left hook to the chin.

Blunt stumbled backward while The Asian Butcher grabbed onto a near meat carcasses that was dangling from the meat rack and yanked it off the ceiling, the butcher raising the carcass over his head before chucking it right at the Butcher with a strong throw. Blunt took notice of the oncoming carcass and immediately jumped to the side as the as the carcass smashed into the walls. Blunt proceeded to bull rush Larry, but the Chinese Butcher had a new plan as he then pulled out a butcher knife of his very own and chucked it right into Blunt's shoulder. Samuel gave out a wail of pain while Larry withdrew a second knife and repeated the same tactic as before, forcing Blunt to fall to the ground for cover. 

Yanking the knife out of his arm, Blunt growled before getting right back up onto his feet and with a burst of energy, he charged forward at high speeds despite his injuries. This cued Larry to make his move as well, barreling at Blunt with similar speeds. The two butchers came colliding with each other as Larry swung his meat cleaver with a diagonal motion, only for Blunt to quickly dodge the attack before throwing himself into the Asian butcher, tackling the large man to the ground with a surprisingly display of strength. 

    Upon bringing Larry to the ground, Blunt attempted to stab Larry in the chest with his knife but the Asian Butcher quickly grabbed onto the Sausage Maker's wrist with the knife just a hair's length away from the butcher's chest. Larry, using a great burst of strength, threw Blunt several feet backwards as his body struck against cold and metallic. Blunt looked up to see a large sausage grinder laying behind him. When coming into eye contact with the contraption, Samuel's scowl turned to a nefarious smirk, hatching quite a devilish plan. On the other side of the spectrum, Larry picked himself back onto his feet as he came hobbling forward once more with murderous intent. Blunt stood back up and simply waited for Larry to get closer, his grin growing ever so larger.

    The moment Larry got up close, Blunt side-stepped his attack as he proceeded to quickly switch on the sausage grinder as he then grabbed Larry by the back of his head and pushed him into the grinder. However, The Asian Butcher clutched the outer rim of the machine as The Sausage Maker continued to force him into the loud grinder. Blunt quickly grabbed Larry by the leg, proceeding to lift the struggling butcher as it looked to be that Larry would be one of the many victims of Blunt but the Asian Butcher refused to let this happen as he proceeded to kick Blunt right in the face, resulting in the butcher getting his nose broken.

    Blunt let loose growl of pain as he stumbled backwards, letting go of Larry as the butcher got back onto the ground. The Chinese Butcher then spun around and with one quick swing of his cleaver, Samuel's hand was then sliced right off as the Sausage Maker let loose an even louder scream of pain as blood came pouring from the stump that was once his hand. Larry wasn't finished, however, as he then raised his cleaver one last time and with another swing, the upper region of Blunt's head was torn right off as it flew across the room, hitting against the walls and sliding down onto the floor.

    The semi-headless corpse of the Sausage Maker fell right onto the ground with an audible thud while Larry stood over his corpse, letting out an annoyed grunt before lifting Blunt's corpse off the ground and placing it onto a meat hook. However, a few of his 'sausages' came tumbling out of Blunt's pocket which intrigued theAsian Butcher as he picked up the sausage and gave it a good bite...

    Right before spitting it out in disgust. 

    "Yuck! These sausages aren't wonderful at all!" 

KO! __________________________________

Larry Chiang (WINNER)

+Wider variety of weapons

+Way more durable

+The fastest of the two

+Can heal himself via canned meat

=Mental Instability

=Likely equal in strength

-Less experienced

-Not as aggressive 

Samuel Blunt (LOSER)

+More Experienced

+More Aggressive

=Likely equal in strength

=Mental Instability

-Only had one weapon (Unless you count Blunt's Sausage Grinder)

-Had complete squat in durability

-The slowest of the two

-No means of healing himself

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