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  • Writer's pictureMrNate2015

Micro Horror Battle: The Hookman VS MIMAL

Updated: Jun 13, 2020

This series will be relating to small, still researched battles with comparatively tiny bios for the fighters. Fights will be generally for weaker, more featless characters, that are either based on urban legends, horror movies/shorts, and whatever else fits in this aesthetic. The only proper limits are that the fighters will not be beyond wall level. The fights will also be quite short, at around 1k words, though that will likely be a soft limit, as I will likely bend the rules to make fights 2-2.5k at most, though likely not much beyond that.

(The following fight is written by Randomaneer123, check his work out on Deviantart)


Roadside Serial Killers

Urban Legends VS Cinemassacre


The Hookman/The Hook/The Serial Killer:


-Escaped prison/an asylum

-Killed an untold amount of people before he was caught

-In some renditions of the story, killed the couple hearing of his crimes


-Has a fair pain tolerance, as he makes very little sound when his hook hand gets ripped off

-Able to overpower the couple with ease in some renditions

-Strong enough to lift the boyfriend in some renditions of the story and stringing him up from a tree

-Implied to be able to bust through windows and the car's windshield

-In some versions of the story, holds onto the roof of the moving car for awhile

-Able to cut off the head of the boyfriend in some renditions, though it's typically unclear how he does this

-Agile enough to leap on top of the car in some versions


-Due to him having been an escaped mental patient, is likely well versed in killing

-Is deranged and seems to enjoy tormenting his victims

-Likely goes for sneak attacks when he can

-In some renditions he steals the car keys from the dead boyfriend, leaving the girl trapped

-Somehow managed to escape either an asylum or prison in some versions



-One of the killer's hands have been replaced with a hook, which is his signature weapon

-Strong enough to penetrate the metal of of a car door and get stuck in it in some story renditions


-In some versions of the story, has a knife along with his hook hand

-What type of knife is never specified, though it's likely either a pocket knife or a hunting knife


-Still seems to be a normal human, despite the hook hand

-If he looses his hook or his knife, he'd likely be relatively defenseless


MIMAL the Elf:


-Has been killing those who've traveled his route for hundreds of years

-Is either the embodiment of the acronym MIMAL or just somehow related to it

-Had an entire episode of America's Most Mysterious dedicated to him


-Seems immortal, as he has killed people who traveled his route since 1789

-Mystical in nature, only appearing after people travel his route (That being the states: Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas and Louisiana)

-Mutilated railroad workers though how specifically is unknown

-Can jump onto the roof of a car

-Seemed to kill horses as well as their riders

-Easily able to overpower a couple and drag them from their car before stabbing them to death

-Possibly flipped a fully loaded coach, though it's unknown if he did this or the driver simply went off course

 --If he did flip it through his own power though, carriages weigh up to around 4000 lbs (1800 kg) when fully loaded


-Is extremely mysterious, as he kills for unknown reasons

-Has been killing for hundreds of years and has likely become very good at it

-Only ever appears if someone has traveled his route, though it's unknown as to why

-Seems to take joy in killing, even laughing while he does it


-Possibly has the ability to teleport as he appears after people travel his route



-Seems to be his main weapon

-Due to blurry footage, I am unable to make out if it's a kitchen knife or a hunting knife


-In one drawing, is depicted with a scythe

Golf Club:

-"This person golfing looks like MIMAL the elf"


-Hasn't shown to fight hand to hand, though it can be at least assumed that he's killed at least one person with his bare hands

-Doesn't appear unless someone travels his route


Louisiana, Deep Within a Bayou, 1955

Along a lone, unsafe road, drove a bright red car that seemingly stuck out against the dark, greenish marshland surrounding it. It was night and the headlights were on, illuminating the trees and shallow swamp waters that surrounded the road on both left and right sides. Tree branches slumped down, appearing almost like hundreds of small arms reaching towards the couple that sat in the car. After a few moments, the car stopped along the road and from within, one of the two inhabitants began to speak.

"Well babe, we did it! We finished our road trip!" Chuckled a young man in a letterman jacket, before leaning back in his seat, a smug look on his face. "And you said this would be a waste of our Spring Break!"

"It was!" Growled his girlfriend, crossing her arms. "We wasted all that time driving down to a smelly old swamp when we could've gone to a beach or even Niagara Falls!"

"Oh come on, we'll go there after graduation!" Defended the young man. "But first... I gotta take a leak." He said, before quickly opening the door and walking off to the side of the car.

His girlfriend growled in annoyance and then turned on the radio. Due to the heavy foliage surrounding the car, the signal was faint, yet she could faintly hear the muffled voice of a news broadcaster.

"A serial killer has recently escaped a mental asylum in southern Louisiana- BZZZZK -One of his hands has been replaced with a hook- BZZZZK -Please remain indoors until morning- BZZZZK -Do not enter any areas with heavy foliage, avoid all swamps. He has a knife- BZZZZK…."

The broadcast devolved into nothing but low static at this point, and the girl looked around for her boyfriend, not daring to open the doors of the car. However, after several minutes of searching, she found her eyes couldn’t penetrate the darkness and thus she forced herself to exit the car. All she could see was what the moon and the headlights illuminated. She frantically looked around and after her eyes adjusted to the darkness, saw a figure approaching her.

“Michael?” She called and the figure didn’t respond. “Michael? This isn’t funny!” She called again.

However, as the figure approached, she soon saw that instead of being dressed in a letterman jacket, she saw he had a long, dark leather jacket, along with a hat. His face was obscured by the leather jacket’s collar as well as the hat, which was a fedora with a long brim. She looked the man over and her eyes widened as she saw that his right hand was gone… Replaced with a hook.

The woman screamed and turned to run, however the second she did, she saw a second man, standing in front of the car. Due to this he was illuminated by the headlights. He wore all green with only a few white highlights and had a massive nose, as well as a bright red hat. He looked almost like an employee dressed in an elf costume one would see in a shopping mall during the holiday season. 

He would’ve been almost comedic had he not been covered in blood. At his feet was the mutilated body of the girl’s boyfriend. He was headless, and had a small scythe lodged in his back. The girl screamed again, however, as she did, she suddenly felt a faint pain in the back of her head and dropped to the ground. She landed in the moist mud below with a dull thud.

The Hookman pulled his knife from the back of her skull as he looked down at MIMAL, who himself narrowed his eyes at the insane man. The elf tightened his grip on his knife and retrieved his scythe from the boy’s corpse, as the Hookman cracked his neck. The two killers sized each other up for a moment, before rushing each other down.


MIMAL threw a slash first, nicking the Hookman’s chest and ripping up some of his coat. Likewise, the other serial killer swiped at the elf with his hook, however MIMAL jerked backwards, letting the swipe miss him. This didn’t impede the killer though, as he then thrusted at MIMAL with his knife, though the elf sidestepped this as well.

MIMAL then countered with a hard punch to the side of the man’s face, sending him head first into the side of the couple’s car with enough force to crack one of the car windows. The Hook growled in annoyance and turned, swiping at MIMAL once more, though the elf dodged this attack via stepping backwards. MIMAL then countered by throwing his scythe at the Hook. The escaped convict’s eyes widened before he grunted as the scythe landed right in his shoulder, penetrating one end and breaching out his back.

Despite this, the Hookman just grunted and rushed towards MIMAL. The elf sidestepped a slash, however made the mistake by moving to the right. This wound up allowing the Hook to jam his namesake into the elf’s thigh, making MIMAL growl in pain as the convict yanked himself backwards. Due to him putting his full body into the pull, he tore off a large chunk of flesh from the elf’s thigh, making MIMAL give a loud shout in response. 

Blood covered the elf’s once bright green costume as he hissed and rushed down the Hookman. The other killer didn’t have time to react before MIMAL slammed his shoulder into the Hook’s chest, knocking him back against the car once more. However as MIMAL charged him a second time, the Hook jerked out of the way and shoved MIMAL into the car window. With his momentum combined with the killer’s shove, MIMAL smashed face first into the window, sending his entire upper body into the car.

The elf growled, his face now covered in blood as several glass shards penetrated his skin. However, funnily enough, in the back seat of the car, he saw a golf club. Without a second thought he grabbed it and turned towards the Hook, who himself was about to slash at the elf once more. However, the Hookman was caught off guard as he felt a golf club impact the side of his face, knocking him to the ground.

MIMAL laughed at this as he advanced to the downed serial killer, before swinging his club at the man once more. This time he hit the Hook in the knee, making the man grunt loudly as the skin around his kneecap now had a deep gash in it. He then delivered another hit to the Hook’s face, knocking a few teeth out of his mouth and into the swamp waters a few feet away.

MIMAL then raised his knife and swung it downwards towards the Hook’s heart. However, the killer still had some life in him, even if he was dazed, thus he swung his hook hand at the oncoming knife. MIMAL grunted as said knife was knocked from his hand and into the swamp. It splashed and soon sunk below the small, rippling waves, disappearing into the cloudy waters as it did.

However, the elf didn’t seem too bothered by this, as he just began delivering blow after blow with his golf club, making the Hook grunt as his body was soon covered in bruises and gashes. However, after a few more hits, the Hook slammed the heel of his boot into MIMAL’s already injured thigh, making the elf shout in pain, before he dropped his golf club and fell to one knee.

The Hookman jerked towards his now downed foe and swung his hook hand at him, however MIMAL raised his open palm towards the hook. Moments later the elf screamed once more as the hook penetrated through his hand, causing blood to gush out of the wound, further covering the elf’s once pristine green clothing.

However, MIMAL wasn’t giving up just yet, as he realized the Hook was now stuck. With a growl, he wrapped his fingers around the bloody hook, before he yanked the Hookman towards him. The serial killer then got two boots to the chest. This wound up both knocking the knife from his hand and sending him flying backwards. The knife landed on the road with a metallic clank, several feet from the downed serial killer. 

However, the Hookman growled in rage as he got back up and walked towards MIMAL, who’d also just risen to his feet. He then decked the elf in the face, knocking him backwards. The Hook then followed up this punch with a boot to the elf’s chest, sending him further back and causing him to stumble into the bayou behind him. The elf slipped on the loose mud below the water and splashed back first into the bog water.

The Hook saw his chance and leapt atop MIMAL, before using his good hand to hold the elf’s head under the water. The green clad serial killer fumbled and jerked as his legs thrashed and kicked, knocking up more of the foul, muddy water. The Hook smiled as he continued holding the elf under the water. However, his smile disappeared as the elf used his non-wounded hand to grab onto the Hook’s face, before gouging his thumb into the Hookman’s eye. 

The Hookman screamed in rage and pain as half of his vision vanished in a sea of blood red. The Hook grunted, having enough of this fight. He grabbed MIMAL by the throat, before yanking him, and slamming him back down into the bog water. The back of MIMAL’s head smashed into a large rock hidden under the waves. The second he did, he went limp, his hand falling from the Hookman’s face, before hitting the water with a splash.

After that, all was still. No more kicking or struggling came from the elf. After keeping MIMAL’s head under the water for a bit longer, the Hook let go and got to his feet. He then turned and stumbled back onto the road, as water and mud slid down his leather jacket. He had a small smile on his face, as he turned back towards MIMAL’s body.

However, the smile was gone when he saw that said body was gone.

He then turned back towards the road and his eyes widened as he saw MIMAL standing right in front of him. Before he could react, the elf raised his hand and slammed his knife through the Hookman’s skull in a downward motion...

The Hook still stood for a moment, a look of surprise still engrained on his face, though he soon stumbled back, the undamaged parts of his brain forcing him to try to back away from the elf out of instinct. However, as he did, he fell backwards. Just a few feet below him, off the side of the road, there was a large tree branch that had fallen and had gotten stuck on some rocks, causing it to be slanted upwards, almost like a spike.

The Hookman fell right onto this spike and his eyes widened as it tore through his stomach. As it exited out the front of his gut, the spike-like branch tore out the insane man’s intestines letting them flop downwards into the swamp. The Hookman gagged and vomited up several mouthfuls of blood onto himself, before he slowly leaned backwards, causing him to slowly slide further down on the branch.

MIMAL himself looked down at the dead serial killer and smiled, before walking off into the bayou. No doubt more would be slaughtered by the deranged elf, as the Hookman was just one of his many victims…




+Likely stronger, assuming he flipped a wagon and even without that feat, strength should be about equal

+His weapons had a longer range, even without the golf club

+Much, MUCH more experienced

+Magical nature could possibly help him in a battle

+Actually has access to both of his hands and would likely win in a hand to hand fight if the Killer loses his hook

=Likely equal in intelligence

-Possibly slower/less agile

-Not as tolerant to pain as the Hookman

The Hookman (LOSER)

+His hook hand was a powerful tool, as it could penetrate thin metal and wouldn't get knocked out of his reach easily

+Possibly more agile

+Pain tolerance

=Equal in intelligence

-Much, MUCH less experienced

-Less range with his weapons

-Likely weaker, and even without the wagon flipping feat, is likely similar in strength

-Should he lose his hook hand, his chances of winning drop significantly, as that's his best weapon

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