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  • Writer's pictureMrNate2015

SBS: Jaws VS The Maneater (PREVIEW)

UL: Well everyone, The beaches are open...

Mettaton: And the sharks are in the water... Who will prevail? 

UL: My fellow viewers...IT'S TIME FOR DRAMA!





Location: Amity Island, NY

Time: 2:35 PM


A feeling cold, uneasy tension swept through the whole beach of Amity Island as a crowd of civilians gathered around to witness first hand the grizzly sight as police officers tried their best to assess the situation and calm the beach goers down. The source of the commotion all stemmed from the washed up carcass of an Orca that was horribly mangled with chunks of it’s flesh ripped from its body and half of it’s face seemed to have been torn off while the pungent smell of rotting flesh filled the air.

While a good portion of the locals could easily chalk this up as a simple dead Orca that washed up and started to decay, there a few discerning differences the corpse was still seemingly fresh and the wounds weren’t a result of decay. Rather more, someone or something was responsible for the porpoise’s demise.

As the crowd of disturbed locals continued to stare in awe at the dead killer whale and ponder what could’ve led to the creature’s death, two men arrived on the scene. One had short brown hair in a tan police uniform while the other was a young man with scraggly red hair and a beard.

Martin Brody was called into the scene and decided to bring his good friend, Matt Hooper, to help him with examining the washed up carcass. When the two men finally came to witness the grim discovery, both of them were almost as shocked as the public was.

“Jesus…” Martin Brody said under breath upon, taking his glasses off in the process in shock of what he laid eyes on. Brody and Hooper took a few steps closer to examine the maimed corpse despite the overpowering smell that nearly made the two men gag upon taking a closer inspection. After measuring the length of the carcass and the wounds inflicted upon the orca, Brody and Hooper came to a chilling conclusion that made both men uneasy.

“There’s no doubt about it. This is definitely a shark attack…” Brody said, a slight sickening feeling looming in his stomach.

“Now how would you know that this was a shark attack? Aren’t orcas the shark killers?” Asked a police officer, unsure if the conclusion that Brody and Hooper agreed upon.

“Judging by the bite diameter and the wounds inflicted onto the porpoise, it may seem unlikely but I know for sure that this was the result of a shark attack.” Hooper backed his claim although the officer didn’t seem like these guys were making any sense whatsoever.

“Come on, there’s no way this could be the result of a shark attack. There ‘bite marks’ you call it look too big to even be from a shark!” The officer continued, unable to believe the two men despite the peril they had been into.

“Nah, this looks like a shark attack alright…” A new voice could be heard, sounding like it came from a southern-drawl, as the two men looked up to see someone else arrive on the scene. A large burly man who was covered tattoos around the torso with a red and white beard with a dark green cap atop his head and a pair of orange stormproof bib overalls along with a prosthetic hook replacing his left hand.

“I’m sorry, who are you?” Brody asked while the officer tried to stop this bizarre man from getting any closer.

“Hey, stand back sir, you ar-” Sadly for the officer he was pushed aside by the bulkier looking man as he then greeted both Brody and Hooper.

“Sorry ‘bout that. Name’s Pierre LeBlanc, advent shark hunter, but you can call me Scaley Pete.” The man introduced himself, his voice a little muffled from the cigarette in his mouth as he extended his left hooked hand only to get no response from the two men.

“Well… uh… I’m Mark Hooper and this is Martin Brody, can we help you sir?” Hooper asked while Pete smirked a little.

“Well, I reckon I could help you. came all the way to Amity Island after hearin’ about some infamous shark attacks that have been goin’ on in these parts and decided to take a look myself.” Pierre explained, taking a good puff of his cigarette and blowing out a small stream of smoke out of his mouth..

“Thanks but we’ve covered this before.” Brody replied while Pete grinned a little.

“I insist boys. Because lemme tell ya, some of them sharks are more than just mere animals. No sir, there’s more to it. they’re killers, you can see in their black cold eyes.” Scaly Pete continued to explain before flicking aside his cigarette.

“Needless to say, whether it’s through sheer coincidence or not, looks I came at the right time…”


Location: Far off the coast of Amity Island

Far from the beaches of Amity Island, five carefree teens were out and about on the bright blue ocean, sailing on their own personal small yacht with loud music blaring on their personal stereo. The boat was drifting among the waves as four of them were having a swim while only one stood put on the boat, helping himself to a cold beer to cool him off from the warm sun.

“Come on, Scott! The water’s fine!” A blonde teen called out to one of the boys that was resting on the deck of the boat. The youngster peered his head to see his four friends happily swimming along the water.

“No guys, I gotta look after this. It’s my dad’s boat after all.” Scott replied, trying to find an excuse not to get in the water.

“Yo don’t be such a wuss, Scott!” A more bulkier teen shouted out loud.

“Yeah, Chad’s right? Stop being such a pussy and get in here already!” The young lady demanded before his friends began to peer pressure the unfortunate youngster. After constant demands

“Alright fine, give me a moment…” Scott groaned before matching off into the cockpit to undress. Meanwhile, two of the four teenagers decided to swim around just for fun. But sadly their fun was about to be cut short for something was lurking beneath them in the depths of the sea...

From below the boat and beneath the careless swimmer’s feet, something was approaching them. Getting closer and closer, it’s insatiable blood-lust increasing dramatically with every inch it draws nearer. The teens splashed around, laughing and shouting like wild animals without realizing the danger that they were truly in.

The danger from depths began to draw in closer for it’s kill, the two swimmers yet to be alarmed at its presence. The unknown assailant picked up more and more speed, aiming for one of the two swimmers. Opening it’s hungry maw, it got close enough to come in for the kill.

Within a moment’s notice, the young teen was immediately dragged into the ocean waters by an unseen force as it alarmed the other. After a brief few seconds, the teen resurfaced frantically breathing while his friend was completely confused as to what had just happened.

“Jake, what the fuck was tha-” However, the young man was cut off by his friend, who responded in a frantic tone of voice.

“WE GOTTA GET OUT OF THE WATER!” Jake screamed, immediately swimming to the yacht.


“WE NEED TO GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WA-” Sadly for Jake, he was immediately dragged into the ocean once again. Jake’s friend quickly dove into the water to see what was really going on. To his utter horror, he gave witness to his friend being dragged into the ocean depths as his the ocean began to run red with his blood. The assailant dragging the poor youngster into the water was none other than a large imposing Great White Shark with his teeth sunk into Jake’s legs as his screams of pain and fear were drowned out by the water.

Jaws was ready to hunt once again and no man or animal was gonna get in his way. The Great White proceeded to take a deeper bite before ripping Jake’s leg off while his friend immediately swam back to the surface, completely horrified to what he just witnessed. Meanwhile, Jaws finished off the youngster by devouring the rest of the corpse in just a few bites. Upon finished his bloody meal, Jaws cocked it's head up to see the other careless youngster frantically swimming up to the surface but of course, The Great White wasn't gonna let that slide. The two girls on the other side of the boat were confused as to what was going on as one of them asked the other in a confused tone of voice.

“Caitlyn, what the hell is going on over there?” The young lady asked only to get no response. She turned her head to see Caitlyn was nowhere to be seen as the young lady began to frantically jerked her head to every conceivable angle to where her friend had disappeared off into.

“C-Caitlyn? Where are y-” But as soon as she said that, an unknown force dragged her under the water as the young lady only had a split second to scream with her body being pulled into the ocean, never to resurface. But just as all of this commotion was going on, Scott came back onto the deck of the boat without knowing of the danger.

“Alright, I’m finally ready. Who-” But just as the young man could finish his sentence, he noticed that all of his friends who had pressured him into joining them had strangely disappeared. But what made this all the more frightening is that the water surrounding the yacht took up a deep red color as the young man felt completely sick to his stomach to what he was witnessing.

“W-what the fuck happened!?” Scott asked himself, however, his question would be answered as the large great white came breaching out of the water. Jaws’ body landed right onto the front of the boat while Scott had little time to react as he fell flat on his back while the bot tipped forward. The young man screamed with terror as he scrambled back with the Great White snapping its jaws while the young man desperately tried to save himself from a gruesome end.

However, just as it seemed that Jaws could enjoy his next meal…


(Music Stops)

Emerging from the side of the boat, taking both Scott and Jaws by surprise, was an enormous Bull Shark with his mouth gaping wide open as it then proceeded to snatch the young man before he could have a moment to process the events occurring right before him. Jaws, upon witnessing what had just happened, slipped back into the ocean as he quickly swam on over to where the Bull Shark had landed as he witnessed the larger Carcharhinus leucas devour the young man in just a few bites.

The Maneater had made her way to the coasts of Amity Island and she was ready to rip, tear, and kill any and all prey she had come across.

The Bull Shark took notice of The Great White as their cold dead eyes met each other, the two of which beginning to circle each other slowly. While most scenarios, Sharks would often result in non-violent cooperation but not these two apex predators as Maneater robbed Jaws of his kill and the Great White wouldn’t stand for that. Maneater, on the other hand, took interest in Jaws as her mind began to race with hunger.

The two sharks continued circling each other as the oceans of Amity would soon feel the rage and fury of two apex predators. Jaws and The Maneater locked eyes once again, ready to strike at any moment.

Just as it seemed like an eternity, the two predators lunged at each other simultaneously.



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