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SBS: The Ape VS The Helltaker (FIGHT)

Updated: May 31, 2022

UL: Well everyone, the cage has been lifted...

Mettaton: And the skeletons have exploded... Who will prevail?

UL: My fellow viewers...IT'S TIME FOR DRAMA!





Location: Hell

Time: Who cares, it's hell.



A loud, screechy voice suddenly echoed throughout the caverns of hell, followed by the sound of rapid footsteps hitting against the brimstone ground as troops of skeleton demons found themselves racing through every trail and pathway. One such platoon of skeleton army was suddenly blitzed by an orange blur, the impact of which generated a booming cymbal crash while numerous demonic soldiers were sent flying while others exploded into a mess of bones. However, one remaining skeleton demon thought he could sneak up on his attacker from behind but instead, an orange fist struck him right in the torso which sent the upper half of his body flying off into a wall, exploding into fragments in the processes. Standing in a clutter of bone fragments was a bizarre creature that resembled a gorilla. The most peculiar attribute of this creature was that its whole body, both flesh and fur, was completely orange. The Ape had perished in its attempt to escape the facility and as a result, the orange gorilla wound up here in the crimson caves of Hell itself. However, despite being trapped here in hell, The Ape was unwilling to be a prisoner in the afterlife and thus, it broke free from its confine yet again and ran amok through the underworld. Having overheard the animal's escape, Lucifer sent out all her men to reprehend or even kill the primate, but they were little more but minor obstacles for the gorilla. "YOU'RE NOT GETTING AWAY THAT EASILY!" The screechy voice rang out while The Ape cocked its head to see a massive chain-link heading towards its way. The orange gorilla dove right out of the way as the gleaming, ivory chain embedded itself in the brimstone ground. Just then someone dropped right in front of The Ape, standing just several feet away from him. It was a female demon with gray skin, gleaming eyes, ghost-white hair with two black horns protruding from the sides of both her head. Her only clothing was a black jacket that reached down to her chest, a bra, a matching bikini, complete with a thick leather belt that was wrapped around her waist. "I have you now you miserable creature! NOW ACCEPT YOUR PUNISHMENT!" Judgment declared before extending her arm out, sending forth a glimmering white chain into the gorilla's direction. With a surprising display of agility, The Ape successfully dodged the attack but that didn't stop The High Prossecutior from sending out more chains to restrain the pesky simian. The Ape frantically avoided chain after chain from the grey demoness before the simian noticed something he hadn't seen before. Just a few feet away from him was a long suspension bridge that was stretched across a vast abyss. After doing the last of chains that Judgement sent out, the orange primate made a rush towards the nearby bridge. "HEY! DON'T YOU RUN AWAY FROM ME, HORRID MONKEY!" The High Prosecutor screamed at the top of her lungs, giving chase almost immediately. The Ape was the first to make it to the bridge, sprinting down at high speeds that were more than enough to outpace the demon. Judgment stopped at the bridge's entrance, seeing that the gorilla was swift enough to make it halfway down the rickety wooden bridge as a look of anger took place on her features. "Think you're going to escape, simian? THINK AGAIN!" Judgment shouted, extending an arm out as a series of white glowing emblems hovered above the ape's head. Soon, a series of chain links came shooting out from the emblem's epicenter at rapid speeds as the planks of wood holding the bridge were shattered almost immediately upon impact. The High Prosecutor grinned with sadistic glee, hoping that this would be the nail in the gorilla's coffin but the complete opposite happened. The Ape clung onto one of the chain strands and swung himself to the next, making it across the abyss and onto the other side unscathed while Judgement's grin devolved to a dumbfounded stare. The Ape landed on the ground, a drum bang ringing out from his feet hitting the rocky granite floors before taking off down a trail. Judgment, meanwhile, clenched her fists while her face turned visibly red. Steam started to exit from her ears and veins started to sprout up from her forehead. In seconds, the grey demoness let out a roar of seething anger before slamming her fists onto the ground almost like a child having a temper tantrum. "DAMMIT! DAMMIT! DAMMIT! DAMMIT!" The High Prosecutor shouted out loud, watching as her animal target disappeared from sight. "THIS ISN'T OVER, YOU FOUL ANIMAL! I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE, I WILL BE SUCCESSFUL IN ENDING YOUR EXISTENCE!" Judgment declared, craning her neck up while raising her arms to the sky.


As the orange primate made his escape from The High Prosecutor, he would soon encounter another unusual visitor in here in Hell...

Further down the many trails of Hell, the sound of rocks grinding and grunting could be heard as a large stone block was kicked several feet to the side by a stocky man, who didn't appear to be a denizen of hell rather more he was native to the human world. The man in question had raven, slicked-back hair and wore a pair of shades. He was dressed in a white suit with a red button-up shirt beneath his jacket, a thick leather belt supporting his pants, and a boutonnière pinned on the lapels of his blazer. This handsome lad was unlike any other man, he woke up with a clear goal and ambition and set off to achieve it. The Helltaker was willing to fight his way to achieve his harem of demon girls, no matter what stood in his way. The Harem Master cracked his neck before turning his head the other way to see a group of demon girls (and one angel girl) waiting for him on the far end side. "Alright, the trail is clear. you guys can follow me now." Helltaker said, gesturing for his harem to follow him. "Do you SERIOUSLY have to do all this crap? Honestly, you're making my job a lot harder than it needs to be..." Malina groaned with annoyance.

"Yeah, I'm with Malina on this, can't you just walk around it like a normal person?" Pandemonica said tiredly, raising an eyebrow. "Just needed to clear the pathway a little. Don't worry, I'll make it up to you." The Helltaker replied before making his way down a pathway that was surrounded by a seemingly endless abyss. "You better like Heroes Three, you human bastard..." The Sour Demon grumbled under her breath. Meanwhile, three identical demons that shared the same red and black outfit with long white hair and dog ears protruding from their head approached eagerly approached the Harem Master. "So tell me, you're human right?" Cerberus asked, all three of her bodies speaking in perfect unison. "Yes, what about it?" The Helltaker inquired. "Well, I-I'm just asking because I never got to meet a human but... Do you have any particular weaknesses that could possibly lead to your inevitable downfall? I know it's an oddball question but can you tell us... like... right now... please...?" The Cerberus said, all three sharing the same nervous smile as if not to arouse suspicion. "Uh... Well-" Just then, a woman with short black hair and halo atop her head pushed Cerberus's bodies aside, interrupting Helltaker's answer. "Oh! If we're asking questions then can I ask if Humans and Demons procreate? This would be PERFECT for my studies in demonology!~" Azazel said with an unnerving smile while Helltaker raised a brow with confusion, a bead of sweat dripping from his forehead. "I don't know. I mean, I gues-" Helltaker was interrupted again when Azazel was shoved to the side by a demon girl with hearts fluttering around her hair. "Oh, that's a good question. Though may I ask, how far does your dick bend? This is a personal question by the way..." Modeus said with a breathy moan, creeping the harem master out completely. Just then, a demon girl with a pair of shades and hair tied into a bun stepped in. "Now, now girls! Let's not pester our friend with a slue of thought-provoking and extremely dirty questions! We'll save all of that when we're outta here, I'm sure he'll be flattered to answer our many disturbing as hell questions!" Justice declared. "Y-yeah... Totally..." The Helltaker said nervously, continuing to trek onto the perilous trail. "Tch, you bitches are really gonna ask all these questions. All there really is to know about Monkey Suit over there is that he's got a big cock, one that I'm saving for myself~" A demon with short "You know, when he said that he might regret letting you join, I'm pretty sure his intuition was correct there..." Malina said, to which The Bitch Demon responded with a snarky cackle as a gust of smoke wisped out from her maw. "Heh, too bad sis. You're always gonna put up with me no matter what." The smoking demoness said with a laugh. "Don't you dare take that dong away from me, you chain-smoking bitch..." Modeus uttered under breath, glaring daggers at Zdarda. "Will all of you just shut up already? I can't hear myself think with all you damn perverts braying like hyenas... Hey, hold on a second, any of you hear that?" Pandemonica said, perking her head up from a sound coming from behind. Helltaker and the rest of the harem heard as well, prompting all of them, with exception of Zdrada because she simply didn't care, to turn around...

...To see a large orange gorilla rushing towards them! "OH SHIT! LOOK OUT!" Helltaker shouted. "HEY, WHAT THE FU-OOOOOOH SHIIIIIIIIT!" Zdrada didn't have time to process as a pair of large orange hands hoisted her off the ground and chucked straight into the surrounding blackness. "What the fuck, is that a monkey!?" Malina shouted while The Ape merely charged at the harem. Acting fast, both Helltaker and his harem charged at the ape, Malina and Pandemonica being the first to reach the orange primate with the Sour Demon swiping at the gorilla's throat while the Tired Demon aimed for the heart with a swift and precise jab. The Ape was quick to respond as he grabbed onto both demoness's wrists and slammed their heads together, a gong-like blare erupting from the impact.


"Ooouuh... pretty liiiights...~" Pandemonica said in a daze, her eyes comically swirling. "Daaad, I don't wanna hear short pants..." Malina groaned before coming back to her senses as both she, along with Pandemonica, were also thrown off the cliff. Both demons screaming as they disappeared into the bottomless pit. "NO!" Helltaker shouted, sprinting towards the primate as fast as he could. The human attempted to knock out the gorilla with a punch to the jaw but The Ape grabbed him by the last second before pushing him into his charging harem in hopes of turning them into a bloody mess. Surprisingly, the group of demon girls quickly weaved right out of the way while Helltaker landed back first onto the hard stone grounds, his head banging against a rock that temporarily brought him out of commission. The Ape was suddenly dogpiled by all three of Cerberus's bodies, both of them letting out a 'HIYAAAAAH' noise upon landing on the gorilla's massive body. The hivemind gnawed and tore at the simian's neck and shoulders as it flailed its massive arms around in an attempt to get the demons off of him. Modeus drew out a sledgehammer, preparing to strike the gorilla in the knee caps. "You're pretty hot, maybe I can make a comprise here..." The Lustful Demon said, swinging the hammer in hopes of crippling the orange simian. The Ape stepped back, narrowly avoiding the hammer before he pried one of Cerberus's bodies off of him before chucking it at the Lustful Demon, resulting in both of them plummeting off the edge. Ape quickly yanked Cerberus off of his massive body, the two inumimis squirming around in the primate's grasps. "NOOOO! YOU CAN'T DO THIS! WE WERE SUPPOSE TO BRING HUMANITY'S DOWNFALL!" One of Cerbersus' bodies whined. The Ape merely responded by chucking them off the ledge, screaming the whole way down while the gorilla lurched forward and ensnared Azazel in a tight embrace. "H-hey! Let go of me! I haven't finished my studies!" the angel chirped, trying to break free from the gorilla's grip. "Don't worry, Azzy! I'll save ya!" Justice said, sprinting at the orange primate at speeds that far exceeded that of professional athletes as she reeled her fist back and slammed her knuckle in what she perceived to be The Ape's jaw.


"Haha! Gotcha monkey!" Justice said with a toothy grin. "N-no... You got something else though..." Azazel weakly whimpered, now sporting a black eye while sudden realization struck the Awesome Demon like a train. "Oh... sorry." The blind demoness said, rubbing the back of her head in embarrassment. In a matter of seconds, Azazel was thrown right into Justice as both the angel and demon were sent plummeting off the edge. The Helltaker was able to regain his barrings, feeling dazed at first but would be brought back to reality when he saw The Ape hurl both Justice and Azazel off the cliff. (Music Stops) "No... NO!!!" Helltaker said, scrambling back to his feet but it was far too late to save them. Helltaker looked on into the bottomless pit where his harem was thrown, both grief and rage rushing through his mind. The Harem Master snapped his head over to The Ape, who merely gazed at hellish traveler with a faceless glare. "Y-you... YOU..." Words could barely describe the scolding hot rage that overtook the Helltaker. His brows furrowed, his fists were tightly clenched, and even a few veins started to pop up on his forehead and arms. The Helltaker was beyond furious that his dreams were all tainted by this wild animal that came out of nowhere. The Helltaker knew what the next objective was; kill this beast.

"YOU BASTARD! YOU'RE GOING TO PAY FOR THIS!" Helltaker shouted, seething with rage that this gorilla had the audacity to hurt his harem. While The Ape was incapable of understanding human language, it knew just based on the Helltaker's facial expression that he wanted a fight. The Orange Primate responded to the harem master by lowering itself, preparing to charge at his new adversary. "Throw my harem off of a cliff, huh? You're a dead man!... Or monkey." Helltaker beckoned, more than ready to take the orange behemoth head-on that stood before him. In a matter of seconds, things were gonna get vicious.

In the blink of an eye, both the orange primate and the harem master made a beeline towards one another. Thanks to his greater speed and agility, The Ape scored the first blow with a shoulder check that sent the Helltaker flying. He stuck back-first against a pillar, letting out a grunt of discomfort while his simian opponent leaped high into the air, raising his fists over his head. The Helltaker quickly side-stepped the oncoming fists of The Ape, whose knuckles slammed into the ground generating a cymbal crash in the process.

The Harem Master, acting fast, threw a right hook into the Gorilla's cheek, followed by a left hook that forced the primate to step back. Helltaker prepared for another punch, his fist flying straight for the Gorilla's face only for the blow to be intercepted with a backhand from the orange simian. The Helltaker nearly dropped to the ground from the sudden attack while The Ape bull-rushed his human adversary, sending a flurry of aggressive blows his way. The Harem Master had no other choice but to avoid each blow, narrowly dodging and weaving before retaliating with a haymaker to the chest.

The Helltaker's fist struck The Ape with enough force to make it stumble back but the harem master wouldn't stop there as he began to unleash a plethora of unending punches, all of which were directed towards the gorilla's face. Each time his knuckle struck against his simian foe, it caused a loud drum crash to suddenly ring out throughout the caverns of hell. However, The Ape broke through this chain seemingly ceaseless blows with a hard elbow to the cheek that caught the Helltaker off guard. The attack was followed by the Ape clutching onto the Harem Master's shoulders and pulled him forth for a devastating headbutt!

Erupting throughout the cave was a deafening blare of a gong that left Helltaker in a daze, his body visible trembling and vibrating from the sudden impact that overtook him. Despite being stunned, The Helltaker tried his best to take a step forward before throwing his fist straight right into the ape's face. The Orange Primate, seeing the attack practically come from a mile away, merely blocked the blow and with one strong uppercut, sent his knuckle straight into the Helltaker's gut.

"Son of a bitch!" The Helltaker growled, the blow practically winding him. With his foe temporarily stunned, The Ape grabbed onto the Helltaker waist and hoisted above his head. The Harem Master frantically kicked and squirmed in the orange simian's grasp before he was suddenly thrown off the ledge of the trail, his body plummeting into a bottomless pit below. The Ape immediately left the scene, believing that he was finished with his human opponent, much like he did with the rest of his harem, but that was far from the truth.

Luck seemed to be on the Helltaker's side as a branch was jutting out from the sides of the pathway as he quickly snatched onto bough, the large twig suddenly bending from the weight of the Helltaker. Now holding onto the branch, The Helltaker pulled himself onto it which caused the twig to curve to a greater extent. The Harem Master proceeded to bounce his feet against the twig before leaping himself up to the ledge with the extra momentum of the branch giving him a good boost. The Helltaker climbed back onto the trail and saw that the orange gorilla sprinted away, prompting him to chase.

"Hey, get back here!" The Helltaker shouted, racing after The Ape as fast as his legs could allow. Returning to The Ape, he had made several yards away from where he throws The Helltaker to his death as he advanced his way further down the pathway. But as the gorilla continued further, he couldn't help but hear that footsteps trailing him from behind as he cocked his head over to his shoulder and much to his shock, The Helltaker was sprinting after him, only separated just a couple of feet. Ape picked up speed in an effort to outpace the Harem Master, but this merely cued the Helltaker to suddenly leap into the air, jumping far enough to close the gap between the two. The Helltaker successfully tackled the Ape, causing both combatants to roll across the pathway, generating an audible drum roll along the way. On the far end of the narrow trail, a skeleton guard was seen sleeping on a stool in front of a fortress he should've been guarding. However, a bizarre noise suddenly woke the skeleton from his slumber as he noticed a figure rushing towards him at high speeds.

"Eh, the hell is that?" The undead guard murmured, squinting his eyes to get a better look. However, the skeleton guard exploded into a scrap of bones as both The Ape and The Helltaker suddenly crashed right into him. They didn't stop there though, the two proceeded to ram into the metal gate-door that lead into the fortress with enough force to send it flying across the courtyard. The Helltaker was the first to get up, rubbing his head with pain before a baritone voice caught his attention, he looked over to his side to see a horde of skeleton demons charging at him.

"Look, it's the trespasser and the monkey is with him too! Let's get 'em, boys!" The head of the group announced, all of which emitted a loud war cry while the harem master mustered out a sigh of displeasure.

"Why me..." He quietly said to himself aloud before rushing into battle. The Ape was the second person to get up and took notice of a cluster of bulky skeleton demons running at him. The Orange Gorilla was about to charge when suddenly he noticed the metal gate beneath his feet and suddenly spawned a new idea as he grabbed onto the metallic door and hurled it straight at the horde, the impact smashing them into bits in less than a second!

A drum snare chimed throughout the fortress while the Ape quickly zipped into the open courtyard, grabbing a hold of a charging skeleton guard and reducing him into dust upon chucking him straight into the wall. Another skeleton demon met the same fate as it tried to apprehend the gorilla from behind whereas Helltaker jabbed his fist straight into the side of a demon's skull, easily beheading the demon with one strong blow. He proceeded to kick the headless body to the side before dashing at the orange primate. The Ape, making quick work another skeleton demon by smashing its body in two with a strike to the midsection, also turned his attention back to the Helltaker.

The orange gorilla and harem master closed to the distance between each other in a matter of seconds as they both simultaneously struck each other right in the jaw with another cymbal crash roaring through the fortress walls.

Both fighters stumbled back for a split second only to resume their brawl with Helltaker striking the orange primate in the stomach with a kick, causing a loud drum 'BOOM' to erupt from the ape's body. The Helltaker's punch was enough to send the primate flying back, but before he could rush at his foe, he noticed a large stone block sitting right by his side. Instead of asking questions on how he didn't notice this chunk of rock, The Helltaker merely stepped to the rock and reeled his leg back before effortlessly kicking it right into the orange gorilla's direction as if it were a soccer ball. The Ape pulled himself back onto his knuckles but caught wind of the oncoming stone block but rather than jumping out of the way, The Ape merely waited for the rock slab to come his way.

The Helltaker was unsure of what The Ape was planning but would be left in awe as The Ape brought up its arms and stopped the rock mass from slamming into him with both hands. The harem master had to take off his shades to see if he was hallucinating or not, reality soon took hold of him as the gorilla then pushed the monolith right back to him. This prompted The Helltaker to kick the stone block back to The Ape, who simply shoved it back. It wasn't long before both fighters were now knocking the rock hunk back and forth as if it were a game of tennis, one that stopped all the skeleton demons from attacking with all of them left in a state of mesmerization.

"Should we, like, intervene?" One skeleton guard asked.

"Nah man, they're doin' some kind of hypnotic ritual. It's beautiful..." A second skeleton said, entranced by the movement of the monolith being sent back and forth.

Growing tired of this repetitive game of pseudo-tennis, The Ape grabbed onto the stone block once Helltaker kicked over to him but rather than sending it back to his opponent, The Ape instead pulled himself onto the moving rock hunk. The Orange Gorilla then propelled himself up into the air, preparing to smash The Helltaker's corpse into a bloody pulp with his two fists. The Harem Master quickly dove forward just as the animal could crush him. Instead, groups of skeleton soldiers who weren't swift enough to step out of harm's way fell victim to aerial attack, an explosion of bone fragments scattering the entire brimstone fortress. Rising back to his feet, The Helltaker ran forward towards the Ape before tackling himself against the orange primate with all of his strength, grabbing a hold of his shoulders while simultaneously pushing himself against the gorilla.

This, in turn, would cue The Ape grasp onto his human foe's shoulders as both were stuck in a deadlock as the gorilla felt Helltaker dig his nails into his flesh while the Harem Master felt the near-crushing grip of his opponent. The two evenly matched but The Ape would ultimately prevail, using all of his strength to start lifting The Helltaker off of the ground. Despite his attempts to keep himself leveled to the ground, the gorilla suddenly spun around and launched the human across the fortress. Helltaker soared through the air but would take notice of an undead soldier running towards him with open arms, preparing to ensnare him once he landed in his grasps.

However, an idea hatched within the Harem Master's mind as launched himself towards the skeleton demon but not before bringing a leg down with his boot aimed for his head. The moment his sole of shoe connected with the skeleton's head, it cracked right open like a walnut resulting in skull fragments being sent everywhere. Quickly leaping off of the now-headless demon, The Helltaker quickly lifted its bulky body before chucking it straight at his primate adversary, who came barrelling at him with speeds that were unlike that of an enraged water buffalo. The Ape bulldozed right through the demon's headless body, shattering it into a greater mess of pieces as the primate lurched forward with both arms.

The attack failed to register when The Helltaker brought up a hand and caught the orange gorilla by its wrist. He struggled to maintain his opponent's greater weight, a cymbal crash ringing out from the collision.

Struggling to push off the gorilla's massive forearms and to make matters worse, Helltaker cocked his head over his shoulder to see the remaining skeleton demons run towards them. Originally, The Helltaker planned to push the Ape to the side so that he could ward off the demons when suddenly, an idea made its way into his head. He glanced up at his animalistic opponent, who was still hellbent on crushing the traveler into a red paste, as the Harem Master's visage cracked into a small grin.

"Hey, remember when you threw me in the air a few minutes ago? Let me return the favor!" The Helltaker spoke, confusing the gorilla as he was incapable of deciphering his foe's message. However, The Helltaker tightly clenched The Ape's forearm before suddenly swinging the gorilla right into the oncoming crowd of skeletons. The whole army came to a screeching halt and tried to book it into the other direction but they were crushed into bits by the three-hundred-pound body of The Ape, his body awkwardly bouncing along the stone floor as a loud cymbal crash echoed each time his back struck the ground.

With his foe temporarily down and no more skeletons have shown, this gave Helltaker a good moment to catch his breath as he wiped any excess blood that was dribbling from his mouth. The Ape scrambled back onto his legs and hands, shaking off all the physical trauma before staring down its source of ire. The Helltaker prepared for a dead sprint towards his foe but his eyes would catch onto a stone block that was situated beside him. Knowing that kicking the stone at The Ape didn't work, he thought of a new method that could lead to the Ape's defeat. The Gorilla was waiting for his foe to make a move but instead, his adversary merely spread his arms out and gestured the Ape to come forward.

"Go ahead, shoot your shot!" The Helltaker barked as his animalistic foe took this as a sign to barrel towards him at high speeds. While the charging gorilla would have surely made anyone turn tail and run, The Helltaker stood his ground as his legs tensed up and his fists clenched. The Ape reeled forward for a deadly blow but his opponent threw himself to the side in a swift movement. Right before the gorilla could react, the Harem Master began to push himself into the massive stone block, resulting in The Ape being struck by the moving rock chunk. The Helltaker kept pushing the rock, forcibly dragging the Ape along with him until they reached a wall, the gorilla's back striking against the stone exterior. The impact led to cracks taking shape amongst the wall, which grew worse thanks to Helltaker continuing to push the block with all of his strength.

The Ape didn't make it easy, however, as the gorilla pushed back with both legs while his hands were firmly placed against the stone walls. The fissures among the wall behind him lengthened greatly as Helltaker exerted more strength into his push. Veins began to take form on his forehead and arms while sweat dribbled down his brow, his teeth tightly clenched together while his foe continued to fight back.


Suddenly, the fortress walls were starting to shift and the outer exterior was beginning to give way from all the pressure that was being pressed against it from the inside. The Ape's legs recoiled, struggling to push back against the stone that was pressing into him. The Helltaker hoped that this would mark the end of his simian adversary.


However, Helltaker failed to realize that he was pushing too much strength into it because the next thing he knew...




Ape was sent bursting through the wall, and thanks to all the momentum stored up, so too did the Helltaker as both slid down a craggy hill that the fortress was situated upon. The Helltaker climbed on top of the moving block, using it as a crude sled while The Ape clung onto the moving lump of rock as well. As they sped down the rocky slope, the orange gorilla pulled itself up onto the top to be met with his foe trying to balance himself. The Ape swung at his human adversary, prompting him to avoid the attack by just a hair's length. The two would now enter a combative dance with both ducking and weaving around the reach of each blow. The Ape jerked himself forward, attempting to knock his foe off of the moving stone with a shoulder check but the Helltaker side-stepped the oncoming blow before striking the gorilla right in the back with a roundhouse kick. he Ape was sent tumbling back while the Harem Master sped down the hill, chuckling to himself a bit. However, this would all come to a sudden halt when the block he was ridding approached a rock that was jutting from the hill, one in a similar shape to a ramp. "You're kidding me-OH CRAP!" The Helltaker yelled aloud before he was soared through the air, hitting the solid ground as the impact sent him sprawling across the dirt-ridden ground, The stone block shattered into large rock pieces. During his tumble, The Helltaker's shades flew off from his face. The Helltaker stopped when he reached a pillar, letting out a groan of both pain and exasperation before pulling himself back to his legs. The Ape came sliding down the hill, leaping from the ledge and towards his adversary. His foe's shades laid beneath his feet as he unknowingly crushed the sunglasses upon crashing to the ground.

Hearing the crunching of glass was more than enough to get him off the ground as he glared at The Ape with a blazing glower. The gorilla merely shook of the shock of the landing and kicked the shattered pair of sunglasses to the side, resulting in them sliding over to Helltaker's shoes.

"These were five hundred dollar shades, you asshole!" The Helltaker barked, further enraged the Ape's antics while the Orange Simian responded by flinging himself at the harem master. Helltaker was tackled to the ground by the gorilla's sheer bulk as the Ape raised his fists over his head and brought them down to crush his human adversary. Sadly for the orange monkey, this attack never came to fruition as The Helltaker struck the Ape in the belly with a strong kick that was strong enough to launch the gorilla several feet back. The two fighters now stood on separate pathways, both of which were divided by a sizable crevasse. Though several stone pillars ran down the trail on The Ape's side with all of them being long enough to reach the divided land as a brand new idea came to the orange gorilla's mind. Helltaker got back to his feet and shook off the brunt of the landing before a rumbling garnered his attention, prompting him to turn around to see a large stone collum falling towards him. "SHIT!" The Harem Master shouted, sprinting out of harm's way while the stone pillar collapsed behind him. This cued The Ape to chase after his human adversary, knocking down each and every pillar along the way. The Helltaker found himself ducking and leaping over one obstacle after the other, trying to outpace the gorilla though The Ape was easily caught up to him. As the two continued further down their separate trails, their journey would come to end when just up ahead, a massive chasm laid before both paths, with land being divided from land just by few meters. Just from seeing it alone was enough for Helltaker to pick up speed, running as fast as his legs could allow, slowly but surely outpacing The Ape.

The Primate made it a priority to keep up with his foe, continuing to knock down every structure it came across along the way. When reaching the end of his track, Helltaker sprung himself forward with an outstretched arm just barely grabbing onto the ledge of the cliff. As for the Ape, a relatively large pillar stood in his way but he easily knocked it down with a strong shove. The pillar toppled down and managed to reach the land from across, acting as a bridge of sorts for the orange gorilla to cross. Pulling himself back up, The Helltaker cracked his neck before taking notice of The Ape making his way to the ground. Dashing over to the orange gorilla, The Helltaker greeted his foe with a jab to the cheek.

Hobbling back, The Ape shook off the impact and hurled itself forward with his muscly arms wrapping themselves around The Helltaker's neck, trapping him in a headlock. The Ape flexed his arm so that he could squeeze the life out of his human adversary, who growled and choked, holding onto his forearm. The Helltaker, using all of his strength, slowly but surely pulled the Ape's arm off of him while using his other one to furiously punch him in the gorilla in the face. After a few good hits, The Ape had no choice but to lessen the headlock's grip which gave the Helltaker his chance to break free. Pushing the Ape's arm to the side, he kicked the gorilla several yards away.

The orange primate dug its knuckles into the dirt below, leaving behind noticeable skid-marks among the ground. The Ape craned its neck up, both combatants glaring at one another for a brief moment. It wouldn't take long for both of them to rush at the other, ready to keep their skirmish going.

Just then from up above...


The Ape and The Helltaker came to a screeching halt as a familiar voice suddenly boomed through the area. Looking up, both fighters saw nonother than Judgement, looming above them with her arms folded and a sadistic smirk taking form on her features.

"Lucifer will be happy to hear that not only did I manage to wrangle that filthy animal but also catch the human who had the gall to set foot in here!" The High Prosecutor said, spreading both her arms out while several white emblems were beginning to manifest in the air.

"I've heard what you bastards did to my colleagues and now IT'S TIME TO PAY THE PRICE! LET YOUR TORTURE BEGIN!" Judgment cackled like the madwoman she is.

"Wait, you don't understand. I-"


The Helltaker's explanation never came to be when an orange fist came colliding with his cheek, knocking him several yards away. The Ape had no time for words, it wanted freedom and it wanted it now. Judgment sent out a stream of white chains into the direction of both fighters, as the two of them scattered into different directions. They both ran a semi-circle around The High Prosecutor, who continued to send down wave after wave of chains into their direction. Upon meeting up, The Ape slugged the Helltaker right in the chest but this was only replied with a fist striking against his face. It wouldn't take long for a fistfight to break out between the two, but the slugfest would be interrupted when a chain came flying right between them, forcing the two to pull themselves back to avoid the projectile.

"Look at you both, so desperate to claw their way out of this suffering. AFTER EVERYTHING YOU TWO MONSTERS HAVE DONE, I ASSURE YOU BOTH THAT YOUR TORMENT WILL BE LEGENDARY!" Judgment cackled while Helltaker craned his neck up to the gray demoness

"Please, I would never hurt you. It was never something I wanted t-"


"AUGH! FUCKIN' HELL!" The Helltaker growled aloud, feeling the Ape slug him in the back of the head. The Ape attempted to throw another punch but was clocked right in the jaw by the harem master, who proceeded to doge another series of chains from the High Prossecuriter.

"YES, THAT'S RIGHT! FIGHT AS THOUGH YOUR WORTHLESS LIVES DEPEND ON IT, BUT NOW, IT WILL ALL BE FORFEIT ONCE I STEP IN!" Judgment roared at the top of her lungs before dropping to the ground, kicking specs of dirt and dust upon striking the craggy floor. In a split second, she came racing towards her first target, that being the Ape as she swung her claws down in a swift movement. The Ape jumped back, narrowly avoiding the razor-sharp tips of The High Prosecutor's claws while The Helltaker made his move towards the orange gorilla. Noticing his foe approaching him, The Ape quickly brushed past another swing from Judgment before grabbing a hold of her from behind. Trapping the demoness in a full-nelson as she wriggled around in the Ape's grasp.

"AUGH, TAKE YOUR STINKING PAWS OFF ME, YOU DAMN DIRTY A-WOAH!" She was suddenly spun around to face the charging Helltaker, who suddenly hastily stumbled in his sprint upon seeing Judgement right before him. Unable to control himself, he tripped forward with an arm extended outwards. Instead of falling to the ground, however, he instead caught his fall by grabbing onto something relatively warm and squishy. Craning his neck up, Helltaker's pupils shrunk the size of a pea upon seeing what he was clenching.

The object in question being Judgment's breasts.

Recoiling his arm, Helltaker awkwardly looked at the now blushing Judgment. Even the Ape, while devoid of facial expression, glanced over Judgement's shoulders before turning his gaze back to Helltaker as if to say 'You fucked up, my guy'.

"I'm so sorry for that. I did not mean to do that, y-you see I... uh... heheh... Oh shit..."

The Ape threw Judgement right into Helltaker, prompting him to quickly dodge out of the way as The High Prosecutor slid across the dirt-ridden grounds with her heels digging into the soil beneath her. She looked up, clearly enraged at these two had made a blushing fool out of her. She growled and clenched her hands before a series of chains materialized around her arm.

"YOU PERVERTS DARE MAKE AN ASS OUT OF ME?! NOW YOUR SUFFERING WILL BE EXCRUCIATING!" Judgment howled before sending out a strand of chain, aiming primarily for Helltaker. Acting fast, The Helltaker kicked his animalistic opponent right into the chain's trajectory while he bolted into the opposite direction. The chain wrapped itself around The Ape's wrist, a burning sensation starting to take place that made orange primate shutter with pain. Smirking with sadistic glee, The High Prosecutor gave the chain a hard tug in hopes of pulling the gorilla to her but The Ape instead yanked back, almost causing the demoness to stumble onto the ground.

Keeping her stance strong, Judgment gritted her teeth and pulled onto the chain as the two now had entered a game of tug-o-war. Suddenly, the gorilla began to sprint in the direction of the Helltaker which prompted The High Prosecutor to follow him, still holding on to the chain. Helltaker ducked right down just in time as the white chain came zooming over his head, only taking off a singular strand of hair in the process. Both the demon and the gorilla stopped abruptly after a few paces, still gripping both ends of the chain as Judgment, with a twist of her arms, swung The Ape to the side. Seeing the Ape flying towards him, The Helltaker readied himself and latched right onto the moving gorilla when the opportunity came.

Now latching onto The Ape, the harem master began to furiously wail on him while keeping an arm around the gorilla's neck. The orange primate tried to get his foe off of him but suddenly, they would both smash right into a rocky wall, courtesy of Judgment. The High Prossecuitor didn't stop there as she proceeded to swing them in the other direction, both combatants hitting the wall simultaneously.

The Helltaker growled with pain, shaking off the brunt of the crash before he was suddenly lifted by the nape of his neck before being hurled several feet away from the Ape. With the chain still wrapped around his wrist, began to turn the tables on Judgement by swinging her to the side. Seeing the chain move towards him, The Helltaker dove above the moving the long chain-link as it barely nicked the tip of his shoes.

"BLASTED ANIMAL! LET GO!" Judgment snarled, trying to tug at the chain. Helltaker, meanwhile, made a dash towards his foe but the gorilla took notice of his foe heading towards him. With a strong tug, he brought Judgment flying forward, causing the Helltaker to dodge yet again while The Ape to the center of the arena before clutching onto the chain that held onto him. The orange primate started to spin around in circles, forcing the Helltaker to constantly duck each time the chain came his way.

Judgment felt herself being lifted off the ground while her world was now starting to spin around at high speeds. Her hair frantically blew through the swift wind that was similar to that of a rollercoaster ride. The Ape had no intention of slowing down as he increased the speed tenfold, spinning at high speeds that seemed outright impossible for a beast like him. The High Prosecutor could feel her grip becoming gradually weaker by the seconds.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? NO! STOP!" Judgment screeched but her demands fell on deaf ears. The Ape began to wildly swing The High Prossecuitor around in circles, her grip loosening on the chain as she struggled to maintain herself. Her body flailed throughout the air while The Helltaker attempted to try and stop her from flying off. However, this attempt would be all for naught as he was accidentally kicked right in the face by Judgment's leg. With one strong whip of the chain, Judgement was sent flying over the edge and into the pit as she let out one final cry of anger before she plummeted into the abyss.


(Music Stops)

The Helltaker couldn't do anything but watch, watch as Judgement fell into the dark pits much like the rest of his harem. With one arm outstretched and a look of sorrow visible on his face, The Helltaker recoiled it and shed a singular tear. Another potential member, victim of a bottomless pit.

However, his sadness would ultimately devolve into scolding hot rage as gazed up to see The Ape, removing Judgment's chain from his wrist before casually throwing it to the side. Cocking his head over to the harem master, The Ape merely smacked his chest in a prideful manner as a drum snare bellow out. The Helltaker's brows furrowed before he quickly wiped the tears from his eyes. Rising back up to his feet, he slowly made his way towards The Ape at a slow pace. If looks could kill, The Ape would've been dead where he stood.

"My one and only dream were to obtain a harem of demon girls but thanks to you, that's NEVER going to happen." The Helltaker snarled, the orange primate merely standing his ground. Waiting for his foe to make an attack at any given moment right now. "My ambitions, my hopes, EVERYTHING THAT I FOUGHT SO HARD FOR NOW UP IN SMOKE THANKS TO YOU!"

The Helltaker held up his fists, entering into a fighting stance. One that the Ape responded by slamming his fists onto the ground, signifying that it accepted the Helltaker's challenge. The Helltaker gave out one final sentence before the final showdown unfurled.


In the blink of an eye, both combatants grabbed at each other with open arms and tackled into each other. However, not wanting to be stuck in another deadlock, The Helltaker began to viciously drive his knee into the Ape’s gut numerous times with each knee resulting in a brief drum snare ringing from the gorilla’s abdomen. Though despite the damages inflicted, this didn’t shake the Ape off, instead, it only encouraged the primate to tighten its grip. The thin fabric of the Helltaker’s blazer only being his form of defense against the near-bone crushing grip of The Ape that forced a pained grunt out of The Helltaker. Suddenly, the hellish traveler was lifted off the ground before being smashed into the ground.

With his foe pinned to the ground, The Ape reeled a fist back and struck at the Helltaker’s face, who narrowly jerked it to the side while the orange gorilla’s fist passed by and instead struck the dirt beneath him. The Orange Primate didn’t let up, however, as it continuously struck at his foe, hoping that he would turn his face into a bloodied heap of mush but The Helltaker was quick to bob each and every one of his attacks with precise movements. When avoiding one more fatal blow, The Helltaker saw this as a window of opportunity to strike as he slugged The Ape right in the cheek, a cymbal crash blaring from the impact.

The punch's impact forced The Ape off of The Helltaker as the gorilla was sent sprawling several yards away. The Harem Master wasted no time in scrambling back up and making a beeline towards his foe. Along the way, he picked up a jagged hunk of rock and with no time, he sprung forward while raising the razor-sharp stone above his head. The Ape didn't have a millisecond to think when he felt a sharp, piercing sensation surge throughout his shoulder region. A shock of a drum snare ringing out the moment Helltaker inserted the sharp rock into the Ape's abdomen. Yellowish-Orange blood started to seep from the gorilla's shoulder as it quickly swatted his foe away with a backhand, prompting his opponent to weave out of the way. His movements were shaky and stiff as it pulled the spike from his gut, resulting in more blood spilling out. Reeling his arm back, The Ape made a solid pitch at the Helltaker as the blood-soaked rock smacked right into his nose, breaking it upon impact. The rock piece bounced onto the ground, now covered in a bloody mixture of both red and orange as The Helltaker craned his neck up, his nostrils oozing out blood and his face sporting a look of primal rage. The Ape sped forward, swinging a fist down only for The Helltaker to catch his wrist in the air mid-swing. He proceeded to reel his head back and smash it right into the gorilla's forehead. A cymbal swell was emitted from the impact before the harem master promptly unloaded a series of jabs and hooks before ending the combo off with one haymaker to the face. But this didn't come to be as The Ape jerked itself to the side before embedding a fist right into Helltaker's gut, a punch that knocked out out all the wind that his lungs carried as the gorilla jettisoned him almost a dozen yards away. Digging his feet into the dirt, the harem master nearly fell over but he was determined to take down this beast. Before running back into the battle, The Helltaker took notice of two objects that were situated apart from one another, a set of stone structures holding a bowl of white fire. Rushing up to the structures, The Helltaker gave a powerful kick that causing it to tip over which sent the bowl flying from its container before spilling ivory flames onto the ground. The Ape stopped dead in its tracks upon seeing the wall of fire take form before him. The gorilla taking a few steps back out of fear. His human opponent wasn’t done with him just yet as he ran over to the other stone structure and toppled it with a strong kick of his boot. The second flamming bowl flew into the flaming barrier, causing it to double in size. From The Helltaker's point of view, The Ape was barely visible through a blazing wall of white fire and he believed that it was more than enough to end his life. But he couldn't be more wrong in his entire life for he heard something that sounded like a fast-paced drum beat while an orange blob could vaguely be made out in the fire...

Helltaker was utterly baffled to see The Ape leaping right out of the blinding flames, smashing through the wall of white fire with a piercing yet elegant crash of cymbals that chimed through all circles of hell to hear...

The Harem Master didn't have a second to breathe as he was struck by the flaming gorilla's shoulders with the force and velocity of a moving truck. The Ape had his muscular arms wrapped around his foe's waist as he tackled him along the brimstone grounds of hell. The harem master began to pound and strike at the gorilla's board shoulders, even going as far as to bite down onto his neck causing more yellow blood to trickle from the orange primate's body. Even then, The Ape kept moving, undeterred and focused. The orange gorilla was setting course for the end of a cliffside, something The Helltaker took notice of this as he tried to restrain his animalistic foe with a chokehold. While did do a good job in slowing the movements of The Ape by just a smidge, it still wasn't enough to stop the gorilla in his tracks as both were sent flying off of the ledge. Just several feet bellow then was solid ground and as they made their descent, Helltaker began to furiously lay into the gorilla with a slue of strong punches only for The Ape suddenly flip the Helltaker onto the opposite end before raising both his fists and smashing down onto his torso, the two plummeting further down before striking the brimstone floor with an audible 'THUD'. Surprisingly, the harem master was able to endure the fall and much to the Ape's surprise, send him to fly over him with a mule kick from both legs. The Ape made a quick recovery by springing back onto his arms and legs while The Helltaker boosted himself up and made a rush for his foe. Both opponents reeled their fists back the moment they got up close and entered a slugfest of the century! BANG!

The Ape struck first. BANG! Then Helltaker retaliated. BANG! Then the Ape. BANG! Then the Helltaker. BANG! Back. BANG! To. BANG! Back. BANG! The Ape tumbled a bit but it was not down for the count yet while The Helltaker spat out a gob of blood before eying down the source of his ire with a glare of biting contempt. The Ape knelt down before barreling at The Helltaker, who made his move as well, his fist hurtling towards the gorilla's jaw. The Ape moving his knuckle right underneath The Helltaker's chin as both attacks found their mark, resulting in a booming gong chime that made cavernous walls of Hell quake!

(Music Stops)

The two combatants stumbled backward, collectively recoiling their fists to catch their breath. Due to the fire, it was all hard to breathe but Helltaker was able to maintain a stance while The Ape nearly keeled onto the floor hadn't it been for an arm that kept him elevated off the ground.

The Ape, who was unfairly taken from his environment and killed during an escape attempt, was thrown into this hellhole. He needed to find an escape out of this mess so that he could continue his life in freedom without being stuck in a cage. All these demons he had torn his way through and This man were his only true obstacles from freedom.

The Helltaker, who awoke with a burning desire for a harem of demon girls, came down here for a dream that he had set out to accomplish. Fighting through enemies and puzzles to get what he needed. Only for his dream to be shattered into bite-sized pieces by this wild animal that had beaten him to near fatigue.

Even after everything they've been through, they were determined to overcome the odds and achieve the goal that they've pushed themselves through.

Only one would prevail in the end.

The Ape and The Helltaker circled each other one final time, determined to end this hellacious battle as both fighters made one last beeline towards one another. The Helltaker attempted to sock the gorilla right in the face with a haymaker but blow easily caught in mid-air by the gorilla, prompting the Harem Master to attack with his other arm only for this to be easily countered as well. With his adversary caught in his grasps, The Ape firmly planted a foot against the Helltaker's abdomen, the impact winding him in the process, and started to pull at his arms. The Helltaker tried to break free but it was far too late for him as his simian foe had a tight hold on both his arms. The sickening sound of bones cracking and tearing of flesh filled the area but the horrific results soon came to fruition as The Ape gave one strong tug...


Helltaker's eyes widened with terror as he stumbled back, his arms now ripped from his body. The Harem Master unleashed a scream of both horror and pain, blood spilling from the stumps that once held his arms. His screams would be silenced as he suddenly knocked to the floor by a shoulder check from the Ape, who then raised the two amputated arms that once belonged to The Helltaker over his head and clapped them together. Soon, The Ape began to frantically beat down onto The Helltaker's head with his own arms in a rhythmic fashion.

♫~BA-BA-BA-BA!~♫ ♫~BLAM!~♫ ♫~BA-BA-BA!~♫ ♫~BA-BA-BA!~♫

And with one final drumbeat that capped this wild battle...


The Helltaker's head exploded like a watermelon as blood, skull fragments, brain matter, hair clumps, and bits of flesh exploded onto the brimstone grounds of hell. The Harem Master's mutilated body dropped to the floor like a sack of potatoes while The Ape tossed aside his opponent's arms to the side before beating his chest in victory.

The fight was finally over.

(Music Stops)

The Ape cracked its neck, its arms and hands coated the blood of The Helltaker before sprinting off and leaving the bloodied body of his opponent for the vultures, or any sort of hellish abomination, to enjoy. As the orange simian continued his way, he suddenly stopped, failing to realize where the fight had taken him. Situated before him was a long red gate and from the other side was a white vortex. Curious, The Ape extended its arms out, and with a strong tug, ripped the gate right off of its hinges almost effortlessly.

The Orange Gorilla proceeded to leap into the vortex, getting sucked right in almost immediately. The Ape was sent flying through a white void, which seemed endless, but suddenly he was shot forward at rapid speeds similar to a bullet fired from a gun. Before the gorilla had time to process, he found himself crashing onto a dirt-ridden terrain. The Ape scrambled back onto his legs before finding himself standing in the lush green forest, rows upon rows of trees stood in the soil, stretching for miles on end while the afternoon sun flickered through the thick greenery. The orange primate turned around to the portal that sent him here was now gone.

At first, The Ape had no idea what had just happened. Everything flew by so fast that his animalistic mind could barely comprehend what had unfurled. But finally, the revelation struck him like an oncoming freight train.

There was no question about it, he was free.


Aftermath Screen:

The Ape quickly runs off into the lush green forest, disappearing into the wilderness in a matter of seconds. Meanwhile, The Helltaker's harem was shown to have survived the whole ordeal as they pull themselves back onto the solid ground, unaware that their master was dead.


UL: Damn, Neil Peart must be smiling from drummer heaven right now.

Mettaton: I’m telling you, Primates are natural-born drummers!... Wait a minute, that came out wrong.

UL: Eh, let Twitter be the judge of that. Anyways, at first glance, this fight seemed rather close. Both were roughly equal in overall strength with The Ape being strong enough to splatter armored guards and tear metal doors off their hinges while The Helltaker is able to destroy giant chain links and move large stone blocks just by kicking them. Plus, both have had the experience of fighting against large hordes of enemies and coming out on top. However, as we dove deeper, the odds were in the orange primate’s favor, and for good reason.

Mettaton: Whilst the Helltaker may have arguably had the experience advantage given how he faced off against actual superhuman foes such as Hell's Soldiers and Judgement. Not only that, but compared to the Ape’s animalistic nature, he was a lot more careful and level-headed. But unfortunately, that’s where all of his advantages come to an end. For one thing, The Ape was far faster than Helltaker by a landslide. The Harem Master may be fast enough to dodge Judgement’s chains but his simian foe could dodge bullets, flamethrower fire, and even bloody rockets as well. Those feats most certainly blow anything the Helltaker could do right out of the water and into the sky!~

UL: Not only that but the Ape was far tougher since this jazz monkey could survive several gunshots and point-blank explosions before being brought down. Whereas The Helltaker can soak up some damage here and there, he’s still ultimately human. In fact, it’s been proven over and over that he can die from anything really, especially his own harem, that shares a similar, or at the very least inferior, strength compared to The Ape.

Mettaton: It wasn't just primarily stats that tipped the odds in the Ape's favor and we're not talking about his wicked percussion skills. When it came to intelligence, The Helltaker was more strategic and as we've already gone over, he's a lot more level-headed. However, The Ape is able to show more resourcefulness and creativity compared to his human adversary, whether it be from pushing his foes into walls, using doors or goons as shields and weapons, to tricking people into offing each other. Compare that to the Helltaker, whose only basic combat skills are kicking and punching, and you can see the advantage was clear cut for the orange primate.

UL: In short, The Helltaker was no slouch but sadly, The Ape had the speed, durability, resourcefulness, and combat intelligence that allowed him to achieve victory. Honestly, if I was Helltaker, I should have taken some extra PRECUSSIONS when fighting this simian!

Mettaton: The victor of this match-up is, The Ape!


The Ape (WINNER)

+The fastest of the two +Tougher +A more outside-the-box thinker +Due to literally being an animal, seduction would do jack to him =Tied in AP(e) -Reckless -Arguably less experienced

The Helltaker (LOSER)

+Arguably the most experienced +More Rational and Level-headed +More strategic +Physically capable of keeping up with his foe... =Tied in AP(e) -...But would still falter in the end -The slowest of the two -Nowhere near as tough -Not as creative -Seduction was pretty much not going to work here

(Special thanks to Scarat234 for the winner gif!)

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