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  • Writer's pictureMrNate2015

Your ride's over, Mutie... Time to die! Frank Horrigan butchers DEATH BATTLE!


First Appearance: Fallout 2 (1998)

Age: Unknown 

Aliases: Enclave's Greatest Soldier, A True American 

Occupation: Military Enforcer of Enclave



*One of The most deadliest creatures to have ever walk the waste-lands of Fallout

*Even before his mutation, Frank served in the United States Secret Service

*Serves as the Enclave's Trump Card, involving himself in several difficult missions

-Most of them ended up successful 

*Killed Gruthar and the rest of the Intelligent Deathclaws of Vault 13

*When the Chosen One fought him, it was said that he had a fifteen percent chance when it came to defeating Frank

*One of the most underrated badasses in video game history 

-Badass enough to be named after a Clint Eastwood character



(Large Building to City Block)

*Possibly the strongest character in all of the Fallout-verse

*Several times stronger than the common Super Mutant

-For comparison, A super mutant has a muscle mass of 77.41%, at 3.2 meters, and skin is extremely tough in respect to scalpels

--Given how Frank is twelve feet tall, his mutant physiology should be immensely superior

-F.E.V increases his strength by a tenfold

*Considered by his fellow men to be a "Walking Nuke"

*In-Game stats show that his strength level is up to ten

*Easily one-shots Deathclaws

-Deathclaws are durable enough to tank bullets, point blank explosions (some of which can level buildings), and laser fire

*Can easily tear and crush Power Armor

-Power Armor in the Fallout Verse roughly have City Block level durability 

--Damaged the Chosen One, who was cladded with the same type of armor

Speed & Reflexes:

(Peak Human to Supersonic)

*Despite his bulky frame, Frank is deceptively quick on his feet

*In-Game stats show that his Agility level is up to ten

*In-game, Can attack several times per round

*Can easily dodge bullets, plasma blasts, machine gun fire, and laser fire 

*Can keep up with physically fit humans despite being weighed down by his armor

*Super Mutants are said heightened reflexes and sense, and Frank should have better reflexes

Durability & Stamina:

(Large Building to City Block)

*Durability is heavily augmented by his Armor

*Durability should be superior to other Super Mutants

-This would include Marcus, who literally has bullets imbedded in his body but he doesn't seem to mind

*Survived being mutated and experimented on

*Literally laughed off Plasma fire like it was nothing

-Plasma is powerful enough to reduce someone into a smoldering pile of ash 

*Frank can also tank laser fire, explosions, rockets, and small arms fire

*Can tank shots from The Plasma Defender and The Plasma Caster at his peak

-These weapons are said to be able to melt heat resistant metal

--For comparison, The Robo Scorpion, the biggest enemy in New Vegas, is comprised of said metal and the amount to fully vaporize it would be around City Block level

*His armor should more than likely be superior to other forms of Power Armor in the Fallout-Verse (SEE BELLOW) 

*Even after he blasted in half, Frank was still alive for a short period of time before ultimately dying

-He was even able to speak coherently 



-Due to his towering appearance and bulky physique, he can easily intimidate someone

-Made a fully armored man yip in fear after he tanked plasma shots fired at him

Skill Combatant:

*Given how long he has served in the Enclave, he must have years of combat training

*Able to take on several people all at once

-Some of which are either armed with Power Armor or fellow Super Mutants

*Matched the Chosen One in combat


*The proudest American of them all

*The definition of cold and ruthless

-Ordered a family to be killed because they wouldn't join the Enclave

*Will consider anything outside the Enclave as a threat

*Despite being a Super Mutant, Frank resents/denies the fact that he is one

-He even goes so far as to call The Chosen One a Mutie

*While his In-game stats say his intelligence is at ten, it's also said that Frank has low intellect

-It's further damage due to the F.E.V injections he takes daily


Arm-Mounted Melee Socket:

*Frank's choice of melee combat

*A large metal knife mounted on his arm

*Can severely damage The Chosen One

-Even if he's cladded in Power Armor

Arm-Mounted Plasma Canon:

*Frank's choice of range weaponry

*Can inflict massive amounts of damage

-Even to foes wearing Power Armor

*Uses Microfusion cells 

-Holds fifty shots

*Can easily be reloaded with the Microfusion reactor

Microfusion Reactor:

*Supplies Frank with ammunition for his Plasma Canon

*A Source of power for Frank's armor but that is uncertain

*Increases stamina

Cybernetic Armor:

*A Highly Advanced Cybernetic Armor that was grafted onto Frank's body

*Immensely durable (SEE ABOVE FOR DURABILITY)

-Durability of the armor is around City Block

*Should be superior to other forms of Power Armor in the Fallout-verse

-For comparison, The Power Armor MK II is durable enough withstand being blasted by a plethora of lasers (which was around City Block level)

--Another comparison to be made would be T-51b Armor, which is bullet proof and can last a hundred years without refueling 

*Armor is equipped with Bionic Eyes, Arm Control Mechanisms and Leg Rotators

*Powered by the Microfusion Reactor


*Mentally Unstable

-Even before his mutation, Frank had psychological problems

--F.E.V has damaged to his mind to a further extent

*Somewhat vulnerable to electricity

-Albeit, this isn't much of a setback 

*If cut from his F.E.V, he'll more than likely die

-With his body exploding in half...ouch

"You've gotten a lot farther than you should have, but then you haven't met Frank Horrigan either. Your ride's over, mutie. Time to die."

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