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  • Writer's pictureMrNate2015

A DBX Teaser...





Location: The Village of Whispers, 2023...


"A-Are you sure this will work?"

"I don't know but, it might as well be the only thing we got."

"This is stupid, you mean to tell me that this is our ONLY option!?"

"And what the hell do you think we can do now? The police have done everything they could and it still wasn't enough..."

A crowd of muttering disrupted the eerie stillness of a small Japanese village that was shrouded in a white, transparent mist while tall trees surrounded the area. Buildings and huts were dilapidated beyond the point of living while gravestones were implanted in the soil, some of which had been cracked and weathered by the environment itself. It was crystal clear that the whole village had been lost to time itself and became one with the forest. Any locals of the area who were familiar with the village's history would have known better not to dwindle in such an area for they are aware that it was her resting place. However, it seemed as though the warnings were disregarded by a group of foreigners who had the guts to set foot in such a scene.

Far from the comfort of their own home and into such an unnerving area, one would question why they were here to begin with. The group was all huddled together around an ancient shrine that was bedecked with lit candles and old ragdolls that were covered in grime and filth. The moment they stepped foot into this village, their presence was unwelcomed. As they gazed at this very shrine, their existence was unwanted. "This is nothing more than pointless hocus pocus! Are we truly going to believe this is going to work?!" One member questioned. "I'm open to any other idea. That is if you've GOT ONE!" KA-BOOM! Thunder roared in response to this petty moment of rage. Everyone felt the reason why. That second of the wrath of incomparable to her endless wrath of her. All doubts were erased, but all fears remained high. "W-We've come too far to back out now. And I don't just mean in regards to the fact that we flew to another damn country whose language and culture we don't know a damn thing about." "S-S-Speak for yourselves. I'm the only reason why any of us understood anyone here." In the middle of their conversation, or argument, the candles started to glow with greater intensity, almost enough to reduce them to simply just flames dancing through the wind. One of them noticed this and wasted no time getting to their knees in prayer. The rest saw this, and remained incredulous in spite of their terrors. "... Do you actually believe in that legend?" "I'm not even sure if it's worth believing. All I believe is that my child isn't in my arms, and it's no different for the rest of you." The one currently speaking took their time, before replying, "I just want some form of justice for the fact that I can no longer cherish my child like the treasure that they are. And I know the rest of you want the same thing. Why else would we want to come here?" “I… I understand that but… Is this truly the way to go? We’re actually resorting to something like this?... I'm just as crestfallen as you but is this really the way to go?” “If you’re so damn skeptical then tell me, why are you still here?” Although it seemed like an argument was about to break out among the two, their bickering ceased altogether when something caught their attention, as well as the entire group. Barely in earshot, there was a choir of whispers, one that seemed to have been coming from all around. A great terror washed over the group, every instinct in their body told them to run and leave this place behind but somehow, they remained in this desolate village. The only one who was willing to pray huddled closer to the shrine, almost curling up into a ball and hoping their orison was answered. “Please… I know we’re not welcomed here. I know you’re unwilling to assist a bunch of foreigners and their petty squabbles but you must understand. All of our children are gone, it happened years ago and we were too careless to prevent everything from happening. They said that the killer was never found but I know that’s a lie, he’s still here even after all this time.” As the whispers grew louder, their fear became stronger. Yet, within that fear, desperation for justice that the physical world could not provide cried just as vibrantly as the hollowed whispers of this ruined village. "千の泉の永遠の子。この日、私たちの復讐の叫びに応えてください。" All except for the one who's kneeled at the shrine, all eyes turned to the only one who could speak a lick of Japanese. They didn't understand a single syllable of what was said, but they could understand that it most likely had something to do with their terror. ".... We're actually going through with this?" An answer wasn't given. An answer wasn't needed. Soon, the rest of the group kneeled down to the grave. To the best of their abilities, which were outright atrocious, they repeated the chant that would lead to the justice they've long since desired. "千の泉の永遠の子。この日、私たちの復讐の叫びに応えてください。" "千の泉の永遠の子。この日、私たちの復讐の叫びに応えてください。" "千の泉の永遠の子。この日、私たちの復讐の叫びに応えてください。" "千の泉の永遠の子。この日、私たちの復讐の叫びに応えてください。" "千の泉の永遠の子。この日、私たちの復讐の叫びに応えてください。" As their chanting continued, the world around started to darken greatly as though night had fallen earlier than anticipated. The whispering transformed into a cacophony of distorted cries, swarming around the village as though the air itself was screaming. While their chanting was relatively jumbled and botched, it still conveyed a crystal clear message. The pain of loss. The rage of a broken family. The demand for justice. Just before the whispering could escalate, dead silence took hold of the village yet again. All that could truly be heard was the rustling of wind that swooped through the canopy and passed through the graves. A gust of wind brushed by the ensemble, carrying a distinct presence that sent chills down their spines. The wick of the candle flickered and whisked from the gelid rush but the flames stood their ground and remained lit. The one who had started this chanting slowly craned their neck up to where they saw her. Everyone else all looked up and were petrified with fear of what they saw. A young woman of Asian descent with ghoulish pale skin and long raven hair that reached down to her shoulders and partially covered her face. Her clothing consisted of a rose pink kimono that was tattered and torn and her feet were caked in dirt and mud. She had a hunched stance and grasped in her hand was a long naginata with a ribbon, using the weapon to keep herself elevated. She glared at the intruders with a pair of cold, white piercing eyes that invaded their soul. Hisako was awakened from her slumber and was angered to see that her village had been soiled by encroachers that dare set foot on her shrine. "あなたは墓から私を呼んでいます。 この妨害を保証するものは何ですか?..." "AHHHHHHHHH!" A terrified scream almost lead to one part of the group immediately kicking it, if they weren't being held back by two others. "LET ME GO! FUCK THIS PLACE! I'M NOT GONNA RISK GETTING MY ASS HAUNTED OVER THIS!!!" "Calm down, for fucks sake! We're already here, so we may as well go through with it!" "FUCK THAT! AND FUCK YOU ALL! I'M NOT GOING TO LET MYSLEF BE--" "ささいな論争があなたがここに来るために持っているすべてであるならば。今すぐ出発!" The weather took a turn for the dark. The winds cried, the thunder roared, and the group screamed. She was not pleased. Her eternal rest was besmirched by greed and gluttony, now it is being insulted by pettiness and incompetence. She may as well just cut them down where they stand and be done with them! And be done with this-- "WAIT, WAIT! PLEASE! We wouldn't come here if we truly did not require your help!" ... Help?... They required her help?... "... 私の助け?" "We've heard tales of a spirit driven by vengeance that continues to haunt this village. We're hoping that this spirit is you." Hisako tilted her head with intrigue, curious as to why a cavalcade of foreigners, who came all the way from America to her homeland, in desperate need of her services. The wrathful apparition was willing to hear their claims but if one were to make a fatal move, then surely she would tear them to pieces. "じゃあなぜここにいるのか教えてくれ 正当な理由がある方がいい" Hisako said, willing to hear their case. Stepping up, the head of this group spoke up to let the vengeful spirit hear their pleas. "Y-you see, nearly forty years ago, my child went missing. But it wasn't just mine, everyone else with me lost their children on the same day, at the same place... It was an old pizzeria called Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, from what I've heard now, it's been repurposed into some chintzy horror attraction bullshit..." "そして、これは私の睡眠を乱すことと何が関係していますか?" The onryo inquired, narrowing her eyes slightly. "Well, you see, it had been revealed that our children were actually murdered and stuffed into the animatronic characters by a total madman... We all swore that we would find the bastard who did this to them and make him suffer for what he did. We did everything we could to find him but no matter what we did we kept hitting a dead end..." "もしそうなら、どうやって彼がまだ生きていることを知るのですか?" Hisako interrogated, staking a shaky step forward. "私たちが知っているすべてのために、彼は私たちが話すように死んでいる可能性があります。" "I... I know it sounds insane but we all know that he's still out there, it may have been over three decades but he's still there..." "それが事実なら。" The vengeful spirit said, extending a hand out with her other still clutching her father's halberd. "それから私が裁判官になります。" Before they could react, Hisako charged forth to the bravest of the group, the one who spoke on everyone's behalf, like a spider who's just caught a fly. Not even a gasp was let out before the onryo grabbed their arm, grasping it with enough strength to deny any resistance, yet leave no bruising. "W-What... What are you doing?" "私の判断を投げかける。"

Soon, all that approached the apparition was an empty, dead blackness. Hisako could hear, nor see, nothing. It was silent, almost as dead as she was. Curious as she was. Hisako was not going to explore this endless abyss in some fruitless attempt of finding an answer. It would end up being a waste of time. Perhaps everything in regards to this may have been nothing but a waste of time.

Then she heard them.

She felt them.






Desperate calls for help. Children calling for their parents. There was nothing else except for that single aspect about this whole experience that horrified the spirit. She knew the world could be a cruel place, her curse is proof of that, her past is a milestone of it, but for children be left in this state of anguish. All of that, however, wouldn't mean anything if they could simply pass on, yet something refused to let them do so. Someone was denying them their release, the one act of kindness that they so finally deserve.

"とても若い人の人生はとても早くとられました。母親と父親は、彼らがとても大切にしていた宝物を奪いました。" Hisako's horror morphed to the rage she was so very well-known for. "これらの犯罪の責任者の顔を私に明らかにしてください!"

The crying and wailing ceased altogether and in its place was laughter, courtesy of an adult man. It started off as a slow and quiet chuckle but gradually evolved into a psychotic chortle as though the man was unable to stifle his laughter. The darkness surrounding Hisako began to morph into a fiery hellscape as though she was standing in the lowest regions of Jigoku. There, the vague silhouette of a man stood in the flames, laughing uncontrollably. But this laughter devolved into a horrific scream as his body began to writhe around and twist at an uncomfortable angle, the flames around him swallowed the man whole as he continued to scream out.

Even behind the fiery sheet, Hisako could see that the man's body was beginning to morph and change into a sickening, decaying frame. A pair of dead cold eyes stared down the vengeful spirit while this new form revealed itself in the twisted guise of a rabbit.

Hisako knew right then there that this was no illusion. She was faced to face with the culprit responsible for this misery. In a hoarse, garbled tone of voice, the criminal spoke.

"̸̝̋͊́̄̋̃̋̋̕͝͝Ǐ̸͇̻̯̄̓̀̾̎̓̊̕͝ ̵̩̻͊̔̆̓́͌̄͗̈́̈́̌ä̷̡̹̦͖̬̙̩̜͓̠͛͗̒̆̀̈́̕l̵̡̛̼͍̘͖̥̹̳̫͉͔͉̗̬̐̊͑͛̅̈́̃͘͘w̸̛͔͖͇̙͉̬̝̱̖͛̍̌a̴͚̻̪̱̫͇̲̞̺͎̪͋͌̋̒y̷̨̡̛̳̙̳̫̗̠͚̬̲̦̾̃̀̈́͐̇s̵̢̜̰̼̿͐̎̋̅͆̉̉ͅͅ ̴̢̛͇̭̫͔̬͇̺̤͉̣̞̆̍́̋̎͑͝͠c̸̡̛̲̲̳̺͍͍͍̪̳̤͛͜ó̷̧̗̟̬̲͋͜͠m̵̛͔̖̝̒̄͛̆͒̅̈́͂̏̎͠ȅ̸͉̬̫͎̅̌͝ ̸̡̛̻͉̰̯͕̝̙͂̊͊̀̆̀̉̔͒̆͜͜͜͠ͅb̸͎̥̆͌̏͠a̸̜͎͙̣͈̽̌̚ć̷̟͇̮̠̟̜̲̜̼̕k̷̦̱̓̽̊.̴͓̻̲͖̣̰̲̖̬͕̪̦̬̰̈́̅ͅ"̶̡̬̭̗͔̮̘̲̜͠








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