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  • Writer's pictureMrNate2015

DBX: Hisako VS Springtrap

Updated: Sep 24, 2022

In collaboration with the amazing Scarat234, check out his wonderful works right here!







The Village of Whispers, 2023...

(Before we begin, like to point out that we used Yandex for Hisako's lines:

"A-Are you sure this will work?"

"I don't know but, it might as well be the only thing we got."

"This is stupid, you mean to tell me that this is our ONLY option!?"

"And what the hell do you think we can do now? The police have done everything they could and it still wasn't enough..."

A crowd of muttering disrupted the eerie stillness of a small Japanese village that was shrouded in a white, transparent mist while tall trees surrounded the area. Buildings and huts were dilapidated beyond the point of living while gravestones were implanted in the soil, some of which had been cracked and weathered by the environment itself. It was crystal clear that the whole village had been lost to time itself and became one with the forest. Any locals of the area who were familiar with the village's history would have known better not to dwindle in such an area for they are aware that it was her resting place. However, it seemed as though the warnings were disregarded by a group of foreigners who had the guts to set foot in such a scene.

Far from the comfort of their own home and into such an unnerving area, one would question why they were here to begin with. The group was all huddled together around an ancient shrine that was bedecked with lit candles and old ragdolls that were covered in grime and filth. The moment they stepped foot into this village, their presence was unwelcomed. As they gazed at this very shrine, their existence was unwanted. "This is nothing more than pointless hocus pocus! Are we truly going to believe this is going to work?!" One member questioned. "I'm open to any other idea. That is if you've GOT ONE!"


Thunder roared in response to this petty moment of rage. Everyone felt the reason why. That second of the wrath of incomparable to her endless wrath of her. All doubts were erased, but all fears remained high. "W-We've come too far to back out now. And I don't just mean in regards to the fact that we flew to another damn country whose language and culture we don't know a damn thing about." "S-S-Speak for yourselves. I'm the only reason why any of us understood anyone here." In the middle of their conversation, or argument, the candles started to glow with greater intensity, almost enough to reduce them to simply just flames dancing through the wind. One of them noticed this and wasted no time getting to their knees in prayer. The rest saw this, and remained incredulous in spite of their terrors. "... Do you actually believe in that legend?" "I'm not even sure if it's worth believing. All I believe is that my child isn't in my arms, and it's no different for the rest of you." The one currently speaking took their time, before replying, "I just want some form of justice for the fact that I can no longer cherish my child like the treasure that they are. And I know the rest of you want the same thing. Why else would we want to come here?" “I… I understand that but… Is this truly the way to go? We’re actually resorting to something like this?... I'm just as crestfallen as you but is this really the way to go?” “If you’re so damn skeptical then tell me, why are you still here?” Although it seemed like an argument was about to break out among the two, their bickering ceased altogether when something caught their attention, as well as the entire group. Barely in earshot, there was a choir of whispers, one that seemed to have been coming from all around. A great terror washed over the group, every instinct in their body told them to run and leave this place behind but somehow, they remained in this desolate village. The only one who was willing to pray huddled closer to the shrine, almost curling up into a ball and hoping their orison was answered. “Please… I know we’re not welcomed here. I know you’re unwilling to assist a bunch of foreigners and their petty squabbles but you must understand. All of our children are gone, it happened years ago and we were too careless to prevent everything from happening. They said that the killer was never found but I know that’s a lie, he’s still here even after all this time.” As the whispers grew louder, their fear became stronger. Yet, within that fear, desperation for justice that the physical world could not provide cried just as vibrantly as the hollowed whispers of this ruined village.

"千の泉の永遠の子。この日、私たちの復讐の叫びに応えてください。" All except for the one who's kneeled at the shrine, all eyes turned to the only one who could speak a lick of Japanese. They didn't understand a single syllable of what was said, but they could understand that it most likely had something to do with their terror. ".... We're actually going through with this?" An answer wasn't given. An answer wasn't needed. Soon, the rest of the group kneeled down to the grave. They repeated the chant that would lead to the justice they've long since desired to the best of their abilities, which were outright atrocious. "千の泉の永遠の子。この日、私たちの復讐の叫びに応えてください。" "千の泉の永遠の子。この日、私たちの復讐の叫びに応えてください。" "千の泉の永遠の子。この日、私たちの復讐の叫びに応えてください。" "千の泉の永遠の子。この日、私たちの復讐の叫びに応えてください。" "千の泉の永遠の子。この日、私たちの復讐の叫びに応えてください。" As their chanting continued, the world around started to darken greatly as though night had fallen earlier than anticipated. The whispering transformed into a cacophony of distorted cries, swarming around the village as though the air itself was screaming. While their chanting was relatively jumbled and botched, it still conveyed a crystal clear message. The pain of loss. The rage of a broken family. The demand for justice. Just before the whispering could escalate, dead silence took hold of the village yet again. All that could truly be heard was the rustling of wind that swooped through the canopy and passed through the graves. A gust of wind brushed by the ensemble, carrying a distinct presence that sent chills down their spines. The wick of the candle flickered and whisked from the gelid rush but the flames stood their ground and remained lit. The one who had started this chanting slowly craned their neck up to where they saw her. Everyone else all looked up and were petrified with fear of what they saw. A young woman of Asian descent with ghoulish pale skin and long raven hair that reached down to her shoulders and partially covered her face. Her clothing consisted of a rose pink kimono that was tattered and torn and her feet were caked in dirt and mud. She had a hunched stance and grasped in her hand was a long naginata with a ribbon, using the weapon to keep herself elevated. She glared at the intruders with a pair of cold, white piercing eyes that invaded their souls. Hisako was awakened from her slumber and was angered to see that her village had been soiled by encroachers that dare set foot on her shrine. "あなたは墓から私を呼んでいます。 この妨害を保証するものは何ですか?..." "AHHHHHHHHH!" A terrified scream almost lead to one part of the group immediately kicking it, if they weren't being held back by two others. "LET ME GO! FUCK THIS PLACE! I'M NOT GONNA RISK GETTING MY ASS HAUNTED OVER THIS!!!" "Calm down, for fucks sake! We're already here, so we may as well go through with it!" "FUCK THAT! AND FUCK YOU ALL! I'M NOT GOING TO LET MYSLEF BE--" "ささいな論争があなたがここに来るために持っているすべてであるならば。今すぐ出発!" The weather took a turn for the dark. The winds cried, the thunder roared, and the group screamed. She was not pleased. Her eternal rest was besmirched by greed and gluttony, now it is being insulted by pettiness and incompetence. She may as well just cut them down where they stand and be done with them! And be done with this-- "WAIT, WAIT! PLEASE! We wouldn't come here if we truly did not require your help!" ... Help?... They required her help?... "... 私の助け?" "We've heard tales of a spirit driven by vengeance that continues to haunt this village. We're hoping that this spirit is you." Hisako tilted her head with intrigue, curious as to why a cavalcade of foreigners, who came all the way from America to her homeland, in desperate need of her services. The wrathful apparition was willing to hear their claims but if one were to make a fatal move, then surely she would tear them to pieces. "じゃあなぜここにいるのか教えてくれ 正当な理由がある方がいい" Hisako said, willing to hear their case. Stepping up, the head of this group spoke up to let the vengeful spirit hear their pleas. "Y-you see, nearly forty years ago, my child went missing. But it wasn't just mine, everyone else with me lost their children on the same day, at the same place... It was an old pizzeria called Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, from what I've heard now, it's been repurposed into some chintzy horror attraction bullshit..." "そして、これは私の睡眠を乱すことと何が関係していますか?" The onryo inquired, narrowing her eyes slightly. "Well, you see, it had been revealed that our children were actually murdered and stuffed into the animatronic characters by a total madman... We all swore that we would find the bastard who did this to them and make him suffer for what he did. We did everything we could to find him but no matter what we did we kept hitting a dead end..." "もしそうなら、どうやって彼がまだ生きていることを知るのですか?" Hisako interrogated, staking a shaky step forward. "私たちが知っているすべてのために、彼は私たちが話すように死んでいる可能性があります。" "I... I know it sounds insane but we all know that he's still out there, it may have been over three decades but he's still there..." "それが事実なら。" The vengeful spirit said, extending a hand out with her other still clutching her father's halberd. "それから私が裁判官になります。" Before they could react, Hisako charged forth to the bravest of the group, the one who spoke on everyone's behalf, like a spider who's just caught a fly. Not even a gasp was let out before the onryo grabbed their arm, grasping it with enough strength to deny any resistance, yet leave no bruising. "W-What... What are you doing?" "私の判断を投げかける。"

Soon, all that approached the apparition was an empty, dead blackness. Hisako could hear, nor see, nothing. It was silent, almost as dead as she was. Curious as she was. Hisako was not going to explore this endless abyss in some fruitless attempt of finding an answer. It would end up being a waste of time. Perhaps everything in regards to this may have been nothing but a waste of time.

Then she heard them.

She felt them.






Desperate calls for help. Children calling for their parents. There was nothing else except for that single aspect about this whole experience that horrified the spirit. She knew the world could be a cruel place, her curse is proof of that, her past is a milestone of it, but for children be left in this state of anguish. All of that, however, wouldn't mean anything if they could simply pass on, yet something refused to let them do so. Someone was denying them their release, the one act of kindness that they so finally deserve.

"とても若い人の人生はとても早くとられました。母親と父親は、彼らがとても大切にしていた宝物を奪いました。" Hisako's horror morphed to the rage she was so very well-known for. "これらの犯罪の責任者の顔を私に明らかにしてください!"

The crying and wailing ceased altogether and in its place was laughter, courtesy of an adult man. It started off as a slow and quiet chuckle but gradually evolved into a psychotic chortle as though the man was unable to stifle his laughter. The darkness surrounding Hisako began to morph into a fiery hellscape as though she was standing in the lowest regions of Jigoku. There, the vague silhouette of a man stood in the flames, laughing uncontrollably. But this laughter devolved into a horrific scream as his body began to writhe around and twist at an uncomfortable angle, the flames around him swallowed the man whole as he continued to scream out.

Even behind the fiery sheet, Hisako could see that the man's body was beginning to morph and change into a sickening, decaying frame. A pair of dead cold eyes stared down the vengeful spirit while this new form revealed itself in the twisted guise of a rabbit.

Hisako knew right then there that this was no illusion. She was faced to face with the culprit responsible for this misery. In a hoarse, garbled tone of voice, the criminal spoke.

"̸̝̋͊́̄̋̃̋̋̕͝͝Ǐ̸͇̻̯̄̓̀̾̎̓̊̕͝ ̵̩̻͊̔̆̓́͌̄͗̈́̈́̌ä̷̡̹̦͖̬̙̩̜͓̠͛͗̒̆̀̈́̕l̵̡̛̼͍̘͖̥̹̳̫͉͔͉̗̬̐̊͑͛̅̈́̃͘͘w̸̛͔͖͇̙͉̬̝̱̖͛̍̌a̴͚̻̪̱̫͇̲̞̺͎̪͋͌̋̒y̷̨̡̛̳̙̳̫̗̠͚̬̲̦̾̃̀̈́͐̇s̵̢̜̰̼̿͐̎̋̅͆̉̉ͅͅ ̴̢̛͇̭̫͔̬͇̺̤͉̣̞̆̍́̋̎͑͝͠c̸̡̛̲̲̳̺͍͍͍̪̳̤͛͜ó̷̧̗̟̬̲͋͜͠m̵̛͔̖̝̒̄͛̆͒̅̈́͂̏̎͠ȅ̸͉̬̫͎̅̌͝ ̸̡̛̻͉̰̯͕̝̙͂̊͊̀̆̀̉̔͒̆͜͜͜͠ͅb̸͎̥̆͌̏͠a̸̜͎͙̣͈̽̌̚ć̷̟͇̮̠̟̜̲̜̼̕k̷̦̱̓̽̊.̴͓̻̲͖̣̰̲̖̬͕̪̦̬̰̈́̅ͅ"̶̡̬̭̗͔̮̘̲̜͠


Laboring breaths were all that could leave the one who Hisako had chosen to interact with.

"Holy shit. You almost gave us a heart attack!"

The only reply they got back was the heavy breaths of someone who just gazed into the eyes of the supernatural world. An accurate description of the experience they had just finished going through.

"What just happened between the two of you? What did she do?"

There's no way an answer could be provided for what it was that they had just gone through. Besides, that was the very least of their concerns. Right now, they needed to know whether Hisako would help them.

Speaking of the onyro, she was currently hunched over, her form flickering in and out of the physical realm. None of the group could get a read of how she felt, especially since every strand of her raven-black hair obscured a clear view of her face like a curtain.

"So please. Help us. Let us live with the knowledge that, at the very least, our children can be at peace."

"... I don't know why I'm doing this... but please... help us."

Hisako didn't respond at first and the distraught parents dreaded what she could do at any given moment, for all they knew, this interaction would've driven the spirit to a murderous rage. However, the wind through her hair revealed an expression that displayed Hisako's true emotions.


Unbridled, seething anger.

Hisako had never felt such hatred towards another human being in her existence, the only thing that paralleled the contempt she felt was when saw her father die before her very eyes and burned to embers by that clan of renegades. The fact that such a man manipulated the naivety of a child to do such a heinous act made the onryo's blood boil. She knew what had to be done.

"私は今何をしなければならないか知っています。" Hisako stated, a flicker of emerald energy sputtering around her body.

"S-so... you'll do it?..."

"はい。. 彼は彼らを苦しませたので、私は彼に同じことをします。" Hisako declared, turning her back as she slowly walked away from her foreign summoners. A shadowy pool began to form beneath her feet, preparing to leave the comfort of her village.

"T-Thank you so much! You have no idea how much this means for all of us. But... where will you go?"

"彼がどこにいるかはもう知ってる 彼は私から隠れることはありません。" The undead sentinal declared before sinking into the shadows below, slowly but surely drifting from view. Before vanishing completely, one thought dwelled within her mindscape.

A singular name.

"William Afton."


Fazbear's Fright...

Time: 3:00 AM


Night had washed over a nameless town, an ink-black sky loomed over the city while the moon shone its light even if it was obscured by the grey clouds that dangled from the heavens. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, the whole town, for the most part, was quite barren aside from the occasional car passing down the street or lonely wayfarer making its way down the sidewalk. Amongst the quiet city, there lay a local amusement park that was also left barren for the night though there was something off about one of the locations in the park. Fazbear's Fright, a horror attraction that was meant to replicate the famous Freddy Fazbear's Pizza with a terrifying twist to it. What was once a pizzeria meant for the entertainment of adults and children alike was now repurposed into a shoddily built sideshow for the general public to indulge themselves with a relatively cheap scare. The whole attraction was meant to cash in on the mysterious history of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza and the people behind the scenes digging through the dirt to find anything to gather more appeal from the crowd. Inside the attraction, it was all quiet for the most part. Dimly-lit hallways were bedecked with Fazbear-related memorabilia while a faint eeriness swept through the attraction. However, if one were to snoop further down this odd corridor, they would come face to face with a rather jarring scene. Down by the near end of the building was a security office with a large metal window for guests to peer in, by the looks of it, blood was smeared against the glass. It could easily be assumed that this was just some gimmick to unnerve the audience, however, this was no act. This was a clear sign of a struggle. "P-P-P-Please..." A cough of air, as bloody as the office he was caged in. "Don't do this..." "... Time's up." SQUELCH! The disturbing sound that could be compared to the smashing of a watermelon echoed out of the office. It was the only sound there was. Until it was followed up by the sounds of rusted, worn-down, broken movements, alongside something being dragged along the ground. What came out of the office would fit terrifyingly well in this amusement park, to the public eye. Most would just see it as part of a cheap tourist attraction, but what they would see was more genuine than they would want it to be. An olive-colored, bunny animatronic, just as broken and torn down as the setting of Fazbear's Fright, would inflict nightmares upon children and adults alike. Massive patches all over its body, barring the feet which just exposed its mechanical exoskeleton, but all that wasn't metal was truly the rotting flesh and muscle of the corpse that turned its tomb into its fortress. Eyes that pierced through the dark, promising an end just as cruel as the monster inside. Yet, most horrifying was the bruised, bloody, and broken corpse of a security guard. As more of the body was being dragged out, the guard's way of death revealed itself by the lack of a head, the only proof of there ever being was the bloody trail the neck left, and into the office, the smashed in pieces of his head laid all over the floor, like a pumpkin that was just bashed in with a baseball bat. Any poor victim wouldn't understand that they would have just tumbled into the aftermath of a murder committed by, the presumed to be dead, William Afton. Or as he currently considered himself: Springtrap. Right now, the undead serial killer had just finished murdering the night guard of this down-trodden attraction and he was going through the process of hiding the body. Afton felt no remorse for the recently slain, if anything, he reveled in his work. William was a methodical schemer when it came to killing his prey, he'd take advantage of his victims and play with their minds like a cat with a string before going in for the kill. The night guard was one of those unlucky few who lived the last moments of his life in fear before Springtrap took his life. However, while Afton did enjoy his kill, he felt rather dissatisfied with his work. Sure, the hunt was fun and everything but it all felt too easy for his liking. While this new change in scenery did provide a unique experience, it still left Springtrap hungry for more bloodshed. Nonetheless, Afton had ample time to rid of the evidence. He was starting to get a general understanding of his surroundings and knew where the right place to hide it was. Sauntering down the corridors while whistling himself a tune, Afton was about to turn a corner when he heard someone call out to him... "犯罪者。"

Springtrap came to a halt and his singular rabbit ear twitched slightly. He heard the voice of a young woman call out to him in a different language as the rabbit animatronic turned his head over his head to see nothing. Afton merely shrugged, believing it to be his imagination getting the best of him. He was cooped up in a confined space for years, after all, so his sanity was long gone.

"嘘つき!" Or perhaps... it wasn't his imagination. Perhaps there truly was someone else here... Someone to offer a bit more fun than what this simple little guard provided. Besides, considering the language this woman spoke, he'd be in for something a bit more exotic. "Come out, come out, wherever you are. I'll be sure not to bite." "傲慢なモンスター." It could've been the trick of his mechanical eyes or his total lack of sanity, but he could've sworn that there was a pale woman, wearing tattered Japanese clothing, and wielding a large staff with a blade on one end. However, since Afton could hear the scratching of something being dragged against the floor, and he wasn't moving... ... This would certainly be fun.

“I don't know who you are or how you got in here...” Springtrap said, taking a step forward with his eyes fixated on the flickering apparition. “But... I could use some entertainment. My last kill didn't please me as much...”

“お前を地獄に引きずり込むのは俺だモンスター..” Hisako retorted, pointing a finger at the undead serial killer. Afton didn't know a lick of Japanese, so he was clueless about what she was talking about. Nevertheless, a victim was a victim. And surely she would suffice.

Hisako shambled towards Springtrap, dragging her naginata across the floor. William, meanwhile, raced towards Hisako at speeds that were unexpected of an abomination his size. Outstretching an arm, the murderous animatronic planned to end the apparition’s life via strangulation with one arm no less. However, as Afton closed the distance between him and the vengeful apparition, her whole body sunk into the tile floor within a fraction of a second. Springtrap could only grasp at the air itself as he stopped dead in his tracks, frantically looking around for his ghostly foe.

“Oh goodie, you're going to be a feisty one...” William growled with frustration. Right when he said that, however, the child killer felt a blade slash across his back. While its potency was slightly hindered by Springtrap’s semi-robotic form, it was more than enough to make William cry out with discomfort. The animatronic spun around, meeting Hisako eye to eye, having just finished slicing into his tattered rabbit’s exterior.

"There you are..." Springtrap said with a hiss while Hisako swung her naginata in a downward motion, prompting Springtrap to narrowly sidestep the attack. Capitalizing on the missed swing, Springtrap lurched forward and attempted to grab Hisako by the neck a second time but this proved futile as the Onryo ducked beneath Afton’s hand and promptly slashed at the animatronic’s side.

The sound of metal screeching filled the desolate halls of Fazbear’s Fright as Afton snarled with pain and rage. Hisako didn’t let this be the only shot for she wildly slashed at Springtrap with a ferocious onslaught of slices from her naginata. Cut marks made themselves present on Afton’s tattered body, from his torso to his arms with sparks flying with every slash of the way. Any man would have been cut down to size from such an assault, but Afton was no longer ‘any man’ was he now?

“HRRGH… GET… OFF OF ME!!!” Afton roared between grunts before stepping forward and kicking Hisako right smack in the gut, his robotic foot sending the ghost sliding across the floor before striking back-first into an arcade cabinet.


Hisako hissed with pain, slowly craning her neck up to see her robotic adversary walking off into one of the rooms that were adjacent to the hall. Not wanting his adversary to slink away into the darkness, her body began to crackle and twist itself into a spider-like position as she sporadically rushed down the hall and followed in Afton’s footsteps in hot pursuit. The Onryo scrambled into the room before returning to an upright position, now standing in a darkened room with the only source of light being the flickering bulbs from the adjacent hallway.

“Over here! Over here!” Afton’s voice taunted in the blackness, prompting Hisako to dash forward from where she heard the sound. The vengeful spirit lashed out with a violent swing of her naginata, only for the attack to be rendered as a blind swing in the dark.

“No, wait! I’m over here!” Springtrap’s voice jeered once more, almost laughing at the undead warrior. With her temper growing shorter, Hisako lunged forward and jabbed her blade, hoping to at least scathe the serial killer only gain no results from it. Heavy footsteps began to fill the room, putting Hisako on edge followed by a sinister cackle courtesy of William.

“Actually…” Afton said, pausing slightly before continuing. “I’m right behind you.”

With this comment in mind, Hisako turned around, hoping to be met with that corpse in a shell. However, rather than seeing Afton, she was instead met with a one-legged animatronic that resembled a bear, that lunged right at her whilst emitting a loud screech.

However, rather than screaming in terror from this unexpected ambush, Hisako instead stepped forward and decided to give this bear a taste of its own medicine. Her jaw stretched to an unnatural length, revealing a row of razor-sharp teeth as the apparition gave out a piercing scream that forced Phantom Freddy to stop in its tracks.

The Phantom animatronic's pupils shrank and his mouth shut close, the horrific screech it produced was now turned into a terrified, dog-like whimper before turning tail and trying to run away only to fall flat on its face due to the absence of one leg. The bear disappeared into thin air upon hitting the floor while Hisako’s face reverted back to its original form, letting out an annoyed hiss from such a cheap illusion.

“Well… That was... annoying.” Afton commented from the blackness. “You’re going to be a bigger nuisance than I anticipated…”

“あなたのトリックはあなたを救うことはありません、殺人。” Hisako growled in response, the grip around her naginata tightening as she turned around and jabbed her naginata once more. This time, her opponent had finally shown himself, attempting to ambush her from the dark as he managed to stop the blade from piercing his stomach with both hands clenching at the weapon. Despite Hisako's smaller frame, her strength in pushing the weapon was something Afton wasn’t expecting but this didn’t mean he was without a plan.

Springtrap fastened his clutch on the blade before lifting the naginata, along with Hisako, off the ground. Afton started to spin around in circles with his ghostly adversary flailing about through the air. Hisako's grip around the nagitana's shaft was gradually loosening by the second before finally, his body was sent flying into the surrounding walls with Afton still held onto the naginata.

"Thank you for the weapon, my dear. I'll be sure to take your head with it..." Springtrap jeered, waving the halberd like a bully taking a toy from a smaller child. Hisako couldn't help but feel a scolding rage burning within her upon seeing her father's weapon in the clutches of this maniac as Afton raced forward and jabbed his opponent's naginata forward with the blade aimed for her torso. However, the undead warrior sunk into the ground before William could spear her, the blade's tip clinking against the cold floor. Sighing with annoyance, Afton recoiled the blade, knowing full well that his ghostly adversary was planning to sneak up on him.

Springtrap spun around and thrust the bladed pole forward, hoping to gore the onryo in the process. However, Afton was surprised to see that his foe wasn't waiting for him on the other side. Confused by this sudden turn of events, Springtrap looked around trying to ponder where his opponent had vanished off to.

"ここだ" Hisako's voice suddenly filled the room, spooking Afton slightly as his eyes darted wildly from side to side. It was here that a thought occurred to William, one that prompted him to look up, and there she was. Glaring down at him from the ceiling with her dead, wrathful eyes gleaming in the dark. Her body is situated against the ceiling like a spider.

"Son of a bitch..." Springtrap muttered, almost impressed with Hisako's display of stealth. Dropping the ceiling, Hisako let out an ear-piercing cry while Springtrap jabbed the naginata upward only for the vengeful spirit to successfully maneuver herself out of the blade's reach as it jutted into the ceiling above. Hisako landed directly onto Afton and began to mercilessly claw and punch at the serial killer's face, while the Spring Bonnie head allowed for decent protection, the wrathful apparition wasn't letting up with her assault. Afton was forced to drop the naginata so that he could pry Hisako off of him, grabbing her by the wrist with an iron grip. Using his other arm, Springtrap reached forward and snatched Hisako by the neck.

He started to squeeze the spirit's neck, hoping to wring whatever life may remain in that pesky apparition but Hisako was not planning to go out this way. What Afton hadn't anticipated was a swift kick to the side of the head, the vengeful spirit delivering it with such a blow that it left William's mummified head spinning while his grip loosened dramatically. With the killer's grasp loosening, Hisako reeled back both her feet and sent Afton stumbling back with a double-heeled kick. Gracefully landing back onto the floor, Hisako grabbed onto her naginata before teleporting right behind Afton. She laid out the halberd behind Afton's feet, which upon making contact, caused Springtrap to spin around and trip forward...


...Right into the screen of an arcade cabinet.

This moment of clumsiness actually managed to get a little smirk from the fallen samurai, charging toward the bunny animatronic on all fours. When Springtrap was just pulling himself out of the arcade cabinet, Hisako used her free hand to smash Afton back into the electronic device, strong enough to almost destroy both Afton and the cabinet.

"You little wretch! I'll make sure you fear-"


He was cut off when he was smashed back into the cabinet a second time, completely destroying it this time around, leaving nothing but broken pieces of the gaming device. A reflection of the fate Hisako shall befall Afton with.

Battered and broken, beyond repair.

"私は恐れることは何もありません." Lumbering forth towards him, Hisako then snarled out, "今ではない、今までではない!"

Springtrap looked around himself, seeing even more arcade cabinets. Then he gazed at the onryō, who leaped straight towards the serial killer, naginata ready to penetrate Afton's endoskeleton. As much as she wanted to, Springtrap denied her the chance by kicking her out of the air, satisfied at watching her form crumple to the ground. Moving quickly, impressive considering his physical state, Afton reached out to a random arcade cabinet and lifted it over his head, not even straining from its weight.

"A present for you!" Afton called before chucking the massive cabinet towards the fallen samurai, Springtrap waited for the satisfying sound of flesh and bone being reduced to paste...


... And came up with the shocking sound of metal cutting through metal. A courtesy at the hands of Hisako's naginata slicing through the cabinet like butter.

There was an awkward silence between the two undeads, mostly towards Afton, that was broken by Hisako uttering a very low, "... 哀れだ."

William narrowed his eyes and let loose a growl of annoyance before charging at the vengeful spirit and swatting a hand at Hisako's cheek, a blow that easily evaded by the undead warrior. Hisako replied to Afton's attack with a horizontal slash of her naginata, prompting Afton to quickly leap back. The blade swooshed past the animatronic's abdomen, dangerously close scathing his abdomen. Right as Hisako, finishing her attack, William sped forth and shoulder checked Hisako into a wall. The Onryo didn't have a moment to rest for Afton planted his knee against Hisako's gut while a raspy chortle escaped his undead lips.

"There, much better now." Afton chuckled devilishly, preparing to end Hisako's afterlife right then and there. However, Afton should've known by now that Hisako wasn't going to go down that easily as the wrathful apparition readied her naginata and with all the muscle movement she had present in her arms, jabbed the blade right beneath Afton's cheek. Hadn't it been for the fact that he was way past his expiration date, Springtrap would've folded right then and there but it was still a great hindrance to him nonetheless. Afton was kicked back by Hisako, who reached forward and grabbed onto the near end of the naginata's pole.

Hisako proceeded to spring herself up the air, still grasping onto the halberd before vaulting right over Afton's head. She then whipped the naginata forward, temporarily lifting Afton off the ground before he was sent careening through the surrounding walls. His hefty body effortlessly smashed the drywall, leaving a noticeable gaping hole during his unexpected flight. The tattered animatronic tumbled into the hallway before making a complete stop upon crashing into the corridor walls, hitting it with enough force to drop a fake plastic pizza right onto his head.

As the plastic pizza remained on his head, Springtrap swiftly grasped it into his hand and crushed it. A physical representation of his annoyance over how difficult it was starting to become to kill one person. He'd rather hunt down those little brats again, at least they weren't so much of a nuisance to dispose of.

... Oh, well. He did hope for something more exhilarating. Besides, the more fight in them, the more fun ending them.

Hisako was crawling through the hole Afton had left behind, looking around for the worn-out bunny. The moment her eyes zeroed in on Springtrap, her dead eyes flared with rage, one that managed to slightly unsettle Afton. Before his very eyes, the vengeful spirit sunk down to the floor, a tactic that Springtrap didn't prepare for.

"Hiding in the shadows, are we?" Springtrap managed to catch sight of a small emergency compartment, conveniently carrying an axe inside. Rushing over to it, Afton smashed the glass compartment over with a casual strike, hardly fazed by the glass pieces sticking into his hand as he grasped his newfound weapon with confidence in himself. "I've always considered that to be more of my schtick. But, don't worry, I don't mind sharing. It might just save me the effort of having to hide what's left of you."

Only the dead silence of this tourist attraction spoke to him. The real-life present was the half-organic form of Springtrap. He quickly spun around in preparation for an attack from behind, yet found nothing. He spun around again with the thought of a possible fake-out, yet nothing was found again. Afton didn't know what to expect from his ghostly foe; walking down the hallway, his axe ready to cleave the young samurai's head open. Yet, no matter how far he walked, there was nothing in the form of anything happening the whole time, except for the somewhat flickering lights above.

Clutching the fire axe's handle tightly, Afton waited for a sound or a voice. Anticipating when his apparitional opponent would strike again but she was nowhere to be seen or heard. Suddenly, a loud metallic thumping noise echoed through the walls, an indicator that Hisako was crawling through the vents. Glancing to his side, he realized he was standing right next to one and the thumping was growing louder. The animatronic rabbit could only chuckle as he readied the axe and prepared to decapitate Hisako.

"That's right, sunshine..." William said, bloodthirst oozing through his voice. Eagerly awaiting the onryō's appearance with murderous delight. "Come out to play."

The rustling continued to grow louder and from the darkness, a pair of white glowing eyes made itself known. Springtrap eagerly raised the axe farther over her head, waiting for the gruesome results of his swing. But once the eyes drew near to the light, they vanished completely out of sight. At first, Springtrap was baffled by this but then, realized what he was up against and knew just the sort of trickery this apparition was capable of. Spinning around and bringing down the axe, parried by Hisako's blade, the naginata user finally having shown herself once again.

"Clever move, darling. But not good enough." Afton scoffed, applying more pressure to his axe in an effort to overwhelm the vengeful spirit. A fruitless effort it turned out to be, as Hisako easily overwhelmed Afton, shoving the body of her naginata forward to knock Afton off balance. But Hisako was not done, positioning her naginata in place, she blinked right behind the almost-fallen body of Springtrap, pushed him, and watched as the metal blade of her treasured weapon pierced through William's chest. Yet, she didn't let any build-up within her, blinking back to her weapon, she promptly kicked him away from her presence.

If he physically could, Springtrap would absolutely be scowling in annoyance.

Just when it seemed like Afton would reply, Hisako started slashing away at the half-organic, half-metal form of Springtrap. The best that could be done for Springtrap was raising his fire axe in front of himself, which just ended up with him having it knocked out of the way, and left open for Hisako to continue her onslaught of rage.

"死だけが待っています!" To the head, to the body, to the limbs, all over Afton's body did the blade connect. At first, this pain was nothing but a minor annoyance, but it soon morphed into a genuine form of pain, something that didn't bode well for Afton. Hisako decided to end her combo by performing an upward slash, knocking Afton into the air and slamming against the ceiling, performing a little jump into the air, and slashing downwards to give Springtrap's landing an extra bit of pain.


Afton roared out with pain before being knocked back with a whack from the blunt end of the halberd, sending the abomination of flesh and metal staggering back. Hisako wasn't just going to let up, as she crawled towards Springtrap at frightening speeds before leaping forward with her naginata raised over her head and ready to skewer what remained of William's brain. The murderous animatronic wasn't going to let this slide, as he lurched forward with a savage blow to the gut that brought Hisako to the floor with a hard 'THUD'. Not wanting his opponent to escape, Springtrap proceeded to slam his metallic foot onto Hisako's chest. The onryō let loose a cry of pain while Afton began to put more pressure on his stomp, hoping to hear the sickening crunch to her rips. Hisako grabbed a hold of Afton's ankle, attempting to pull the animatronic off of her. William could only laugh at this, thinking this was a pitiful excuse to save her life. But the tables were turned when Hisako lifted Afton's foot right from her chest and with an impressive display of strength, swung him to the side and knocked him to the ground. "あなたはあなたの苦行を逃れることはありません!" Hisako snarled, retrieving her blade before plunging it right into Afton's stomach... Only for the blade to go right through one of the holes his torso bore. "...Missed a spot." Afton taunted with a laugh. Grasping the onryō's head, Afton delivered a powerful headbutt to her. It wasn't strong enough to knock her down, but enough to leave her dazed for a while, as Afton broke off into a quick sprint, away from the flickering form of Hisako. In the middle of her sprint, Springtrap couldn't help but laugh at the spirit once more. "Better luck next time!" Past her dazed vision, Hisako managed to catch sight of the retreating serial killer. By mere rage alone at the sight of the undead bunny disappearing from view, she managed to break her dizziness immediately. "あなたの後退は避けられないだけを遅らせるでしょう!" Then, the lights suddenly started to go out. An act that hardly phased Hisako, but did manage to elicit her attention. While the specter wasn't all that well-versed in regards to technology, she doubts that this can be considered just a mere coincidence. Afton must be the cause of this, but Hisako couldn't figure out how. In the darkness, the clanking of Afton's heavy footsteps began to fill the darkened hallways of Fazbear's Fright along with his psychotic laughter. It sounded as though Springtrap's cackling could be heard from all over the area while Hisako gritted her teeth, awaiting her cowardly foe. However, Hisako realized that the footsteps were becoming more unsynchronized, as though someone new was joining this battle. "You're quite the handful, my dear." CLANK CLANK CLANK CLANK CLANK CLANK "You don't seem to know what you're truly up against." CLANK CLANK CLANK CLANK CLANK CLANK "Lucky for me and unlucky for you..." CLANK CLANK CLANK CLANK CLANK CLANK "I am not alone in this rendezvous of ours." From the darkness, eyes began to illuminate the hallway along with the sounds of animalistic growls coming every which way. Hisako wasn't afraid, however, she was more than ready to take on what challenge Afton had provided her with. Without warning, the lights flicked back on and Hisako realized just what she was up against. Monsters.

Monsters in a true sense of the word. Grotesque in appearance, feral in character. Just gazing upon these crude monstrosities would've made Hisako sick to her stomach, if she even cared to begin with. Their appearances mix between mechanical menaces and organic abominations. They all had shared the aspect of sharp teeth and claws, perfect for tearing into their prey, and bodies that looked like they want through molten lava and ended up like this. Yet, there were no reflections of each other in every way

A brown bear that had boils over itself, most prominently on its head, right arm, and leg, with a stomach that simply melted away to reveal an endless abyss of metallic teeth.

A purple bunny that had patches of poorly, and barely, closed openings on its arms and ears. Its torso completely exposed and open, revealing the metal exoskeleton within.

A grey wolf with a white mane across its back with a muscular form. It left side, however, revealed parts of its animatronic self, and looked to still be glitching out.

A yellow chicken, with a set of open teeth at its stomach, shoulders, and elbows. At the left side of its head, and the right side of its torso, each had a cupcake forcible fused upon each limb.

Hisako had just come to face with The Twisted Ones, who all snarled in an attempt to scare the spirit. She gave a growl back, absolutely irritated with screwed-up creations Afton combated her with.

"あなたはこの戦いから実行します。 あなたはあなたの場所で戦うために人形を置く。" Then, Hisako screamed out to the heavens, enough to shake the very core of every sentient being present. Afton included. "あなたの死は不名誉と不名誉になります! あなたのような臆病者のためのフィッティングエンド!" The first beast to attack was Twisted Bonnie, who let out an ear-piercing hiss while the purple rabbit's second jaw opened up, rushing towards Hisako at unnatural speeds for a monster its bulk. Raising his hand, the twisted rabbit swung its paw, prompting Hisako to duck right beneath its hooked-shaped claws. Not wanting to be left out of the fun, Twisted Freddy charged into the conflict but given how he was a seven-foot giant, he wasn't hard to miss. Hisako easily outflanked the oncoming bear before striking him in the back, resulting in the heavy animatronic falling over due to the momentum of its run. Knocking down Twisted Bonnie along with him in the process. With both the rabbit and bear temporarily down, Hisako now had her focus set on Twisted Wolf, who immediately sent a ferocious onslaught of jabs and slashes. Given his more sleek appearance compared to his comrades, his attacks were far faster and even landed a few incisions on the onryo in the process, his ferocity reminding her of another canid-like foe she had faced before. Hisako retorted with an aggressive slash of her naginata that resulted in a diagonal slash mark to open up on its torso. The wolf-like animatronic snarled and dashed forward and lashed out with its razor-sharp claws, cutting Hisako from her shoulder down to her chest. The silver wolf let loose another slash, only for Hisako to sink into the ground, leaving her naginata jutting from the ground. Twisted Wolf's anger turned to confusion but it wasn't long before he was pushed directly into the halberd, the blade inserting itself into his abdomen and protruding through his back. The wolf growled with pain and discomfort before the naginata was pulled out all the way through before his whole body was knocked to the ground with a stomp courtesy of the vengeful spirit. "この愚かな犬。" Hisako spat coldly, glaring down at the wolf with contempt. From behind her, Twisted Chica lunged forward. Though it was far more sluggish and sloppy compared to the wolf, so Hisako found little issue sidestepping the chicken, but that wasn't without having its talons graze Hisako's arm slightly. Annoyed by this, Hisako rushed towards Twisted Chica and hacked away at its disgusting body, watching as its endoskeleton revealed itself more and more with each slash. Unfortunately, this wasn't enough to stop the twisted chicken, who managed to lash out with her talons to shred the onryo apart. C-C-COMBO BREA-- A slice to the face, then a slash to the stomach, quickly put an end to what Twisted Chica was trying to attempt. Hisako continued by shoving the blade of her naginata through the chicken's head, lifting them both, and slamming them into the ground. C-C-COUNTER BREAKER!!! "嫌な鳥。" Hisako sneered at the chicken with equal contempt as the wolf. Snarling caught Hisako's attention, and it seemed to be coming from just below her. Gazing downwards, she saw the mutated little pink cupcake once glued to Twisted Chica's face; Hisako must have sliced it off. The cupcake snarled its beastly teeth in a futile attempt at intimidation. The vengeful wraith's response... CRAAACCCCK Crushing it under her foot, leaving only a gooey, slightly mechanical, stain along the filthy tiles of the floor. A mess that Hisako regarded with total disinterest and indifference. "私の刃に値しない。" Around her form, each Twisted One was slowly getting back up, looking more rage-ridden than before, now even more determined to mutilate Hisako. This did little scare, or even impress, the avenging spirit, only leading to her internally laughing at their foolish attempts to fight back. "私は私の目覚めで軍隊全体を削減しました!あなたが挑戦を提供するとあえて信じないでください!" Hisako screamed. Twisted Freddy barreled toward the vengeful spirit in a blind rage, his jaw flung wide open to display the rows of shark-like teeth that were meant to chew Hisako’s head off while his razor-sharp claws were pointed in her direction. The wrathful apparition brought up her naginata, blocking off both claws from the nightmarish bear. Twisted Freddy placed more emphasis on his attack, pushing both his arms forward while Hisako struggled to hold off the animatronic’s bulk. However, Hisako felt a sharp pain open up on her back. One that had extracted a pained scream from her ebony lips, four slash marks etching into her flesh and tearing through the fabric of her kimono. Twisted Wolf had gone in for a cheap shot from behind, almost grinning from his attack while his bear acquaintance knocked her to the ground with a hard shove thanks to Hisako’s defense faltering. The vengeful spirit was knocked to the cold ground, blood oozing from the claw mark on her back, leaving red smatters on the grimy floor. Twisted Wolf dropped down onto Hisako, claws out and mouth opened only to be stopped when Hisako blocked him off with her naginata, the beast snarling and growling while saliva flung from his mouth. Furrowing her brow and gritting her teeth, Hisako kicked the wolf right into the abdomen with a surprising showcase of durability to boot for her leg remained intact. The wolf-like animatronic huffed slightly, continuing to push against Hisako’s defenses only to be repeatedly kicked in the gut multiple times to a point where his movements began to slow down. This gave Hisako enough time to push the halberd forward, knocking the wolf animatronic back. She twisted the naginata in an upright position before thrusting it straight into the underside of the wolf’s chin.


The wolf’s eyes widened with horror as the blade pierced its mandible and tore through its muzzle. Pulling the naginata, the wolf’s mouth and jaw were torn from its face with a skin-crawling…


The other monstrous animatronics ceased whatever they were doing next at the sight of the aftermath of Twisted Wolf's current facial features. His vicious set of chompers, and the front of his face, were completely ripped away, revealing the broken endoskeleton face of itself. The amount of damage to its face seemed to be pretty severe, as it started to glitch out slightly as if still trying to comprehend what had just happened. ... When it did understand what happened, the wolf's vocal functions produced an ear-splitting screech again, engaging with the Hisako in hopes of adding her to Afton's body count.


Faster than the wolf could interpret, Hisako disappeared from its still functioning processors. Hearing the dragging a familiar pole weapon, Twisted Wolf slowly turned itself around, glancing at the spirit that had suddenly shifted itself to behind the bipedal wolf. The moment Hisako's pale dead eyes collided with the wolf's, it felt death walking over its grave. When that moment was felt, Twisted Wolf suddenly showcased a split down the middle, one that suddenly lead to both halves of the monstrous animatronic breaking off into two, equally split halves of itself. With one animatronic down for the count, Hisako turned her dead eyes to the remaining ones, who all didn't move a single inch from where they stared stagnantly. They gazed at her with... was it caution?... Fear?... either way, Hisako grew a little bit of satisfaction at their wariness. Twisted Freddy fought through this fear and barreled towards the wrathful apparition with ferocity, his stomps shaking the corridor slightly while slashing his claws wildly in the air. This, in turn, cued Hisako to make a mad dash at the horrific iteration of Freddy Fazbear before ducking down to evade the animatronic bear's claws as it breezed over her head. Right as Twisted Freddy could reach down for her, Hisako swung the naginata right through Twisted Freddy's legs. The robotic bear was cut down to size, quite literally so as the upper half of his body slumped to the ground while his legs remained awkwardly standing. The robotic bear could only roar with terror and pain, his torso flailing around in a panic before his eyes flicked up to see the very edge of Hisako's blade aimed right for his head. The vengeful spirit wasted no time and speared Twisted Freddy right into his head, his sporadic movements lessening before going limp entirely.

"残っているのは2人だけです。" Yanking her naginata out of the bear, leaving its body to clunk to the ground, Hisako focused on the last two Twisted Ones that remained. As the onryo lumbered forward, the twisted chicken and bunny lumbered back, trying for any way to keep a distance from her. "残っているのは2人だけです。"

Twisted Bonnie and Twisted Chica locked eyes with each other like they were both symbiotically concocting a strategy. Hisako, although appearing slow in her movements, readied her pole blade for whatever tactic they had in mind. Pretty soon, the remaining twisted animatronics employed their devious plan... which was simply to overwhelm Hisako with their numbers. Hisako didn't even blink at such a poorly planned, preferring to just leap over the bunny and chicken. Once her feet struck the filthy floor, she struck back to the animatronics with a wide slash that tore into the two's chests, and a second one across their faces.

The second slash took out an eye from Twisted Bonnie while a large incision was carved along Chica's face, both animatronics freezing into place for a split second. Without warning, Hisako lunged toward the monstrous-looking rabbit and phased into the rabbit's semi-exposed chest. Twisted Bonnie's eyes turned pale while his body levitated slightly off the air, a green ghostly aura surrounding the newly-one-eyed bunny as his body began to wildly twist and jitter into unnatural angles. The crackling and screeching of metal filled the hallways while his avian-like accomplice leaped back in fear of what was going on.

Realizing that this slippery apparition had now invaded the rabbit's body as the chicken emitted a nasty hiss before rushing at Bonnie at speeds that were akin to a stampeding rhinoceros. Hisako seemed to have anticipated the ferocious avian robot's attack as she shot out from the rabbit's body right as when Twisted Chica made her mark. She slammed her shoulder right smack into Twisted Bonnie and with nothing to stop her momentum, the rabbit was taken on for a ride as he was slammed right through the neighboring walls and into one of the many rooms that Fazbear's Fright to offer. Twisted Chica didn't stop there as she continued running while Twisted Bonnie flailed and screeched, trying to stop his accomplice from making it any further but he would feel the back of his head slammed right against the wall.

With the added bonus of Chica's momentum, Twisted Bonnie's head exploded into a confetti blast of saliva and scrap metal while his body dropped to the ground with a loud 'THUNK'.

Backing up, Twisted Chica could only stare at the shattered remnants of her bunny companion's head with horror, mentally abolishing herself for making such a foolish mistake. Enraged by her mistake, Twisted Chica immediately sprinted toward the in which she had just promptly charged through...

... Until her mad dash was interrupted by the wide slash of a bladed pole to the face, right out of the hole the chicken was ready to charge through. Its aim proved to be true, as it managed to tear right her eyes, leaving her blind to anything that may happen to her.

Twisted Chica grasped its broken receptors with a mix of horror and rage, letting out a feral, high-pitched, and ear-bleeding screech. Right now, with no allies and no sight, she didn't really care where she ended up going, so long as it lead to the death of that little ghost at her hands. Truly, Twisted Chica had ended up becoming nothing but a mindless monster driven only by rage, guided only by hatred.


Hisako stood her ground and swung at the nightmarish chicken with a strong swing of the pole, sparks flying once she and Twisted Chica locked both blade and claw. Twisted Chica was determined to tear her foe opponent, swinging wildly that forced the smaller ghost in a position of parrying her slashes. However, Hisako stepped forth and with a labored jab of her naginata into the sharp-toothed mouth located on the chicken's abdomen. However, Twisted Chica's stomach mouth wasn't just for show as it closed down the naginata's pole with a vice grip.

The apparition's eyes widened with surprise while the twisted animatronic lurched towards her with both claws digging into her shoulder that forcing a pained growl out of her mouth. The chicken proceeded to open its mouth, revealing all the razor-sharp teeth that sat in her beak while drool slipped from her maw. She started to pull Hisako forward, hoping to chomp her head off. The apparition struggled and wriggled around in Twisted Chica's clutches, however, a green aura began to surround Hisako, who almost smirked.

"バカ野郎!" She yelled out before fazing right into Twisted Chica's body, whose pupils shrunk down to size upon realizing the error she made.

Twitching all over, a faint green glow emanating from the monstrous chicken's body. Any confidence that Twisted Chica had of getting out of this alive, and with a fresh kill at that, slowly slipped out of her grasp with each forced twitch in her limbs and every faint emerald blink of her body. She knew that she was the last of the Twisted Ones, and she doubted that a merciful end would be given to her.

To the freakishly-feathered fiend's surprise, she started to float up into the air, helpless to do anything even if she wanted to. All Twisted Chica could do was screech out in terror for the torture that most certainly awaited her.

First, it became a twisting of the arms all the way around, then the legs being bent backward, and the body folding in ways that no body should. Then it was all done again in reverse, the arms were bent, the legs were twisted, but the body felt remained folded, but oppositely this time. Every bend and twist elicited the sound of cracked metal, and sparking wires. It was a horror show to behold, and a nightmare to experience.

It was only until every single piece of Twisted Chica had folded into itself, like a mangled piece of broken origami. Screeching and crying in complete agony were the last sounds to escape her beak before it a total silence washed over. A silence that was broken by the chicken crashed to the ground like a sack of broken parts.

The memory of spring gazed at this sudden addition with surprise... that soon morphed to irritation. Watching as it slowly pulled itself from the ground, its hook-hand and claw-hand scraping against the floor, it proved to Hisako that Afton was truly desperate to escape the hands of vengeance. A level of persistence that she would never say to be admirable.

"Ha, ha, ha..." A peal of sudden laughter broke through the tourist trap. It was nothing like Afton's which would be more guttural and mature, this laughter sounded like it belonged to a child. The thought of a child possibly being left here at the mercy of Springtrap terrified Hisako.


A sudden intrusion through her leg made Hisako scream in pain. Gazing downwards to the culprit, a bestial fox-like animatronic with a long, twisted hook for a hand.

Twisted Foxy looked like he had dug himself out of the ground enough to reach the spirit, which Twisted Foxy used to have his hook tear through piercing her leg.

"Ha, ha, ha..." That same laughter from before appeared, this time it appeared to be much closer. Briefly tearing her eyes away from the pirate fox, Hisako shifted her eyes everywhere in order to find the source of this chuckling. From the corner of her eye, Hisako managed to catch sight of a small boy with a propellor on its head, lunging at the ghost with an ear-bleeding screech.

When the little boy had gotten close enough, Hisako did something that the Phantom Balloon Boy did not prepare for. Gripping his entire head in a single hand. Ignoring the broken-down laughter coming from the phantom animatronic, Hisako crushed his head to pieces, which lead to the rest of its body fading away like smoke.

With the Phantom out of the way, Hisako was about to resume her battle against Twisted Foxy, only to be met with a hook to the shoulder that pierced into the ghost's flesh. A pained shout was drawn from Hisako before she was promptly slammed into the wall, being met with the monstrous animatronic fox, who had his jaw flung open to show off his razor-sharp teeth. Hisako wriggled around in the animatronic's grip, before successfully knocking the monstrous robot away with a strike of the naginata's blunt end.

Twisted Foxy fumbled back for a moment but got his head back into the game and barreled forth at speeds that were greater than any Olympic athlete could achieve, attempting to slit the apparition's throat open with a strong swing of his hook. Hisako stepped forth and with a clean swing of her naginata...


Accuracy and precision befitting of a samurai, Hisako managed to slice through Twisted Foxy's entire left arm. It was too fast for the fox to comprehend, not even realizing that his arm was missing until he saw the sparks leaping off of the limbless stump. Despite this pain being intense in every way animatronically possible, did not let up in his attempts of ramming his hook through the onyro's throat.

Hisako raised her naginata at the angle of which Twisted Foxy was aiming, successfully blocking an open attempt at her throat. Twisted Foxy tried again, this time aiming for her stomach, but Hisako managed to block that as well, this time replying with a powerful kick that left the fox's form carved into the wall, dazing him for a moment. Still, that moment was just enough for Hisako...


Right through Twisted Foxy's hook arm, the apparition's naginata pierced right through, leaving him pinned to the wall. He tried to yank himself free, maybe just enough to loosen the naginata's force, but a swift grasp of his head left the possibility void.

Twisted Foxy was met with the cold gaze of Hisako staring at him, devoid of any other emotion aside from anger and contempt. Whether it was from his servos going haywire or perhaps a genuine terror washing over him, the monstrous pirate fox could only let out a scream of pure horror before his head was torn from his body. The sound of metal crackling and wires splitting apart with electrical sparks flying every which way. Foxy was now devoid of a head, his body splayed against the wall before crumpling to the ground with a loud 'THUD' from Hisako removing her blade. Feeling little to no pity for her headless ambusher.

Now with all of Afton's horrific creations cut down to zero, it was time to focus on the main event, the reason she came here in the first place.

It was time to put William Afton in a grave.

Having viewed the entire spectacle from the darkness and the safety of the vents, to say Afton was seething with rage would be an understatement of the century. Watching all of his creations be turned into scrap metal pushed William to the near brink of rage. Clenching his fist tightly, Springtrap was about to let out his frustrations by banging against the metal walls of his confined space but managed to stop himself out of fear of exposing himself to the relentless apparition.

"Steady, Willy..." Springtrap growled to himself, lowering his hand. "Minor setback. You still have one last ace in the hole. Burn her."

The rapid sound of footsteps caught Hisako's ears, which progressively became fainter with each passing moment. She would normally chalk this up to perhaps another Twisted One entering the field, but if that were the case then they would've just ended up charging right towards the avenging spirit. So, if it wasn't a Twisted One, that could only mean...

"ウィリアム・アフトン!" With that wrath-ridden cry, Hisako's mad charge for the decrepit serial killer rabbit had begun. Enough time was wasted on toy soldiers and demonic puppets, time that should be used to topple the king and strangle the master.

Charging through the walls, crawling along the ceiling, shifting between spaces, every trick that Hisako could utilize was done so to its full, fueled by the one-track desire to crush Afton within her spectral hands. As she charged, she managed to catch the faint sight of the rotted bunny, pushing the apparition to catch the fly that has escaped her web for one moment too long. "十分なおもちゃ!十分なゲーム!あなたの終わりはあなたを待っています!"

Springtrap already heard the booming shouts of a language that he was incapable of understanding, Afton already knew Hisako was after him in hot pursuit. However, Afton was familiar with the layout, he knew just where to go but he needed to move face. He could hear Hisako's screaming and the pounding of metal that drove the mummified serial killer to pick up the pace. Looking over his shoulder, Afton's adrenaline rose when he saw Hisako hot on his tail, spider-crawling after him with her jaw drawn out to reveal a mouth containing sharp teeth.

"SHIT!" Springtrap cursed, pushing himself further and further to widen the gap in this tight space. Hisako wasn't one to give up as she outstretched her arms and grabbed a hold of Willam's ankle. Hisako began to pull ay the serial killer's legs, who was clutching at the walls for dear life. In an act of terror-fueled decision-making, Afton rammed his foot against Hisako's nose with enough force to knock the vengeful spirit back as he made his frantic escape

"NOT TODAY, SWEETHEART!" Crying out condescendingly, Afton's legs continued their desperate sprint for their destination. He didn't waste time checking if Hisako was still there, for Afton knew it would be foolish to believe she would remain in a single spot. 'Have to move quickly, before that thing gets me again, and I don't get so lucky.'

Out from the wall to his left, Hisako had popped out to slash at Afton with her naginata. Just managing to latch on to the wall on his right, Afton watched as the onryo tear away at the outer layer of William's endoskeleton, which he regarded with little care. Even as Hisako kept on going, Afton would not allow that to stop him, smashing his mechanical foot into Hisako's nose once more, this time with an egotistical cackle to go with it.

"At least try and make this interesting!" Running through the complex, leaving a dazed Hisako to glare at the retreating animatronic.

"ここに戻ってきて、あなたは子供を殺害するバスタードです!" The cursed spirit screamed, crawling out of the space she had come out of, and now crawling along the walls, the floors, and the ceiling like a wrath-fuelled spider.

Afton slipped into the darkness yet again, leaving Hisako enraged that this cowardly snake had slithered away from her. The onoryo was steadfast in routing out the killer, unable to let him slink away in the shadows. She rushed in the direction where Afton took off, her consciousness overflowing with vicious rage. The moment she caught Afton, death would be the least of his worries.

Despite all the damage that had been inflicted upon him throughout this hellacious bout, Springtrap was still fully functioning with his sights dead-set on a door near the end of a hallway.

“There are gasoline tanks in there if I remember correctly. When I get my hands on them, this place and that woman will burn along with me…” The rotting rabbit thought to himself, reaching his desired location. The rabbit animatronic didn’t have time to open the door as he bashed it open with a shoulder check, nearly ripping it off from its hinges. Afton stepped into the room and began to tear through the room, desks were thrown about and shelves were knocked over in his haphazard search. The child killer only had a finite amount of time and he needed to act quickly.

“Where is it?… WHERE IS IT!?” William cursed to himself, sending papers and various items scattered about all over the floor. He could already tell that his ghostly opponent was on his tail and despite trying to keep a collected mind, the panic was beginning to take hold of Afton’s consciousness. Springtrap went as far as to tear through walls in order to find the Jerry cans but there was no such luck.

“FUCK!” He shouted before punching a wall, leaving behind a sizeable hole in the wake of his rage-endured strike. “That bitch is going to be the end of me if I can’t find those canisters. There were right here, where the fuck could they have-“

Afton’s tattered ears perked up to a faint ‘fwoosh’ noise that came from beneath his heels. Acting fast, Springtrap quickly stepped away from a shadow pool that had formed along the grimy floor. Rising from the blackened pond, Afton was met with a hateful leer from Hisako, her expression did all the talking for her. It conveyed one single message that Springtrap understood thoroughly:

“Nowhere to hide.”

Without hesitation, Hisako lunges at Springtrap with a thrust of her naginata though Afton was lucky enough to weave out of the blade’s trajectory. As the blade sped past him, Hisako expected to strike the tiled floor but instead, she struck something that sounded like it was made from plastic and filled with liquid…


Springtrap looked to his side to see the naginata had pierced into a jerry can with gasoline spilling all over the floor. If he had control over his facial muscles, Afton would have been smirking like a devil.

“Actually… This could work.” He thought to himself with a light chuckle.

Punching Hisako in the face, who had started growing tired of constant strikes to her temple, Springtrap maneuvered himself to another Jerry can that his eyes managed to catch. Mentally smirking at the hateful stare thrown at him, which would've torn him apart from the pressure alone, Afton decided to give this mad bull even an incentive to charge through the red cape.

"Come on, ghost girl. Don't you want to avenge those little tykes? Bring me to justice, and all that crap, right?" Afton jeered Hisako on. "Or will you up as just as much of an easy slaughter as they were?"

Growling in fury, Hisako raised her naginata to bring it down upon the serial killer, proving unsuccessful when he simply ended up side-stepping the bladed pole, much to her aggravation. The feelings of an egotistically smug grin across Afton's face, despite there only being that unchanging mechanical maw of his, only spurred her on.

"To think that you would be an actual challenge, only to be nothing but little lambs fresh to the slaughter. Seems you and those kiddies have something in common, after all."

"あなたはあなたの犯罪のために燃えるでしょう、この下劣な野郎! 若さを捕食する獣は人生に値するものではありません!" Hisako screamed at the top of wildly slashing at Springtrap, prompting him to either evade or block off any of the vengeful spirit's attacks. Springtrap suddenly sidestepped while Hisakso lunged the blade directly into the jerry can before pulling it out. Sending gasoline every which way. She barreled forth yet again and with a reach of his hand, Afton caught the hilt of Hisako's naginata before reeling his head back. Hisako took the initiative to respond with a headbutt of her own. Both the killer and the spirit slammed their heads together, pushing against one another.

"Would it kill you to speak English?..." Springtrap retorted, further stoking the flames of searing hot anger that burned within Hisako. She began to force herself forward, despite the difference in bulk and height of her opponent, gradually overpowered William. But he was having none of that and with a strong twist of his body, Afton hurled Hisako back with one good pitch. Hisako landed onto her feet, though the floor felt slippery from the gasoline that had been spilled in this quarrel.

Afton had a window of time before Hisako could return back to fighting as he scrambled to one of the desks that he had thrown in his desperate search, rummaging through the drawers. Thankfully, it didn't take long for Afton to find what he was looking for. Hisako, meanwhile, jabbed her blade into the floor to prevent herself from hitting the wall from behind. Suddenly, the room once again was filled with Afton's sadistic chortling as she craned her neck up to see the tattered animatronic holding a lighter in his clutch.

"Do me a favor, dear lady." Springtrap chuckled sadistically, the lighter's flame flickering on. "And die in a fire."

Eyes widening at the sight of the lighter, Hisako made a leap in order to stop Afton from falling through in whatever plan he had in mind... but it ended being for naught. Even when she had rammed her naginata right through Afton, he still had the arrogance to remain chuckling, and once she saw all the gasoline coating the floor, it all became clear to her what would come next.

Just as she was about to pull her naginata out of Springtrap, he made a swift move and used his free hand to clutch onto the bladed pole. Enraged at Springtrap grasping her father's treasured weapon, she hefted Springtrap into the air like he was a stuffed doll. Screaming right into his face, she completely ignored how his other hand had been strangely left... until she caught sight of the lighter passing through her vision.

Once again, Springtrap had managed to get the better, and she doubted there'd be enough time for her to stop it. All she resorted to doing, was screaming in pure rage towards William, a frightening inverse to Afton's demented cackling.

A wall of flames consumed the wrathful apparition, the flames dulling out his enraged cries while Afton slowly backed away. Watching his ghostly foe burn into nothingness, sadistic victory fueling his disgusting ego. Now that the fire had been lit, all William needed to do was leave and let this hellhole go up in flames. The half-man, half-animatronic took off, laughing to himself to the whole. He could feel the encroaching flames spreading to the halls but he had already gotten a head start. There was quite possibly nobody that could stop him now but if Afton had learned anything from his past, it's that what may seem like a brilliant idea could end up backfiring tremendously.


And chink in the armor came when a flaming blade pierced right through his back and speared through his chest. Springtrap screamed out with pain from an unforeseen flaming projectile skewering him as he stumbled back. Of course, Afton survived the attack but it certainly caught him off guard. However, that's not what William is concerned about. It was a matter of who threw it at him.


"Oh no..." Springtrap said to himself aloud and the moment he turned around, there she was. Bursting the growing fire, streaks of flames cascading from her ragged kimono and hair, her eyes glowing as bright as the midnight moon, and her body contorted into that of a spider as the flames seemed to run alongside her in her pursuit.

Hisako still lived.

The sight of the incoming onryo managed to set Springtrap's decaying mind into overdrive, not allowing his fear to end up with him facing a demise that he refused to face. But try as he might, the moment Afton began his sprint, Hisako was onto him immediately, grasping her naginata that was still lodged inside Afton, and swung her weapon for Afton to be tossed aside near the oncoming blaze.

Crashing into the murky floors with a rough bang was not a pleasant experience for Afton, as he had constantly come to understand. But the sight of the fire that started growing closer to his position let him understand that there will be worse things if he just stays where he is. Rising to a stand, Afton readied his run once more, but immediately ceased as he noticed the flaming onryo that currently had him caged; trapped between either dying in a brutal blaze or at the hands of a vengeful samurai.

"I don't understand! You're supposed to be DEAD!" A combination of aggravation and terror started to get the better of Springtrap, which Hisako couldn't help but find pleasure in. "I've managed to cheat death the moment I became what I am now! But YOU! You're on fucking fire, and yet you act as though you've just been struck with a gust of wind! WHY THE FUCK IS THAT!!!"


"And would it kill you to speak a language I can actually understand?! Maybe if I knew what the fuck you're saying, I may actually be scared of you!" It was a total lie, and Afton knew it. He was already terrified by this girl, and he highly doubts understanding her will just gift him with a surge of courage.

Annoyed by Afton's insolence, Hisako lashed out with a strong swipe of her naginata that forced William to back away. Though even upon dodging it, he still felt as though the air current pushed him back. Hisako didn't give the serial killer a second time to recover for she slashed him diagonally, nicking the animatronic rabbit from his shoulder and from across his chest, leaving behind yet another slash amongst his fabric exterior. Upon finishing the attack, Hisako shouted out a second response in what little English she could before unleashing three devastating swings of her father's blade.








The scream of metal and mummified flesh being torn was loud enough to be heard even with the roaring flames further ravaging Fazbear's Fright. Hisako’s assault didn’t just leave Afton with several more scratches for when she ended it off with her third attack, Springtrap attempted to block it off but instead came out one hand short. The rotting animatronic’s eyes widened to the sight of his right hand no longer attached to his arm, having been cut clean off.

The sight of his hand no longer being where it belonged terrified Afton, but that was nowhere near as fear-inducing as much as the flaming spectre that slowly began to approach him, dragging her naginata against the ground. Every step Hisako took felt like she was stepping on Afton's own grave, and every breath he took felt as though it was his last. Not willing to accept his end just yet. Clenching his still remaining hand, he let it fly forward in hopes of having it land directly in Hisako's face...

... only to have it be caught in Hisako's own fist. Such a pathetic attack wasn't even worthy of countering, blocking, or misdirecting with her naginata. She pulled Afton in for the both of them to come face-to-face with another in a more direct manner, both set of undead eyes gazing into one another; one filled with dread, and the other with pity.

"So... pathetic..."

Even in the clutches of certain doom, Afton refused to let fear overtake his rationale. Years of planning, waiting and rotting behind walls were reduced to embers because of this apparition. A thought that replaced Springtrap's fear with that of anger. Hisako planned to rip Afton's arm from its joint before right before she could make such a move, William elbowed her right in the gut with his other arm. The unanticipated blow left Hisako in a slight shock but it wall Afton needed to push himself forward with Hisako being forcibly pushed back right through a smoldering wall. Embers and ashen rubble were sent flying every which way as Afton body-slammed his vengeful adversary to the ground.

With Hisako right where he wanted her, Afton pinned her to the ground with his an iron foot pressed against her chest. Pushing down with such a force that even the wrathful spirit had difficulties breathing. Afton glared down at his source of ire, the growing flames enveloping the once dingy horror attraction into one great pyre. William had one final trick up his sleeve, one that he had prayed would bring the end to Hisako after the hell she made him go through.

"I have not..." Afton breathed out, reaching for the upper portion of the Spring Bonnie head that had been fastened onto his skull since the day of his so-called 'demise'.

"...come this far..."



The disgusting sound of metal creaking and flesh being ripped away from the scalp assaulted Hisako's ears as the onryo looked on with shock to the true face of the killer that had been shrouded in the darkness for god knows how long.

"...TO DIE NOW."

To gaze upon what this monster truly looked like, for the light to expose Afton for what he was. A despicable, poor excuse of a man who wasted his life trying to become some form of a god, only to end up becoming nothing more than a worthless, deplorable monster. Hisako actually felt pity for the fate Afton had been cursed with... if not for the fact that this curse was one he placed upon himself.

With the sight of the approaching Spring Bonnie mask, it seemed that the serial killer wanted the onryo to share in his fate. She was even more disgusted at this tactic, but wasn't surprised; Hisako perceived this as Afton wanting someone else to share in the pain he constantly experiences, so that he can be comforted with the fact that he isn't the only one in suffering, or perhaps is in an ever worse state than he is.

Swiftly grasping the arm that was clutching the Spring Bonnie mask, so iron-clad Afton was surprised that it wasn't crushed into scrap from the force. Remembering how this played out from last time, Springtrap reared back his handless arm to perhaps ram it into either the face or the stomach, whichever would allow the best opening, but that arm too was caught in Hisako's iron grip. Try as he might, there was no way for Afton to try anything, especially getting the Spring Bonnie mask upon Hisako.

Seeing that Springtrap was trapped in her spectral clutches, Hisako stared at him with a mix of loathing and contempt, before spitting out, "あなたの苦しみの中で一人でいてください。"

The moment she finished her words, she promptly faded out of Springtrap's vision.

"WHAT?!" Springtrap was shocked, but then wasn't. He had forgotten that Hisako was capable of doing that the whole time. "FUCK!!! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!"

Panic had now truly set in, Afton was unable to think clearly now that his opponent had disappeared from thin air altogether. She had to be somewhere hiding in the great fire that was near completed with swallowing the establishment. Springtrap couldn't believe that he had let something like this slip by him, as he screamed out with feral rage, chucking the Spring Bonnie head onto the floor with such force that it dislodged a few teeth in the process.


"教えてアフトン。" Hisako's haunting voice filled the room momentarily while Afton froze like a statue from a horrific sensation creeping up from behind. Afton's pupils shrunk to the size of peas while a fearful breath escaped his mummified lips, the reality of his predicament crashing down on him hard.

She was right behind him.


Not a second passed before Afton's entire body went stiff, the thing was that this wasn't his doing. His body twitched and spasmed with a flicker of green energy, despite his best efforts to regain control over his body, Springtrap was incapable of moving even his fingers. His whole body went limp before it was hastily suspended from the ground like a lifeless puppet dangling on a string. The half man, half animatronic had no way to fight back against the ghostly opponent who had taken over his body. But this wouldn't be for long because in one quick motion...


Springtrap's entire body twisted itself into one unnatural angel, metallic joints bent to a point of snapping and what remained of his spinal colon cracked like a twig.

The pain... it was a pain Afton didn't know could be experienced in life or death. It was far too much for him, so overwhelming that he didn't even know if he could even scream. The best he managed to do was twitch his fingers a little, but even that managed to reduce Springtrap to a wrenching mess, having the phantom sensations of puking up blood.

Leering over Afton's broken form was the ever-so haunting presence of the spectral samurai, Hisako. Within the everlasting light of the approaching flames, her dark, flickering form was a striking contrast to the flames that were cast behind her, as if Springtrap was being looked down upon by a spirit of vengeance. Her eyes, however, were what really struck Springtrap, it felt like his own soul was being torn apart, ripped to shreds, and left to rot in a state that could somehow be considered just as vicious as the state his body was currently in.

They say that terror truly does things to man's mind, proven by the demented, maniacal laughter that Springtrap couldn't help but let loose. "So what? Is that it? I get beaten down, left to rot, and everything that I've ever built up comes crashing down upon me? Not on your life BITCH!" If he could, Afton would spit upon the astral form of Hisako. "That little fantasy of yours is nothing more than that. NOTHING CAN STOP ME! No matter what you do, no matter what you try. I ALWAYS COME BACK!!!"

As the flames continued to close in on the two, Afton had only one more thing to say.

"What the hell are you compared to that?!"

Tapping into the limited vocabulary she possessed, Hisako managed to say her final words that would imprint themselves into Springtrap's mind forever, just as much as his body and soul.


Afton was ready to retort and verbally mock the apparition but the serial killer was left wordless when he felt something clutch at the nape of his neck. One that even forced out a pained grunt out of his decrepit lips. Hisako merely took a step back, her eyes fixated on the newly-limp animatronic, whose eyes frantically darted around. The ground beneath was beginning to blacken and the texture felt as though Afton was laying in a puddle. The darkness was beginning to spread far and wide, unfurling until it had full coverage of the serial killer.

"W-what..." Springtrap said with a haggard, metallic breath. Panic and confusion started to set in for he had zero clue of what was happening. "What... is this?..."

His question was promptly answered when he spotted something emerging from the ebony puddle, a long gangly arm that was comprised of ghoulish flesh as it grabbed a hold of the serial killer's ankle. From then on, it became clear to William.

He was doomed.

Several more arms breached from the shadows, all of them tugging at Afton's battered form. The child killer used what remained of his vocal chords produced a raspy scream though no matter how hard he tried, the fire obstructed his cries from ever reaching the outside world. He couldn't move on account of his shattered body as the hands dug their nails into the fabric and flesh-infused metal exterior that comprised his rotting form. Once the arms had taken hold, they pulled the half-man, half-animatronic into the murky blackness. His body began to sink into the shadowy pool as Afton continued to scream with terror.

"MICHAEL! MICHEAAAAAL!!! PLEASE, GET ME OUT OF HERE! MICHAEL, ANYBODY, HELP ME!!!" Springtrap screamed, the only person answering his cry for help being the wrathful spirit, who felt not an ounce of sympathy towards her unfortunate prey.

"あなたは助けを超えている、モンスター。 反対側であなたを待っているものは何でもあなたの物乞いを保存します。" Hisako spat out before turning her back on Springtrap, who was now half submerged by pulsating shadows. "それはあなたに慈悲を示していることを祈ります。"

As Springtrap's cries for salvation he didn't deserve remained strong, the hand's grip upon the serial killer became stronger. His defiance to damnation he most definitely deserved somehow made Hisako detest him even more; for such an egotistical piece of garbage to be begging for his life when he found such joy in taking others, was far too pathetic for the onryo to find satisfaction in.

"THIS CAN'T HOLD ME! THIS WON'T STOP ME! AND YOU'RE A FOOL IF YOU THINK IT CAN!" Afton's desperate cries became drowned by the flames and ignored by Hisako. "I... I..."

It became silent. Dead silent. If not for the flames that would soon bring all of Fazbear's Frights down to ash, you wouldn't believe that any living being had ever stepped foot in this cheap little tourist attraction. Hisako made due to exit the establishment before it ended up collapsing on top of her.

... Out of from the very shadows came Springtrap himself! The hands still gripped his lower form, but he would still try for one last act of defiance, however slight it may have been.


Hisako certainly had something to say to that.



Completely done with Springtrap's shit, Hisako let the blade of her naginata cut down the animatronic bunny. Any bravado Afton had at that moment was cut down in an instant, left only with the lingering pit of despair.

Now with their prey less than likely to make any more attempts of escape, the shadowy hands pulled Springtrap down to the abyss; the serial killer's screams becoming nothing more than fuel to the fire of the shadowy abyss' desire to bring everlasting ruin to Afton, and swiftly, those screams gave way to that dead silence from more, but this time, it was guaranteed to stay that way.

It was only a matter of seconds before hands sank back into floor, taking Springtrap along with them. The ebony pool from which they sprang dissipated into nothingness, leaving nary a trace. William Afton was gone from the world and for good, his long history of bloodshed and murder came to a horrific end by the vengeful spirit. Taken away to another plane of existence to live the rest of his life in eternal suffering to pay for his crimes.

A fate that he would truly never escape from.

(Music Stops)

Hisako knew the deed had been done, the rotting serial killer who evaded death had finally been brought to justice and it was time for her to leave this shriveling establishment as it collapsed into cinders. She, too, sank into the floor before a mass of burning rubble came falling directly onto where she once stood. Fazbear's Fright was now devoid of any and all life.

Then, from the ashes of the tourist trap's ashes, came a single form of life. From the still flickering embers of Fazbear's Fright came... something. It was a little hard to tell what it was at first, but it soon began to take shape; a small boy, no older than thirteen, wearing a black shirt with grey stripes across it, and blue shorts.

"Is it... is it over?" The young boy questioned. For the first time since he became what he was, his eternal despair would be no more, and finally, give way to something else. "D-Did the bad dream s-s-stop?"

"The dream... ends..." A slow, melancholic voice spoke out from behind the young boy, frightening the hell out of him. "The nightmare... dies..."

Mustering all the courage that he had, the child became overwhelmed with fear once more with the appearance of whom was behind him. A pale-skinned woman who looked as though she had just burst out of her grave, and wielding a giant bladed-pole weapon that far exceeded him in height; the piercing eyes white eyes didn't help at all, or the tattered material that was draped over her.

"You... need not... be afraid." The woman spoke, in a calm, and slow, voice. "I've no... desire... to harm... you."

The child was hesitant at the ghoulish woman who stand before him, despite her reassurances, the boy was still fearful of what she might do.

"H-How would I know that?..." The young child said, slowly backing away from the vengeful spirit. Hisako, however, knelt down and extended her hand out to the smoldering pile that was once Fazbear's Fright. Embers scurried about through the wind while orange flames danced along the night sky, black smoke radiating from the flames and disappearing off into the night sky. The morning sun was slowly starting peak from the horizon though the heavens were still as black as ink. The child looked upon the fiery wreckage, a slight heat brushing against his skin.

"...I....I..." The boy stammered, his eyes starting to well up with tears. He tried to make an attempt to say something but his voice was incapable of formulating a proper sentence. "I...can't believe it..."

"...He's gone...child..." Hisako spoke, standing by him to watch the flames. "...You're safe..."

Hisako had a few ideas in mind for what the young boy would do next. For him to be filled with so much emotion that he would scream, perhaps cry, or even run on over to check if Afton was truly dead and curse out his name.

For him to rush over to Hisako and wrap his arms around her shoulders for a hug, that she didn't prepare for. Too shocked by this, she did nothing but accept this sudden notion.

"Thank you, miss." The young boy said through his tears. "Thank you so much."

This was a new experience for Hisako, at least since she had gained her non-corporeal form. For someone to actually show some form of affection or gratitude directly towards her was strange for her; only her family and close friends have ever shown either emotion towards her, and that was from a time that has long since passed. This young boy, whose afterlife has been wrought with suffering, almost to the extent of Hisako herself. The onryo's memories of spring have long since passed, replaced with a legend of rage and vengeance, but that didn't mean her heart was completely eradicated in the process.

Although hesitant at first, Hisako returned the hug with a kindness rarely seen from the vengeful spirit. "You deserve... to be... at peace."

Warmth surged through the child's heart as he tightened his embrace slightly, burying his face against the thin fabric of Hisako's kimono. He couldn't find it in his heart to release himself from the apparition. Hisako knew that their time together would be short-lived but this hug felt much longer, her wrath fading away for but a moment, and in its place was love. The child moved his head up to Hisako, wiping away any tears with his sleeve.

"...I hope you find rest too, ma'am..." The child sniffled slightly, Hisako paused when those words touched her ears. She knew that eternal rest was but a dream for her and knowing the hell she had gone through, she would be lucky to be at peace in her shrine.

"...I don't know... If I can..." The onryo said with melancholy breath, resting a hand on the boy's cheek. "But... you're free... Rest now with the others... They're waiting for you."

While her eyes were listless and glassy, the boy swore he could see compassion resonating within in her gaze. One that filled him with hope, he won't know for sure where he'll being going or if he'll ever see his brother again but he knew it was time to go.

Their embrace was a strange sight that could thaw out even the coldest of hearts. Tears of happiness continued to flow down the child's cheeks, which Hisako wiped away with her hands. Upon Hisako's own cheek, a single tear also flowed down from her eye, filled with a joy and relief equal to the extent of the young boy's.

As a hand stroked away her own tear, Hisako gazed down at the boy's own eyes, free of any tears that were already long since shed.

"There's no need to cry." The young boy's smile managed to tug at the remnants of Hisako's heart. "Not anymore."

Unable to help herself, Hisako tightened the hug the two of them shared, which the boy happily returned. Maybe it was a little unexpected for the onryo, something she herself would admit, but she didn't care. A young child's anguish has finally come to an end, for it to bring way to something else, perhaps something better. So long as he would be happy for a large portion of whatever awaited him, Hisako would be satisfied.

"Can I know your name, please? Before I go?"

It would be logical to simply speak the name that legends have given her, but now was not a time for logic. Closing her eyes, she spoke the name of whom she once was. "... Chiharu."

A memory of spring. A memory of better days that have long since passed, but perhaps can give way to days far better than even those.

"Thank you, Miss Chiharu." The child's grasp on Hisako tightened some more, as Hisako's own did the same. "Thank you so much... and goodbye."

In an instant, the presence of a young boy within her arms had been replaced with merely open air. Hisako opened her eyes, and the sight of no child anywhere concerned her for a moment; yet, she could sense it, a faint feeling of peace that only the dead deserve.

A cacophony of firetruck sirens blared off into the distance, signifying Hisako to leave this establishment behind and return to her shrine to rest yet again. She knew that eventually when the world would come calling for her, she would have to answer her phone. However, the wrathful spirit left the scene with a smile on her face.

Seven souls finally came home.




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