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  • Writer's pictureMrNate2015

SBS: Undyne VS Sheeva (FIGHT)

Updated: Apr 19, 2021

UL: Well everyone, The spears are sharpened...

Mettaton: And the arms are flexing... Who will prevail? 

UL: My fellow viewers...IT'S TIME FOR DRAMA!





Location: A City in Earthrealm 

Time: 12:46 PM


    Earthrealm, simply put, was under attack.

    In the streets of a large city, while everything seemed normal during the morning as many citizens were heading to their jobs and children were making their way to school, everything changed when groups of monsters that hailed from Outworld came charging into the city, ranging from Taraktins, Saurians, Shokans, and much more. The creatures started reeking havoc and chaos through the city with many innocent civilians and bystanders being brutally slaughtered in the process.

    Why all of this was happening was because of the Evil Tyrant, Shao Kahn devised a plan to finally conquer Earthrealm by invading the world, along with achieving godhood with the additional aid of his forces.

     While Earthrealm's defenders were definitely doing their best to prevent The Outworlders from getting further, they were definitely struggling to keep them at bay. Johnny Cage and Sonya Blade were unlucky to be caught in an ambush of Tarkatin Soldiers and they were definitely on the ropes. A few soldiers were knocked back by a powerful roadhouse from Cage while Sonya easily knocked one of their eyes out of their sockets with a punch to the face but despite their efforts, more soldiers came charging into their directions.

    "God damn! I'm willing to bet these guys are part cockroaches or something..."Johnny uttered under his breath, nailing one of the Tarkatins directly in the manhood, causing the soldier to drop the ground while writhing in pain. Not far from them, another battle was ragining through the streets as the famous Police Officer, Kurtis Styrker, was knocked right onto the ground by a reptilian creature with an acidic saliva oozing from his mouth.

"Time to die, Human trash!"Reptile screeched, lunging towards Styker with the intentions of reducing him into a bloodied corpse. Styker, in a burst of panic induced energy, drew out his pistol and proceeded to shoot Reptile in the shoulder. The Saurian gave out a roar of anger and pain as he felt the ground, while Stryker swiftly tackled Reptile to the ground. The Officer began to brutally punch the Saurian in the face several times before Reptile grabbed onto Stryker's sides and proceeded to deliver a headbutt that practically shattered his skull.

"N-NO!"Stryker shouted, trying to get up only to be kicked down by his opponent. Johnny and Sonya desperately fought their way through the armie of unrelenting Tarkatins that prevented them from rescuing their comrade while Reptile stood over Stryker, ready to deliver the killing blow.

"I'll enjoy watching your corpse melt into a disgusting pile! NOW, DI-"


"Wait, what was tha-"


(Music Stops)

    Styker, Johnny, Sonya, and even the army of Tarkatins were left speechless upon witnessing Reptile's body being skewered by a blue energy spear that shot right out of the ground. Before the soldiers could even try to think of what the hell just happened, they heard that exact same noise. 

    Difference was...


    It was right beneath their boots.


    The Tarkatins didn't have a chance to scream as almost all of them were impaled by blue spears that spawned right underneath them. The spears then disappeared out of thin air as the bodies of the Tarkatin soldiers fell onto the cement ground.

"The hell just happened!?"Sonya shouted with confusion, now being surrounded by the corpses of the fodder soldiers. Styrker got back up, clutching his soldier with pain, in complete awe of what had just happened.

  "Awesome trick, isn't it?" An unknown voice called out. The three fighters of Earthrealm turned their heads to the source of voice, being met with a rather bizarre creature. Standing on top of a busted vehicle was a blue skinned humanoid with fish-like features, a red pony tail, and a big toothy grin on her face. She was cladded in a pair of knight's armor and an eyepatch that covered her right eye. The three humans simply looked at this creature for a bit before Cage broke the silence.

    "Well, I had no idea the Creature of the Black Lagoon had a daughter..."Johnny said, cocking a brow. His wife merely rolled her eyes at his comment before turning her attention back to the creature that saved them.

"Thank you so much for that, but... Who exactly are you?"Sonya asked the fish-like creature. In response, the creature's smile grew wider before entering into a proud stance.

    "Name'sUndyne, Former Captain of King Asgore's Royal Guard! Here to kick the butts of these weirdos attacking your city!" Undyne said in a confident and prideful tone of voice. 

    "Oh yeah, the Monsters!... Wait, didn't your king appoint a kid as your ambassador?"Cage questioned.

    "Well, yeah! Why wouldn't he?" Undyne shrugged, hopping off of the totaled car.

    "Anyways, you don't have to worry about me. I brought enough troops to help you push back those Outworld guys!" Undyne said, pointing a spear to a group of anthropomorphic dogs, holding various weapons while standing in dramatic poses.

    "They may not look like much but trust me, they can kick some SERIOUS butt!" Undyne said while the Earthrealm fighters were even more weirded out than before.

"...I see. Well, thank you again for your assistance. We need much of it."Sonya said with a salute while Undyne smiled, giving her a thumbs up.

    "No problem! Now if you excuse me, I got some Outworlder butt to kick!" Undyne said before, summoning a spear before sprinting off into one of the streets. Sonya watched Undyne disappear off into the streets before hearing her husband call out to her.

    "Uh... Sonya, you brought mace with you, right?" 

    The Military Officer turned around to see Greater Dog learning on Johnny's back in an uncomfortable manner. Sonya did her absolute best to hold back laughing, covering her face in the process.


Location: A Further part in the City

Time: 12:58


    Just further down the ruined city, more fights were raging through the dangerous streets with many Outworlders caused more chaos and destruction throughout the city. One such example was a battered and bruised woman with raven hair, skimpy blue clothes, and a mask that covered her mouth being thrown onto the streets. The woman groaned with agony only for her eyes to widen with horror as a shadow loomed over, following by a deep, brooding voice of a woman...

    "I have finally bested you, Kitana! Now, it's time for you to pay for the humiliation that you brought me many years ago..." The voice said as Kitana looked up to see her attacker. Standing over the Edenian Princess was a six foot giant of a woman with a black mohawk, red and yellow colored eyes, a red one piece suit, and the most peculiar feature of her appearance was her four pairs of arms that were topped with spikey metal bracelets. The monster standing before Kitana was non other but one of The Shokan's greatest fighters, Sheeva.

"I... I refuse to let you win, let alone have my horrid father take control of this very realm.." Kitana said between breaths. Upon hearing the Edenian's words, Sheeva paused for a slight moment. A small part of her wanted to agree but something was clearly holding her back, but nonetheless, Sheeva huffed in response.

    "I will give you credit, you have certainly fought well... But I'm afraid that your luck ends here." Sheeva said, leaning forward before grabbing onto the Edenian Princess, with one pair holding onto her arms and the other holding onto her legs. Kitana tried to break free but the Shokan's grip was way too strong for her while Sheeva prepared to brutally rip Kitana's skin right off of her body. But just as she was about to put an end to the Edenian's life.


    Sheeva was caught completely off guard when a cyan blur speed right between her and Kitana, forcing her to drop her opponent.

"The hell!?" The Shokan shouted as she turned to see what had nearly taken two of her arms. Sheeva saw a blue spear that was jabbed into the nearest building which confused the living hell out of her.

    "Who threw tha-"

    "HEY YOU!!!"

    The Shokan turned the other direction, being met with a blue skinned fish creature in armor and a spear in one of her hands. Sheeva was quite interested in the creature standing before her but was annoyed that it had stolen her chances of killing her opponent.

    "And what exactly do YOU want...?" Sheeva said in a chilling, deep tone of voice.

    "Well first off, why don't you pick on someone your own size, ya four armed jerk! Second off all, can't have you and your friends destroy this city!" Undyne said, pointing her spear at the Shokan.

    "So, you gonna come in peacefully or am I gonna have to use force?" The Armored Monster continued with Sheeva merely scoffing at Undyne's words.

    "You must be incredibly idiotic if you think I'm just going to surrender to someone like you..." Sheeva huffed, approaching her potential opponent, ignoring Kitana completely. Undyne, on the other hand, tensed up while the grip on her spear grew tighter.

    "Oh yeah? Well bring it on! I'm not gonna back down and let you hurt others." Undyne said, entering into a combative stance.

    "Hopefully, you'll be worth my time." Sheeva said, also entering into a combative pose as well.

    "I may not have four arms like you, but I can still kick your ass!" Undyne retorted with a slight smirk on her face while Sheeva scoffed once again.

    "Very well then, show me if you TRULY mean that." The Shokan responded, narrowing her eyes while her opponent readied her spear.

    If there was one thing to be said, this battle was going to be legendary and there was only one way to find out a true victor and it was through...

    Undyne was the first to attack, launching herself towards the Shokan while letting out a mighty battle cry. Upon getting closer to her four armed opponent, who was also approaching her at a rapid speed, The Former Captain jabbed her spear in a forward motion. Sheeva was able to parry attack by deflecting it with one of her metal bracelets before unleashing a powerful kick aiming for Undyne's abdomen. However, The Shokan's kick was ineffective as Undyne narrowly avoided it by weaving her body to the side. Sheeva proceeded to form an assault of aggressive punches from both of her arms, but Undyne was quick enough to avoid just about every attack that was thrown into her direction.

    "You're pretty good, too bad your aim is off by a long shot!" Undyne laughed, which seemed to enrage Sheeva 

    "TAKE THIS!" The Former Captain shouted as she proceeded to swing her spear in a sweeping motion, forcing the Shokan to jump back, not before leaving behind a small incision on Sheeva's thigh. The Four Armed Warrior ignored the wound as she quickly focused on her opponent, who leapt towards her and with the spear aiming for her head. In response, Sheeva quickly brought up her upper pair of arms and blocked off the spear with both of her arms up in a defensive formation.


    Sheeva was almost knocked back as she felt Undyne's spear strike against her bracelets. Sheeva pushed Undyne back with great strength but the Former Captain landed right on her feet before darting straight towards her foe for a second time. This time around, Sheeva caught the spear with both of her hands, entering in a brand new power struggle against her fish-like opponent. Just then, The Shokan realized that The Former Captain's sides were unguarded, giving her a perfect idea to give her the advantage she was looking for. Sheeva grabbed onto Undyne with her second pair of arms, a move that Undyne had no way of predicting as she accidently dropped her spear.

"Ha! Now I've got you..."Sheeva thought to herself. With her opponent disarmed and in her grasp, Sheeva proceeded to unleash a brutal flurry of aggressive blows right into her opponent's face before throwing her across the street. Undyne landed face-first onto the asphalt while Sheeva merely stared at her downed opponent before looking to the side, crossing one of her arms.

    "Tch, And here I thought you would be a worthy. Now I see you're nothing more but some screaming brute tha-" 


    "AUUUUUUUUUGH!!!!"Sheeva gave out an agonizing scream, feeling a sharp pain in the shoulder. The Shokan jerked her head to see a blue spear pierced right into shoulder, currently being held by Undyne with a couple of bruises on her face and a less-than-pleased glare in her one eye.

    "And here's why I don't do monologues in fights anymore!" Undyne boomed before lifting Sheeva up in the air with her spear before launching her right into the sky. With her opponent air-bound, The Former Captain conjured up a brand new spear before launching it right into The Shokan's abdomen, with enough force to launch her onto the top of a car, dismantling it completely upon impact. Any ordinary human would easily die from something like that but Sheeva immediately got right back up, completely livid by Undyne's actions. She even flat out ripped the two spears lodged into her body, leaving behind nasty wounds but the Shokan could care less. Meanwhile, Undyne was completely shocked with Sheeva's pain tolerance, she was able to take a spear to the gut for crying out loud. The Shokan rose back up onto her feet, wiping the blood off of her body.

"You annoying one-eyed little runt... I WILL SNAP YOUR PUNY BODY IN TWO LIKE A TWIG!"Sheeva screamed before leaping several feet into air, taking the Former Captain by complete surprise. Undyne began to chuck several spears at her opponent, but much to her  Sheeva was able to quickly maneuver around each of the incoming blades as she them stomped both of her feet down onto the asphalt.


    The impact of Sheeva's feet hitting the ground resulted in a mini tremor that nearly rag-dolled Undyne, only for her to quickly leap back just in the nick of time. The Former Captain proceeded to summon a couple of spears before launching them straight at The Shokan, only for her to deflect each projectile with her bracelets with expert precision. After the Shokan finished deflecting the spears, both Undyne and Sheeva then looked at each other for a brief moment before the two warriors dashed towards each other at impeccable speeds that far exceeded that of any professional athlete could possibly achieve.

    "NNNNNGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGH!!!!" Undyne let out her war cry once more while Sheeva, with a thrust of both her arms, shot a blast of fire into the Former Captain's direction. Undyne reacted quickly by swinging the blade right into the fireball in a swift motion, dispersing the projectile in the process. Sheeva's eyes widened, shocked for a brief moment before getting her head back in the game when Undyne jabbed into her direction. The Shokan caught the incoming blade with one hand, preventing it from piercing into her eye. The Shokan took a step back, pushing Undyne before disarming her with a kick to the arm.

    "It's all over for you now!"The Shokan barked before attempting to grab Undyne so that she could squeeze the life out of her, but the Former Captain slid out of the way just in the nick of time. Undyne proceeded to pull her fist back and threw a mighty left hook right smack in the Shokan's face, a blow that was powerful enough to make The Four Armed Warrior stumble back. A big grin formed on the Former Captain's face, now realizing that she had the upperhand, before decking Sheeva in the face for a second time.

    "HOW'S THIS FOR YA!?" Undyne shouted out loud right before she threw herself into Sheeva's direction, viciously punching Sheeva in the face several times but he assault came to an end when The Shokan slapped Undyne's fist back and delivered a punch of her own, right into the Former Captain's cheek. 


    The result of Sheeva's punch lead to Undyne getting launched into a wall, with enough force to break a gigantic hole through it. The Shokan smirked before rushing into the gaping hole, entering into a dark room with the only source of light being rays from the sun. Sheeva struggled to see through the darkness but she knew full well that her opponent was hiding somewhere, waiting to get the jump on her. Sheeva awaited for any surprise attack from the darkness, but it was all was silent in the abandoned building that she stood in.

    "DAMMIT, COME OUT HERE! SHOW YOURSELF TO ME YOU FISHFACED COWARD!"Sheeva demanded, her call echoing through the building. Just then, she got a response from her opponent and it was...


    Before the Shokan could process what was even going on, Undyne grabbed onto Sheeva's waist before hoisting her up in the air with an incredible display of strength. The Former Captain proceeded to suplex the Shokan, resulting small crater being imprinted onto the cement ground all while  


    Sheeva gave out an audible grunt of pain upon hitting the ground, Undyne then released Sheeva from her grasp and proceeded to deliver a powerful kick to the side that launched her foe across the room before she slammed right smack into a wall. Sheeva's head jerked up to see Undyne summoning and luanching a couple of spears into her direction. Sheeva reacted quickly, diving right out of the way as the spears pierced into the wall behind her. Sheeva sped up towards Undyne, launching a fireball in retaliation which forcing the Former Captain leap right out of harm's way.

    "Damn, she's a lot quicker than I thought she would be..." Undyne thought to herself as she conjured up a brand new spear, jabbing it directly towards Sheeva's chest. The Shokan was swift enough to stop the blade by clapping two of her hands together, holding the spear in place. Sheeva proceeded to twist the weapon out of her opponent's hands, knocking her back with a heavy kick to the ribs that nearly winded Undyne as she fell to the ground.

"Prepare to die, Fish!"Sheeva then lifted her foot up and proceeded to stomp down in an attempt to crush her opponent's head like watermelon, but instead of splattering Undyne's head all over the floor, the Former Captain rolled out of the way before headbutting the Shokan in the gut, with just about enough force to knock her back. Sheeva retaliated by lunged forward, attempting to tackle her opponent. Like most of The Shokan's attacks, Undyne was swift enough to side-step the attack before unleashing a mighty blow to the back that caused her opponent to trip forward. Sheeva was able to stop herself by falling by flipping back onto her feet, narrowly avoiding more spears that were thrown into her directions but one lucky spear was just about enough to strike in the side of the abdomen.


    "GRMPH..."Sheeva gave out a muffled grunt of pain as she ripped the spear out of her body and proceeded to launch it at The Former Captain, who expertly deflected the oncoming blade into a wall. Sheeva turned into the direction of Undyne and charged again for another brutal assault....

    ...Only to then stop dead in her tracks.

    "W-what!?"Sheeva shouted with disbelief, trying her best to move a single muscle but she just wouldn't budge. 

    "What in the hell is this?! Why can't I move!?"The Four Armed Warrior asked, to which, Undyne responded with a smirk before throwing the Shokan a spear, who caught with her two hands.

    "To put it into simple words, once you're green, you can't escape! Not unless you have to face towards the danger!" Undyne shouted at the top of her lungs, launching a few spears into the Shokan's direction before she swiftly blocked the projectiles with expert precision. However, once she finished, she looked at the spear before scoffing and threw the blade away, something that confused the utter hell out of Undyne.

    "Hey, what are you even do-"

    "Did you really think I came to battle unarmed?"Sheeva said, interrupting the Former Captain's question before reaching her arms behind her. Undyne had no idea what Sheeva was planning before the Shokan pulled out four daggers, each held her individual hands. A look of shock formed on the Former Captain's features before it turned into a cheek-to-cheek grin.

    "Yeah... NOW THAT'S MORE LIKE IT!" She said, unleashing another barrage of spears in hopes of turning Sheeva into a living pincushion, but The Shokan didn't seemed worried in the slightest as she expertly blocked off each individual spear with amazing accuracy, swinging her blades in different directions and even cleaving through one of them with immense force. Undyne only saw this as a minor setback, firing a cannonade of spears at Sheeva with full force. In fact, The Former Captain was beginning to pelt Sheeva with spears from almost every singular corner!

    "Trust me when I say that there's plenty more for you!" Undyne boomed while Sheeva continued to deflect more and more spears that came from different directions, almost out of nowhere even. However, The Former Captain upped the ante by launching a few spears that took up a yellow color, which at first, didn't seem all that surprising to the Shokan as she readied herself to deflect the incoming line of spears. She was able to precisely block off the first few spears without much of a hassle, but the last yellow one made an unexpected move...


Before the Shokan could realize what was about to happen, the yellow spear changed it's trajectory from aiming into her abdomen all the way to her back, a move Sheeva wasn't prepared for as it pierced right into back resulting her screaming with pain. 

    "Didn't see that one coming, did ya huh!? Well you better act quick!" Undyne taunted, summoning and launching more spears into The Shokan's direction. Sheeva did her absolute best to ignore the pain, putting all of her focus on the spears that hurtling right towards her. Gripping onto all of four of her daggers, Sheeva closed her eyes before swinging her arms in great precision and speed that her opponent was having a hard time keeping track. Just then a yellow spear came right from behind, immediately changing it's trajectory but unlike last time...


    Sheeva sliced it perfectly in half with one swing of her four daggers. Just then, more yellow spears were shot into direction and while a few were able to make their mark, Sheeva still able to keep herself from being brought down as she expertly blocked off each off with a flick of her knives. A look of shock was plastered on Undyne's face. Once the Shokan finished, she merely closed her eyes and scoffed, proceeding to attack Sheeva by launching a fireball right from the palm of her hands, forcing Undyne to shield herself with one of her spears.

    "Dammit! I'M NOT GONNA LET YOU WIN THIS FIGHT, I'LL MAKE SURE JUSTICE COMES CRASHING DOWN ON YOU! NGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!" Undyne shouted, retaliating by launching the spear she was currently holding as hard as she could as Sheeva parried the attack with a precise block from her daggers!


    "Back to you!"Sheeva boomed as the spear was redirected into Undyne's path. The Monster summoned forth a brand new spear and with a swift motion, she cleaved the parried spear in two. Undyne to proceeded hurl more spears, moving at speeds faster than the human eye could track with Sheeva successfully parrying a large portion of the incoming blades with only her four daggers. Creating one last spear in a last stitch effort, Undyne hurled it with all her might. 

    However, without even having to look or even think, Sheeva swiftly raised her hand and caught the spear without even a slight bit of trouble.

(Music Stops)

   "Pitiful..."The Shokan, easily snapping the spear like a stick, grabbing onto the falling daggers that she 

    "Even your cowardly techniques aren't enough to take me down. So much for a worthy fight..."Sheeva said with a pout while Undyne narrowed her eyes, or... eye, in response to Sheeva's comment.

    "And just what the hell do you mean by that!?" Undyne shouted in response.

    "Allow me to explain myself... I see it in you, the need for a great fight, something to tell younglings in their spare time. If you really want all that, release me and I will give you a true fight like no other."Sheeva continued while Undyne lowered her spear.

    "Okay, I'll bite. Just what are you trying to purpose here?..." Undyne questioned.

    "What I'm trying to say is that the fight wouldn't be so memeorable if it was just me stuck in one place, would it?..."Sheeva responded, placing the first two sets of her arms on her hips. Undyne thought to herself for a moment upon hearing the Shokan's comment. As much as she hated to admit it, Sheeva ultimately had a point.

This fight practically had been the most excitement she had felt ever since she moved to the surface and how more exhilarating would the fight had been if Sheeva was simply stuck in one place...?

    "You know what, fine..." Undyne said, freeing Sheeva's soul from it's green prison. The Shokan smirked in response, with her hands still holding the daggers.

    "GIVE ME EVERYTHING YOU GOT!" The Ex-Captain screamed in an abrasive tone of voice, summoning and grabbing onto two new spears. Sheeva's smirk merely grew wider to Undyne's determined call, twirling her four daggers before braking into a combative pose.


    Within the blink of an eye, Undyne and Sheeva both came colliding into each other at high speeds with their weapons creating sparks when coming into contact. The two female warriors put their best efforts into this intense power struggle, but Sheeva ultimately gained the upper hand by knocking Undyne to the ground with a strong blast of fire fired from her hands. With her opponent knocked to the ground, Sheeva jumped upwards while aiming her daggers directly towards Undyne's chest.

    "YOU'RE NOT GETTING ME THIS TIME!" Undyne was able to counter her attack with a metallic boot to the gut, an attack that nearly winded the Shokan Warrior as she was sent tumbling several feet away. Sheeva dropped her daggers as a result while large cracks and chips formed on the foundation as the Shokan immediately shot right back up, quickly catching a surprise punch from the Ex-Captain.

    "I will give you this, Fish. That WAS good..."The Shokan said under her breath before kneeing Undyne in the abdomen, causing her to stumble back. Sheeva proceeded to overwhelm Undyne with a strong barrage of punches, but her opponent swiftly ducked another incoming punch. Seeing this as a perfect opportunity to strike back, Undyne grabbed Sheeva by two of her four arms as she proceeded to tackle her to the ground with all the strength she could muster.

    "How's THAT for good!?" Undyne retorted as the whole entire ground shook visibly as soon as Sheeva, continuing her assault with an elbow drop to the gut. Sheeva gave out a grunt of pain before retaliating with a firm backhand, proceeding to stomp her foot on the ground with tremendous force, so much so that launched the Former Captain into the air. With her opponent airborn, Sheeva launched herself upwards before grabbing onto opponent, wrapping her first two arms around her neck before bringing her down to the ground, moving at alarming rates of speed that looked similar to a small asteroid crashing into the earth.


    The whole entire ground shook completely as a result, along with another large crater that was punched into the cement. Sheeva simply picked herself back up, holding Undyne by the sides of her abdomen with two of her arms. The Shokan Warrior proceeded to slam her other two fists into Undyne's face but in a shocking chain of events, the Ex-Captain was able to free her arms in order to block the incoming punches before bashing her forehead against Sheeva, forcing her to drop her opponent. 

    "You're not getting me this time!" Undyne shouted, reeling back her fist and jabbing a hard fist right into the Shokan's cheek, almost breaking her jaw in the process. The Shokan Warrior retaliated with a shoulder cheek that launched Undyne into a wall. Sheeva leapt forward with an attempt to crush Undyne's body into bloody paste, but like always, The Ex-Captain was quick enough to react to this surprise attack by leaping right out of harms way before striking the Shokan right into the back with a powerful kick... 


    that resulted in Sheeva to crash right through the hard brick foundation. The Former Captain watched Sheeva's body tumble across the second room, watching her get right back up without any signs of fatigue whatsoever.

    "I gotta say, I really like your tenacity! But let me show you what you're REALLY up against!" Undyne said with a grin, putting her dukes up while her fore-armed opponent merely scowled at Undyne's comment. 

    "I admire your skills as well, but your efforts will ultimately prove futile in the end."Sheeva said in a grim tone of voice while Undyne cracked her knuckles.

         "WANNA BET!?" Undyne shouted, charging towards her opponent, who did the same exact thing. 

    However, just as the two charged at each other, Undyne's foot struck a rock that she was unable to see due to being too focused on the battle. As a result, The Ex-Captain lost her balance and proceeded to trip forward, but lucky for her, something cushioned her fall.

    Thing was, it was Sheeva's...

(Music Stops)


    Undyne and Sheeva's eyes met with each other with wide-eyed stares, with Undyne's face smooshed in between the Shokan's bosom. The two practically had no idea what to even say about this as an awkward silence filled the whole room. The quietness was broken Undyne pushed herself away from The Shokan's chest, her face visibly blushing, while her opponent covered her chest with all four of her arms out of sheer embarrassment.

    "Uuuh… I... You just wanna continue fighting and pretend that didn't even happen?" Undyne causally asked Sheeva, rubbing her head while a bead of sweat dropped down her head.

    "Yes, I'd like that VERY much..."The Shokan Warrior said, proceeding to cover her face with one of her hands, hiding her deep blush.

    "W-well, gott say... They're definitely soft!..." Undyne said with a light chuckle, literally having no idea what she was even doing at this point. However, Sheeva looked up with a clear look of frustration from the Ex-Captain's comment.

    "Aw crap." Undyne thought to herself.

"Y-you fishy little pervert!..."Sheeva growled under her teeth.

    "YOU DARE MOCK A SHOKAN LIKE THIS!? I'LL CRUSH YOUR SKULL INTO PIECES ONCE I'M THROUGH WITH YOU!"The Shokan boomed, her face still visibly red as she attacked first by stomping onto the ground in order to set Undyne for another vicious combo. While it did prove successful, Undyne was able to kick the Shokan right in the chest, causing her to stumble back. Once The Ex-Captain landed onto the ground, she began to go ham on Sheeva with a flurry of heavy blows to the face. Sheeva was pelted with several aggressive punches before retaliating with a punch of her own, only for the Former Captain to catch just in time. Undyne attacked Sheeva with another punch from her free hand only for Shokan to catch it as the two were now locked in another struggle battle.

    "This again? Sorry, but you won't take me by suprise a second time..."Sheeva began to push forward, slowly overwhelming her fish-like opponent as the two pulled their heads back and bashed them together, bruising their foreheads in the process as Undyne began to steadily match Sheeva in the intense struggle. The two then pushed each other back after realizing they were incapable of overpowering each other.

Undyne and Sheeva both locked eyes with each other with a burning passion to finish this fight, even if it meant certain death for them.

"BRING IT!"Undyne and Sheeva said in unison as the two began duke it out in a brutal fist fight. The duo of female warriors viciously traded blows, their speed starting off slow but getting progressively faster, with each and every single one of their punches colliding to a point where it was difficult to keep track of their fists slamming into each other.

    After what seemed to be an eternity, the rapid blow exchange was put to an end as Undyne jerked her head right out of the way from one of Sheeva's fists before nailing the Shokan deep in the gut. Sheeva lets out a loud gasp from the heavy blow, almost feeling as if all the air had escaped her lungs from that heavy punch to the stomach as Undyne created a spear, jabbing it forward in order to impale the Shokan. Unfortunately for Undyne, the Shokan was able to stop the spear by clapping her hands around the head of the blade, snapping it off. Sheeva ignored the pain surging through her stomach as she blocked off another punch from the Ex-Captain, responding to the attack with an uppercut that launched her into the air.

    "NOW, SEE IF YOU CAN SURIVE THIS!"The Shokan shouted aloud, before unleashing a barrage of unrelenting punches with all four of her arms, all of which moved at alarming rates of speed that moved faster than the human eye could track!

BAM!        BAM!   BAM!

   BAM!          BAM!              BAM! 

       BAM!            BAM!              BAM!

BAM!      BAM!

   BAM!               BAM!    BAM! 

    BAM!        BAM!          BAM!                 BAM! BAM!


BAM!                       BAM!

 BAM!        BAM!             BAM!    BAM!   BAM!

BAM!       BAM!            BAM!

BAM!         BAM!              BAM!   BAM!

BAM!             BAM!     BAM!               BAM!

BAM!    BAM!   BAM!    BAM!

BAM!     BAM!    BAM!                  BAM! 

BAM!     BAM!    BAM!

BAM!      BAM!    BAM!      BAM!

BAM!  BAM!        BAM!         BAM!                   BAM!  BAM! 

    With one final blow, Undyne was set careening right through the ceiling and onto the second floor while a gigantic gapping hole was left in her wake. The Shokan pulled herself up into the second floor, expecting to see her battered and bruised opponent on the ground, but the Shokan was taken by suprise by a hand that grabbed her by the neck and proceeded to throw her face first into the ground. Sheeva shot her face up to see Undyne standing over her with a livid expression plastered on her face.

    "Okay, I survived that... NOW LET ME TEST HOW MUCH PAIN YOU CAN TANK!" Undyne said, lifting Sheeva by the straps of her outfit before delivering another headbutt that bruised the Shokan's brow to a further extent. The Shokan Warrior spat out a small puddle of blood before cracking her own neck with the first two sets of her arms.

    "JUST TRY ME, FISH!"Sheeva said before blasting Undyne with a fireball, forcing the Ex-Captain to leap out of the way as Undyne equipped herself with two spears as she began to spin around, much akin to a spinning top, as she began to twirl twoards her at impecable speed. Sheeva jerked her body out of harm's way, allowing only a small cut to open up on the Shokan's cheek. Undyne spun across the room, ricocheting off the walls as it increased her speed, causing her to violently spin across the room while Sheeva narrowly avoided having her arms being taken by her twirling opponent.

"ENOUGH OF THIS!"Undyne's spin attack came to an end when Sheeva stomped on the ground, launching the Former Captain up into the air. Sheeva attempted to grab onto her opponent, but Undyne swiftly kicked her four-armed adversary in the jaw before sticking the landing.

    "Let me tell you that I'm FULL of suprises!" Undyne laughed before sharply turning around and proceeding to spring herself upwards, bringing down her spears in attempt skewer Sheeva's head. The Shokan leapt right out of the way while Undyne's spears pierced the ground beneath her.

"DIE!"Sheeva shouted at the top of her lungs before immediately driving her foot right into Undyne's face once the Ex-captain struck the ground. However, her opponent wasn't gonna go down easy as she gripped tight onto her spears to keep herself from being thrown across the room. Instead, Undyne acted fast by decking Sheeva under the chin with a lightning-fast uppercut.

    "SUPRISE!" Undyne shouted upon striking Sheeva right in the face. The impact of made the Shokan cough out spatters of blood as her body rocked backward, almost falling flat on her back. Sheeva firmly planted her feet against the cold floor while her mouth dripped with blood. Undyne proceeded to throw herself onto the Shokan, tackling the Shokan to the ground before pelting her with agressive punches to the cheek. Undyne's brutal assault came to an abrupt end when Sheeva kicked her opponent off of her by using both of her legs, flinging her opponent across the room.

"I can do this all day..."Seheva huffed standing back on their feet, along with Undyne. Both female warriors took in deep breaths before chagrining towards each other while letting out boom war cries that could send shivers down anyone's spine! The two pulled back their fists as they homed in on each other, entering into another swift trading of punches with the collision of their blows created huge shoackwaves. The two proceeded to pull back for a second time before they struck each other with their most powerful punches, both of which made their mark!


    Undyne and Sheeva's bodies twitched from the impact that their punches as they desperately tried to overpower each other, applying more and more energy into their punches. Ultimately, both pushed each other aside, glaring at one another.

    "Your risilience still continues to impress me."Sheeva said in between pants.

    "But it seems as though I'm gonna have to go take more drastic measures to win this battle..."The Shokan growled, kneeling down for a brief moment before leaping several feet into the air, breaking through the first two floors and the rooftop of the building. Sheeva found herself floating over the building as she brought herself down with both of her feet, gaining a ginormous amount of speed and momentum. From bellow, Undyne leapt out of the building as well, hurtling towards after her opponent with two spears that she held with a tight grip all while letting out her titular battle cry while gaining the same momentum as her opponent!

    "TWO CAN PLAY AT THIS GAME, FOUR ARMS!" Undyne shouted as she positioned her spears into an 'X' formation as the two fighters were set for another collision. Sheeva's foot and Undyne's spears came into contact, creating a gigantic burst of kinetic energy that swept throughout the city as windows of nearby buildings were shattered into tiny fragments of glass while debris and dust scattered across the streeets. Outworlders and Earthrealmers were distracted from their battles upon witnessing or feeling the shockwave that swept throughout the streets while Undyne would find herself being overpowered by Sheeva's stomp.

"You were worthy foe, but this battle of ours has gone on for long enough! IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO DIE, FISH!"The Shokan shouted as she applied more and more pressure with both of her legs as her force ultimately won out, causing the two female warriors came shooting back right into the abandoned complex, and upon contact....


(Music Stops)

    A tidal wave of dust and debris swept throughout the entire city block as Outworlders, Earthrealmers, and Monsters alike were swept several feet away. As soon as the dust settled, all that remained of the empty complex was an entire mountain of dirt and rubble that set in the middle of the city.

    At first, it seemed as if neither Undyne or Sheeva had survived the collapse given how they were dead center in it all. However, Undyne was the first rise right out of the rubble, her body covered in dust and jerking around in a dizzy motion.

    "Damn... That was the best fight I had ever had in a LONG time!" Undyne muttered to herself in an excited tone of voice, holding her head to keep herself from falling over. While the fight may've been over, there were still Outworlder soldiers in the city and she wasn't going anywhere until Outworld forces surrender.

    "Well, there's no time to waste. I gotta get going!" Undyne said aloud as she made her way out of the hill of rubble and back onto the streets, conjuring up a new spear in the process.

    However, before the Ex-Captain could make it any further...


    Upon hearing that booming voice, Undyne literally spun around to see a fast moving blur shoot right out of the large mound of rubble and dirt. At first the Ex-Captain couldn't instantly recognize what it exactly was, as the blur brought itself down twoards the street that resulted in a small crater that was imprinted into the asphalt. Sure enough, Undyne found herself face to face with Sheeva, who wasn't too pleased with having a building literally collapse in on her.

    "But... But how?!... How did you survive that!?" Undyne said in a baffled tone of voice while the grip on her spears grew much more tighter. 

    "There's something you really should learn from this... It's that you should never underestimate the might and power of a Shokan, Fish..."Sheeva scoffed, slowly stepping twoards her opponent in a menacing fashion. However, the Former Captain stood her ground as she began to approach the Shokan with her determination rising to even further levels.

    "Is that so? well here's something thatYOUshould learn then..." Undyne said before dashing twoards her!

    "'I'M NOT ONE TO JUST GIVE UP ON A FIGHT THAT EASILY!" Undyne shouted, swinging her spear in a swift motion that forced her opponent to block it with her first two pairs of arms. However, Undyne began to unleash a swift assault of aggressive swings and stabs with her spear with Sheeva blocking off the attack with her braclets.

"Well isn't this adorable..."The Shokan spat as she grabbed onto the Ex-Captain's blade and proceeded to jab the lower sets of her arms into Ex-Captain's gut, almost winding her in the process. Undyne was then launched across the asphalt road with another punch to the chest but she was able to make a landing, albeit a rough one, onto the ground just in the nick of time. Undyne shot up her head up and summoned a row of spears to sprout out of the asphalt, making Sheeva having to quickly leap across the battlefiled in order to avoid being skewered. 

    "Neat trick..."Sheeva said, before dashing twoards an abandoned vehicle that sat alone in the streets, she proceeded to grab ahold of it from behind before chucking the automobile right into the directon of the Ex-Captain, with the sight of the oncoming vehicle making her eyes widen with pure shock and terror.

    "BUT I CAN DO MUCH BETTER THAN YOU!"The Shokan shouted while Undyne snapped herself out of her fear-induced trance before creating a spear, proceeding to slice the car into two. However, before she could process anything else, Undyne was struck right in the face by a surprise punch from her opponent, as she was pelted with several more aggressive jabs before being flung into the air by an uppercut. Sheeva proceeded to launch herself into the air, passing by her opponent.

"Your futile struggle has gone on for long enough, Fish!"Sheeva booomed proceeded to stomping down with both her feet, in another attempt to crush her opponent into a messy red paste, but Undyne reacted quick by grabbing onto the Shokan's feet and proceeding to slam her onto the pavement bellow her. However, The Ex-Captain didn't stop there, as she proceeded to sieze the oppertunity by bringing herself down at a high rate of speed, proceeding to deliver a mighty elbow drop right into the downed Shokan's back with enough force to nearly fracture her spine as well!


    Sheeva lets out a growl of agony before Undyne wraps both her arms around the Shokan's neck, putting the Four Armed Warrior in a chokehold as both of her sets of arms were pinned to the asphalt. At first, Sheeva struggled to free herself but soon gained the upper hand, quite literally, with her first pair of arms breaking free from The Ex-Captain's hold as she proceeded grab onto her hips with her new free set of arms before performing a reverse suplex, slamming Undyne's body backfirst onto the asphalt. The Ex-Captain groaned with pain upon striking the hard ground but she wasn't going to let up, porceeding to create a new spear from thin air before jerking to the side, stabbing the Shokan in the shoulder.

    "Grmph!... I've had enough of this!"Sheeva grunted through the pain before kneeing Undyne right in the face, combined with her grabbing onto the back of the Ex-Captain's neck and flinging her right into a street lamp. Undyne's body struck the lamp post with enough kinetic energy to severly dent it while The Ex-Captain groaned with pain, covering her face only to be met with bloody covering her hand. Undyne's train of thought was disrupted when she moved out of the way of an oncoming fireball, that proceeded to decimate a large chunk of wall behind her. With all the energy she had in her body, the Ex-Captain made another mad dash towards her adversary but the Shokan was much prepared for the Monster's attack as she stood still, much akin to a predator waiting for their prey.

    "I'M... NOT.... GONNA LET YOU OR ANYONE IN YOUR GOD DAMNED ARMY WIN!!!" Undyne said, getting everso closer to her target. The moment the Monster got close enough, Sheeva brought her leg up and brought it down with enough force to create a small tremor that caught the Ex-Captain completely off guard as she was thrown into the air before crashing down on the pavement right beside her adversary.

"There. That's where I want you..."Sheeva said in a devilish tone of voice as she proceeded to lift her foot up again. This time she brought it down onto Undyne's head which generated an audible CRACK! but Sheeva didn't stop there, she then stomped onto the Ex-Captain's spine, as another CRACK! rang out while a sickening X-Ray view was shown of the damage inflicted on Undyne's body.


Once Sheeva was finished, she proceeded to grab Undyne's limp body and chucked it across the asphalt road, inflicting further damage to her. Undyne was barely able to get up as she found herself coughing up blood but even then, she was still determined to finish the battle meanwhile Sheeva was determined to end it as she approached the Ex-Captain in a menacing manner. Using all the energy she had left in her body to throw several spears right into the Shokan's direction while simultainesoly stopping her in green mode. The Shokan rolled her eyes at the Monster's attempt to attack her as she brought up all four of her arms before smacking the spears back, causing them to fly off into different directions while a look of panic and horror surfaced on Undyne's fetures. 

    "Your little tactics won't save you THIS time..."Sheeva said in a cold tone of voice before making her move, moving faster than the human eye could track. In a state of panic-fueled adrenaline surging through her body, Undyne to fire more and more spears but the Shokan narrowly dodge every single one of the projectiles that were thrown into her way before throwing a mighty punch right into the Ex-Captain's stomach, forcing her to block it off by raising her spear. Unfortunately for the Ex-Captain, Sheeva delivered enough force to break the spear into two halves before his fist dug right into Undyne's stomach!

    "GAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUGH!!!" Undyne shouted in pain and discomfort as she spat out droplets of blood and phlem the moment the Shokan's fist struck her in the stomach. Undyne was then overwhelmed by a barrage of punches and kicks that was ended with one heavy punch to cheek with enough force to practically break her jaw. The Ex-Captain stumbled backward, breathing heavily before thrusting herself with a punch of her own only for it to be effortlesly caught by the Shokan as she stared her in the eye with a look of annoyance and pity.

    "I'll admit... It's a shame that such a great warrior like you has to die in vain, you've brought such a great challenge throughout all of this. But unfortunately..."Sheeva's grip tightened before...


(Music Stops)

    With one mighty tug, Undyne's arm was dislocated causing her to scream in agony before she sent careening across the road with a heavy kick to the chest that cracked her armor. Sheeva slowly approached the downed soldier, glaring down at her. The Shokan noticed something bizarre about Undyne's appearence, however. It almost looked like it was taking on a liquid-like state, with a part of her body slowly melting on the pavement much similar to ice melting under the sun.

    Soon, dark clouds began to hover over the city before rain began to pour down onto the streets. Undyne could hear the screams of citizens and ongoing battles with Earthrealm and Outworld forces. Sheeva's voice then proceeded to plauge her ear drums once again.

    "You didn't have what it took to best a Shokan like me in combat."Sheeva placed her foot atop the Ex-Captain's chest, with a look of indifference on her face.

    "Now, I shall put an end to this long fight with a righeousfatality..."The Shokan continued in a solem tone of voice.

    All Undyne could do let out a small grunt of pain before shutting eyes, her body slowly fadding away into dust while whole world sputtered into total blackness...

    Time had froze for Undyne as she felt her life slowly flash before her eyes.

    She remembered all the hardships that she and her fellow Monsters faced when trapped beneath the surface of the world.

    She remembered all the friends that were by her side throughout her whole life.

    She remembered the massive amount of happiness she felt when she and her friends had finally set foot on the surface .

    Was everything that she fought so hard for was all going to be for nothing?

    Was this truly going to be the way she died?

    With the whole entire world being ravaged by monsters and taken over by the hands of a tyranical empire?

    With all of her friend perishing against the Outworld forces?

    All these questions of what possibly could be the future for her world coursed through her head. 

    As her body began to fade into dust, Undyne ultimately gave her answer.


    "What was that?"Sheeva responded, reaching down and picking Undyne up by the neck. However, the Shokan wasn't prepared for Undyne to grab onto her arm with a tight grip. 

    "I said NO!..." And with another unexpected chain of events, Undyne shoved Sheeva back several feet. The Shokan nearly fell onto the ground, as a look of total shock surfaced on her face.

    "I-Impossible!? You were on the brink of death! How were you able to do that!?"Sheeva said, utterly baffled to what had just happed but Undyne merely ignored the Shokan's questions, as she stared onto the ground while taking in big deep breaths.

    "My... My body feels like it's splitting apart. Like at any moment, it will scatter into a million pieces blowing across the wind...." Undyne panted. Sheeva cocked a brow, wondering where her opponent was going with this.

    "And just what are you trying to prove? You said it yourself, your body is on the verge of giving up. So why are you still standing?"Sheeva asked.

    "Because... Deep inside of my soul, I can feel something. Something I'm unable to describe. A feeling, a strong one that just WON'T let me die." Undyne proceeded to jerk her head up, her one eye now pitch black with a white glowing pupil.

    "This isn't about the thrill of the fight anymore. If you get past me, you'll kill anyone else that stands in front of you, whether they wronged you or not, won't you!? Blindly following orders to whatever coward sent you out here!" Undyne shouted, with that last comment sending shivers down the Shokan's spine. 

    "Well I'm not gonna let you or ANY one else from your army kill anyone else. Right here and right now, I feel everyone in the world's hearts beating as one! We all have the same exact goal. To defeat YOU AND YOUR ARMY!" Undyne continued as an aura surrounded her, one that shone throughout the whole city. 

    "Shokan, for the sake of both monsters, humans, and the rest of the world..." Undyne proceeded to shout out for the whole entire world to hear...


    "THAT'S IT! I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR INANE BLABBER!"Sheeva retorted in response before leaping high into the sky, stomping down onto her opponent.

    "I'M ENDING THIS FUTILE STRUGGLE RIGHT NOW!"However, The Shokan should've thought twice before being met with a blinding flash of light, forcing her to avert her eyes by shielding them with both of her arms. The Shokan made a rough landing. 


(Music Stops)

As soon as the light dimmed down, Sheeva lowered her arms to see her opponent still standing before her. The thing was, her appearance was much different than before. Her body was fully healed and she looked to be wearing a more heavier and sharper set of armor with a gigantic "V"-shaped heart in the center. Another thing to note about her new look was that she no longer bore her eye-patch, much rather she had a pitch black eye with beam of light shinning through it.

    This new Undyne simply looked Sheeva in the eye with that same big grin...


"You're gonna have to try a little harder than THAT."

    The Heroine had appeared. 

(If Rooting for Undyne)

(If Rooting for Sheeva)

(Who gives a shit, let's just watch these thicc warriors destroy each other!)

    Sheeva was at a loss for words right now. At one point, her adversary was literally knocking on death's door and just before she even knows it, she fully recovers with a brand new form! Another question that came to Sheeva's mind was just how powerful is this new form is. Even then, Sheeva knew that she wasn't going to back down from a challenge as she clenched both of her fists and starred her foe dead in the eye.

    "So, if this is truly your fullest potential then by all means, go right ahead... GIVE ME EVERYTHING YOU GOT!"Sheeva said, readying herself for whatever Undyne had in store for her. The Ex-Captain's grin only got wider before summoning a multitude of spears, all of which were pointing directly at The Shokan Warrior.

    "Alright, If you really insist..."The Undying Warrior said, her determination now at an all time high!

    The final battle between the Monster and the Shokan was about to unravel and only one was walking away from this glorious battle alive.



    Within a split second, spears were chucked into the Shokan's direction at high speeds. Sheeva was lucky enough to deflect the spears just in time, otherwise she would've been skwered completely. However, Sheeva failed to realize a spear was approaching her from behind as she felt a sharp pain strike her in the back. In fact, more spears were now hurtling from just about every angle which definitely put her into a terrible position. Sheeva was now forced to block of the onslaught of blue blades left and right, with a handful of them making their mark. Sheeva ultimately fought through the pain before dashing towards her target, proceeding to clasp the upper-set of arms together and smash them down onto The Undying Warrior's skull. However, Undyne didn't flinch as she pulled back her blade.

    "Heh, Like that's gonna do you any favors here!"Undyne laughed before swinging her spear in a sweeping motion, moving in a diagonal formation...


A large, nasty gash opened across Sheeva's chest, making the Shokan scream with pain before she was knocked onto the pavement with a heavy kick to the abdomen from her armored adversary. Despite the wound, Sheeva mustered all the strength to get back up while blood leaked from her torso wound but she was too determined to let it slow her down. Sheeva now realized that she was going to need a new plan in order take this new form and fast, it was then that she noticed a street lamp from the corner from her eye. This gave the Shokan a new plan as she broke a mad dash to the street lamp, allwhile avoiding spears from her adversary. 

    "Need to get there and fast..."Sheeva thought to herself, while simultaneously leaping across a trail of spears that shot right out of the ground. The Shokan proceeded to narrowly avoid two spears the closed in on her before grabbing a hold onto the street lamp, ripping it straight out of the cement. Sheeva used her new weapon to deflect incoming spears that were thrown her way, swining it much like a baseball bat. The Shokan proceeded to charge forward, with the streeet light barely weighing her down. The Shokan then raised it into the air before swinging it down with great force.

"Think your new little tool is gonna help you in this fight!?"The Undying Warrior shouteded right before she parried the immense bulk of the street lamp with her spear, holding back the large piece of steel with amazing strength. Sheeve began to viciously swing the street light Undyne proceeded to rotate her spear before delivering an upper slash, slicing the lamp in two.

    "W-what!?"Sheeva said, utterly shocked by this insane display of power before quickly changing tactics by using the two halves of the newly cut pole. Sheeva twirled the two halves of the street light before graciously swinging both of them in a swift motion while Undyne continued to block and parry a number of her attacks with just one spear. The Undying Warrior soon disarmed the Shokan by swinging her blade in a sweeping motion, cutting the two metal poles down to an even smaller size. Sheeva discarded the two useless poles of metal before directly kicking Undyne in the arm, causing the Ex-Captain to drop her spear as well.

"I'LL HAVE YOU CRYING OUT LOUD FOR MERCY, FISH!"The Shokan boomed, now seizing that opportunity to strike back as she then lunged forward with two of her arms extending forward to cave her torso in. Undyne acted quickly, by side stepping the attack right before decking the Shokan right underneath her chin. Sheeva flew straight into the air as a result, while The Undying Warrior grinned and created a new spear before springing towards her opponent at impeccable speeds. Upon getting closer, The Ex-Captain began to blitz the Shokan from several direction while also slicing her body open with her spear.


SLASH!             SHINK! SLASH!                             SHINK!

SHINK!                  SHINK! SLASH!

                           SLASH! SLASH!                  SHINk!             SLASH!

SHINK!                SHINK!     SLASH!     SLASH! SLASH!                           

       SHINK! SLASH! SLASH!                       SHINK!

SLASH! SHINK!                                SLASH!     SHINK!         SHINK!

SHINK!                  SLASH!


SLASH!                     SHINK! SLASH!                  SLASH!


 SLASH!            SHINK! SHINK!     SLASH!    


SHINK!      SHINK!                SHINK! SLASH!              SHINK!           SLASH!


"HOW'S THAT FOR CRYING OUT FOR MERCY!?"Undyned boomed, swinging her blade oh-so swiftly again...


    Another large tear along with an alarming amount of nasty insicitions formed on the Shokan's body during Undyne's speedy assault as the Shokan was then kicked into a nearby building, her body now covered in shards of broken glass and bits of rubble. Dazed and confused, Sheeva stood up while clutching her wounds. This all just didn't make sense to her... This challenger of her's was practically on the brink of death and all of a sudden, she had grown far more powerful than before. All of this just wasn't adding up in the slightest...

    "HEY, UP HERE!"Undyne's voice called out, as Sheeva jerked her head forward to see Undyne, who was still airborne, launch more spears that reached insane levels of speed. In a quick burst of adrenaline, Sheeva put her hands up before catching two spears. The Shokan proceed to redirect and hurl the spears back to her foe.

"You really think that's gonna do you any good here!?..."Undyne scoffed before throwing herself towards the spears, proceeding to dash across the shaft of one of the blades as a means of boosting her speeds.

"THINK AGAIN!"Undyne boomed, speeding twoards the building. The Undying Warrior was able to reach Sheeva in the span of several seconds, striking her with a heavy blow to the cheek that caused the Shokan to rocket straight to the ground. The Shokan's eyes shot open, completely astonished to what had happened in only a split second.

    "And here's a perfect reason as why you NEVER underestimate your opponent!"  Undyne shouted from above, stabbing her spear in a downward motion as the Shokan quickly caught the incoming attack by clapping her hands together, stopping the blade. The Undying Warrior applied more preasure to her attack, slowly but surly overpowereing her four armed adversary. With another short burst of strength, The Shokan threw Undyne back with all four of her arms. Sheeva proceeded to launch herself up, pinning Undyne against the brick foundation with her hand tightly gripping The Ex-Captain's neck to a point where her nails were practically digging into Undyne's flesh.

"Any last words?..."Seheva said narrowing her eyes

"GET...YOUR GOD DAMNED HANDS.... OFF OF ME!"Undyne slowly said before grabbing onto Sheeva's arm and in a swift turn of events, Undyne spun Sheeva around into the wall, now having her pinned. As a means of gaining an upperhand, Sheeva slammed her foot into Undyne's stomach but it was enough to get the Undying Warrior as she attempted to pierce Sheeva in the leg with a spear from bellow.


    Upon hearing the spear being summoned from bellow, Sheeva used all the energy she could must to quickly jerk herself to the side, not only avoiding just the spear but also throwing Undyne off of her with enough force.

    "I WON'T DIE THAT EASILY, FISH!"Sheeva said, prying herself up and launching an aggressive barrage of fireballs. Undyne narrowly avoided being blasted into cinders, jumping right out of the incoming fiery projectiles path before branishing a brand new spear. Now armed, Undyne began to slash her way through the danger, slicing most of Sheeva's fiery attacks in half. Upon getting close enough, Undyne attempted to stab into the Shokan's shoulder but Sheeva acted quickly by disarming her adversary with a firm kick in the side of arm, striking Undyne hard enough to drop her weapon. Sheeva proceeded to grab at her opponent, but The Ex-Captain pushed her back with a quick jab to the chest that knocked the Shokan back.

"TAKE THIS!!!"Undyne boomed right before pulling her hand back, jabbing it right into the Shokan's jaw.


    Sheeva felt the weight of Undyne's fist burrow deep into her cheek as she let out a weak gasp, stumbling back before catching a swift punch thrown from her opponent. Sheeva retalited with a two armed punch, but Undyne was able to quickly slip right behind her, grabbing a hold of her waist. Sheeva proceeded to roll backward, slamming Sheeva's head onto the pavement twice before finishing off the double supplex an all mighty powerbomb, leaving behind a gigantic dent in the pavement. 

    "H-her power..."Sheeva thought to herself before Undyne kicked her straight out of the building, leading to the Shokan skidding across the asphalt road. Despite all the immense pain that she was in, The Shokan managed to get right back up on her feet while heavily breathing.

    "This... This unbelivable strength!..."The Shokan continued as a hail of spears came raining down on her, making the four armed warrior dart all across the battlefield despite the heavy injuries that has been inflicted on her. Sheeva also noticed that Undyne's spears were moving in weird formations, it soon came to her that the spears were now circling around her. The spears started to close in on with Sheeva narrowly ducking down to safety, with the spears only slicing off a small flick of hair from the top of her head. More spears were launched into the Shokan's direction, with Sheeva dodging a number of them in unbelivably close calls. It wasn't long before both Undyne and Sheeva met head on, literally as they both bashed their heads together with enough force to make the whole ground shake.

"NGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!"Undyne unleashed a mighty war cry right be she pulled her fist back, striking her four-armed opponent in chin. Sheeva quickly weaved to the side before grabbing Undyne by the back with her lower set of arms before viciously pulverizing her with her upper set of arms. Sheeva proceeded to luanch her foe into the air, keeping her airborne by viciously punching her straight into the air. Undyne managed to break


    "Her immense skill... Her sheer pesitance to keep on fighting if it meant certain death for her!... " The Four Armed Warrior continued to herself, as Undyne landed right in front of Sheeva with a look of burning determination glowing in her eye. The two female warriors began to a small couple of punches that generated mighty shockwaves before the two began to counter each other's punches at even higher speeds than before as the two decimated the ground beneath them.

    "HER WARRIOR SPIRIT TO FIGHT FOR WHAT'S TRULY RIGHT!" Undyne and Sheeva both blew each other away by the amount of kinetic energy that their punches delivered while nearby buildings started to crumble into pieces due to the amount of power that their punches delivered. Undyne could feel her energy depleting while Sheeva was on the verge of passing out form her injuries but the two were gonna final put an end to this long and hellacious battle.

    "We've made it far enough as it is, we end this battle right here and right now!"Sheeva said, as the two female warriors slowly circled each other for one final glance into their eyes. 

    "If this is going to be our final moments, then let's make it count..."Undyne responded, creating a gigantic spear with a razor sharp head at the end of it. Within a split second, the two charged at each other for one final time, readying them for their strongest attacks before unleashing two mighty battle cries that echoed throughout the streets.

    "FOR THE SHOKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!!"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       


    Both Sheeva's fist and Undyne's spear met straight into each other!

    And the results?...



(Music Stops)

    After the powerful shockwave that ravaged throughout all of town, a spectacle that stopped most Outworld and Earthrealm forces alike, everything ultimately dimmed down. 

    Question was... who exactly won?

    Beneath the sea of rubble and dust that the shockwave responsible for, Undyne slowly but surly got herself out of mess of debris that covered her whole entire body. The Ex-Captain placed her hand on her head, grumbling to herself before taking a look at her hand. Undyne's eyes widneded in suprise as she quickly felt the rest of her body and much to her suprise, she had somehow reverted back to her previous state.

    "W-what? I'm back to normal! But... how?" Undyne asked herself, but little did she know, a Tarkatin was slowly sneaking up behind her while his claws petruded from his arms. The Tarkatin then took his chance to ambush Undyne, leaping forward with the intention of taking her head. But before he could even cut into The Monster Guard's neck, his train of thought was disrupted when he heard a booming voice roar into his ear, shouting...


    Undyne turned her head to see a fist literally dig itself right into the tarkatin as his eyes and teeth came falling right out of his face before his body was launched several feet across the street. A look of shock surfaced on Undyne's face when seeing who saved her from the clawed coward.

    Standing before her with a look of genuine respect and care, along with a set of four arms was Sheeva.

    "Unydne, right?"

    "W...What?..." Asked the Ex-Captain while Sheeva took a step closer to her.

"Undyne, that's your name right?"Sheeva responded.

   "Y-yeah, so what if it is?! You better back the hell off right now!" Undyne shouted, getting back up as fast as she could before pointing a spear at the Shokan. However, instead of charging at her as usual, Sheeva just stood in place. She closed her eyes, letting out a big sigh.

    "Put that down, I don't want to fight you anymore."Sheeva said plainly, looking into Undyne's eyes.

    "W-what!? Don't you lie to me! I know you welll enough that you wanna keep on fighting, so come on!" Undyne shouted, gripping her spear alot more tighter than before.

    "Will you please listen to me? I no longer want to fight you anymore, in fact, I no longer want to fight for Outworld as well..."Sheeva replied.

"You... You don't?" Undyne said, lowering her weapon.

    "Yes and I have you to thank. At first I thought you were nothing more but some screaming barbarian, however I was dead wrong. Your unrelenting determination, your amazing strength, your unbeatable spirit, your noble sacrifce to not just your people but also the rest of the world just all in the name to do what is right, all of it is what made me open my eyes and realize what it truly meant to be a warrior."Sheeva said, placing her hand above her chest. Undyne couldn't believe what she was hearing right now, what she would've thought to be as some mindless goon to an evil empire turned out to be a noble warrior that was bastarized by her corrupt ruler.

   "I... I don't know what to say. If you really mean that, what does this mean for your race? Are you gonna be fighting for our side?" Undyne questioned.

"I'll assure you that I will have my race fight for your side. We've been nothing more but mindless drones to that bastard Shao Kahn for too long and now it's the perfect time to regain our freedom."The Shokan replied before extending a hand.

  "Undyne, I know you don't exactly trust me but let it be said that I will fight on your behalf. You made me realize the true meaning of what a warrior can accomplish. Let me repay for all of this..."Sheeva continued, still waiting for a response. Undyne simply looked Sheeva in the eye and gave her a big smile, she proceeded to shake the Shokan's hand.

    "You've rightfully earned a warrior's respect!" Undyne said, while placing her other hand on the Shokan's shoulder, giving it a good pat.

(Music Stops)


    A booming voice echoed from just a few yards away from the two female warriors. The two cocked their heads to see a towering muscle bound centuar with a scorpion-like tail and goat horns, along with a disgusting grin plastered on his face.

"Now, it's time for the both of you to die!"Motaro roared, crossing both his arms and looking down at both Undyne and Sheeva with a glare of digust.

    Both warriors looked at the Centuarian then back to each other.

    "Alright, first order of business. We kick this guy's ass!" Undyne said with a huge smile, summoning fourth two new spears. Sheeva smiled back before cracking all four of her knuckles

"Oh, I'd very much like that!"The Shokan laughed, ready to fight for a true cause.

    A lot had happened during this fateful day, but what was most notable is that a brand new friendship was forged through the fires of battle...




Both Undyne and Sheeva are seen battling against Motaro at once, slowly overwhelming the Centaurian while Shao Khan's other forces were being pushed back by both Earthrealm and Monster forces.



Mettaton: I'm willing to bet this gives you plenty of disturbing fanfic material... Now back on topic, this fight was a lot closer than we initially thought it would be. In fact, we done the best we could to find a definitive winner and ultimately, a winner just couldn't have been decided here. So, how about we explain why this had to end this way, yes?

UL: With certainty. Starting off with both strength and durability, Sheeva was easily the strongest and toughest of the two. Sheeva's feat of breaking steel definitely is a lot better than Undyne breaking concrete, along with being able to tangle with many fighters including towering beasts, such as Motaro for example. Plus, Sheeva also possess way better durability that easily beats Undyne with her being able to survive insane bone fractures and an explosion that sunk a warship, which should definitely go without saying that Sheeva can tank anything that the Monster Guard could throw at her. Now, all of this sounds like the odds are in Sheeva's favor and it definitely gives a good advantage, but... Undyne had a couple of things that helped her turned the tables on The Shokan.

Mettaton: First and foremost, was speed. Both fighters can move faster than the human eye could track but Undyne likely held the edge thanks to the magic of scaling. Undyne is able to keep up with Frisk in combat, who is able to dodge and outmaneuver lightning, a feat that surpasses Sheeva's best feats in speed. Plus, there's also the fact that Sheeva was bested by swifter foes in her life such as Kitana and Jade for example. 

UL: That wasn't the only thing that Undyne had going for her, there was also her soul manipulation. Not only could it hold Sheeva perfectly in place, but Undyne could also directly attack the soul. Therefore, it completely negates Sheeva's durability advantage, along with keeping her perfectly in place. And this all sounds fine but at the same time, due to her Chivilary, Undyne would possibly free Sheeva from her soul manipulation in order to make the fight fairer. There were also other key advantages that Sheeva won in this fight, such as experience given how most Shokan have been fighting for practically a thousand years and her pyrokinetic abilites would have exploited Undyne's weakness against heat.

Mettaton: And that may be but Undyne had a huge advantage in this fight was in terms of versatility and range all thanks to her spears. Undyne can do a lot with her spears from not just throwing it but also making them spring right out of the ground or even trap Sheeva in gates of spears. They easily outranged her as well because not only do they have a much superior range compared to Sheeva's fireballs and add the fact that Undyne can summon almost a thousand of these spears without much of a problem. 

UL: However, the biggest thing that definitely made this fight hard to decide was Undyne The Undying. Now, Undyne's Undying form is quite an interesting case as not only does it help her to persist after ultimate defeat but it's also possible to match Sheeva in strength thanks to the immense determination in her body. But at the same time, it still wouldn't have been enough to ultimately be enough to ultimately help Undyne win the fight though it did help put herself on equal footing with the Shokan.

Mettaton: Now this fight was definitely a close one and we did the best we could to find a true verdict, but ultimately a winner just couldn't be determined here.

UL: At first they were against each other, but in the end, they became sisters-in-ARMS!

Mettaton: Ladies and gentlemen, we've got a tie!~




+Undyne The Undying quite possibly matched (and possibly surpasses) Sheeva in strength

+Spears gave her a huge advantage in terms of versatility and range

+Green Mode/Soul Manipulation negates Sheeva's durability

++Green Mode even immobilized Sheeva, not allowing her to get up close

-Weaker in Base

-Less durable

-Nowhere near as experienced as her opponent

-Sheeva's pyrokinetics severed as a huge problem for her

-Outdid in terms of CQC

-Due to her Chivalry, she could deactivate Green Mode



+More durable...

+Arsenal is good in it's own right

+WAY more experienced 

+Pyrokinetics could do some hefty damage on Undyne

+Superior in terms of CQC

=Likely matched in strength when against Undyne the Undying 

-...However, Soul Manipulation negated her durability

--It even denied her to get up close


-Undyne's spears outranged Sheeva

--They even outdid Sheeva's weaponry



Location: Undyne's New House

Time: 8:29


    Several months had past since the Outworld Invasion and ultimately, Earthrealm was successful in driving back their enemy's forces thanks to the help of the Monsters and Renegade Shokans. The war was ultimately put to an end when The Thunder God, Raiden, ultimately defeated and slayed the Tyrannical Ruler of Outworld, Shao Kahn, in long battle. After the Invasion, The Shokans made an agreement to the Earthrealmers and Monsters that if they would be willing to assist Earthrealm if it was ever in danger again.

    As for the fate of one of the Shokan's greatest warriors who started the revolution, Sheeva was now living in a brand new home as she trained against several dummies, luckily no ghosts were claiming shelter, launching one across the room. Sheeva, who was now dressed in casual human training clothes, took in a few deep breaths before resting on a bench while taking a big swig of water. Just then, the door creaked open and a familiar voice called out to the Shokan.

    "Wow, you're training THIS late? You must be DYING for a rematch!" Undyne, now dressed in casual clothes, laughed with a big toothy grin plastered on her features.

    "And what do you mean by that? Are you asking for one because I'll gladly give to you."Sheeva scoffed, placing the water bottle down. Undyne chuckled before approaching Sheeva, sitting right beside her.

    "Nah, not yet at least." Undyne said with a laugh before holding her head behind her back.

    "Well if you're not here for a fight, then what brings you here?"Sheeva asked.

    "Well, Alphys and I are gonna be binging on some anime and I was wondering if you could join along?" Undyne said to the Shokan.

    "I'm sorry but I'm going to have to decline your offer here. Just because I'm no longer serving the Outworld doesn't mean I have to stop training entirely."Sheeva said, taking another sip of water.

    "Oh, well alright if that's what you wanna do. But just know that you don't have to dedicate your whole life to getting stronger! I mean, yeah it's important and I know that for sure! But, wouldn't it be better to at least enjoy life than focus on one thing?" Undyne said while Sheeva finished her sip.

    "Well... You do bring up an enticing point."Sheeva said, cuffing her chin.

    "Exactly! It's nice you got goals and priorities, I understand that. But that doesn't you should just focus on that and nothing more! That's what I learned at least." Undyne said with a small smile.

    "Alright, I suppose I can take a break from training and spend some time with you."Sheeva responded with a shrug.

    "Awesome! I'll text Alphys that you're gonna be coming along tonight!" The fish monster stand, pulling out her phone and texting her lizard nerd friend.

    "Though, I do have a question... What is this'Anime'you speak of?"Sheeva asked, a question that made Undyne's eyes grow to the size of dinner plates as her whole body froze in place. Her phone proceeding to drop onto the ground...

(Music Stops)

    "...What?" Undyne plainly asked while Sheeva grew confused to Undyne's bizarre reaction.

    "What is... Anime?"The Shokan asked, feeling a little uncomfortable this time around.Undyne didn't say a word, she just stared into Sheeva's soul with a blank expression, making matters even more weirder.

    "Undyne, are you oka-"

    Before the Shokan could even react, Undyne grabbed onto her hips before literally lifting the Four armed warrior over her head.

    "GRUAGH! U-Undyne, what are you doing!? Put me down now!" Sheeva said, completely and utterly confused.

    "ISN'T IT OBVIOUS, SHEEVA!? YOU LACK ANY KNOWLEDGE IN ANIME! WE NEED TO GET YOU INTO IT RIGHT NOW! NGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!" Undyne immediately came charging right through the door, with Sheeva still held over her head as she screamed and kicked, demanding  the Ex-Captain to let her go.

    "U-UNDYNE, PUT ME DOWN! YOU'RE LITERALLY GOING TO RUN INTO TRAFFIC!" Sheeva shouted but the determined Monster ignored the Shokan, dashing through traffic as cars swerve right out of the way and into ditches.

    "YOU'RE GONNA EMBRACE THE POWER OF ANIME LIKE NO HAS EVER BEFORE!" Undyne boomed, continuing to speed across the neighborhood while both female warriors screams echoed throughout the night.

    Sheeva knew her life was now going into a whole new direction...

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