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SBS: The Sniper VS Dinocroc (FIGHT)

Updated: May 8, 2021

UL: Well everyone, The guns are loaded...

Mettaton: And the crocodiles are in the drink... Who will prevail? 

UL: My fellow viewers...IT'S TIME FOR DRAMA!





Location: The Australian Outback Time: 1:21 __

    In the lone Australian Outback, little activity was going on but among the dirt, sand, and deadly wild life, sat a lone building complex.    

It was extremely large and it was a bleak white color, contrasting against the orange sand that surrounded it. What made it stranger is the building looked as if it had been continuously polished, with not a speck of dirt covering it. There were no windows, everything was just well maintained brick and concrete. However, around the exterior of the base was a massive, metal, electrified fence, dotted with dozens upon dozens of heavily guards. Right now, the facility was experiencing some difficulties as a helicopter made it's way to the top of the building. The chopper was hovering of the launch pad with a ginormous "S" plastered on it as a figure soon leaped right out of the aircraft...     "SAXTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON..."     The figure gave out a brave and manly cry as he plummeted onto Helipad that was custom made for him...     "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAALE!"     Sticking the landing without dealing with any form of injury, the figure that was crazy enough to jump from the aircraft was revealed to be a bare-chested muscle man with a thick mustache, chest hair that was in the pattern of Australia with the only clothing on him being a pair of pants that reached down to his things and a fedora. The man smiled before letting out a hearty chuckle.     "Hehehe! Stickin' the landin as always!" Saxton Hale laughed to himself before approaching a stairwell located on the rooftop while the helicopter landed after him. Typically, the Australian was used to a bit of fan fair when he entered a location in such a manly fashion, however, he just got a few nods from several of the armed guards. He descended the stairwell, which was the only actual entrance to the base, as there were no doors. As he descended, Hale saw even more white, as the walls of the building were bleak and sterile, lit by overhead light panels. A fair amount of brightness was reflected, and to a lesser man, said brightness might've actually been painful, but Saxton Hale could only think of one thing.     "Bah, what is this colorless nonsense?" He questioned. "Not a single dead body or drop of blood yet! What kind of sham are they running here?"     "Quite a good one, Mr. Hale." Said a voice, causing the large man to quickly turn to the source. Hale was met with a rather tall and skinny white-haired man man who was sporting a lab coat, a green under shirt, black pants, green glasses, and a robotic right arm. Hale recognized this man as he casually approached him with a smirk and a light chuckle.     "Ah yeah, you're Professor..uh...Wizard! That's a nickname right?" Hale said while Wiz looked to the side before letting out a sigh.     "N-no, that's my.. real full name. Just call me Wiz..." He mumbled.     "Well that's stupid. It sounds like someone's having a piss." Hale said bluntly, before shaking it off. "Well, whatever, Liz-"     "Wiz."     "Right. Look, let's just see these vile mutations you've made thus far. I was told your compound could mix all animals." Hale said as the two walked through the long, sterile halls of the facility.     "All but humans, sir." Responded the smaller man.     "Ah, yes, those boring safety precautions, always getting in the way of true fun." Hale said.     "Well, sir, we didn't exactly feel like allowing everyone here at the facility to mutate into vicious beasts. Boomstick was one too many." Said the scientist as the two reached a large, white door.   "Yes, yes, enough with the exposition, let's see what you've actually cooked up." Hale said as Wiz hit a few buttons on a nearby control panel, opening said door.     Inside was nothing like the white, sterile environment Hale was used to. Instead it was a dark, dingy gray, with various test tubes adorning the walls. Several desks littered the room, with each one being swarmed with workers dissecting several strange looking creatures. On one of them was the body of a yeti, a creature Hale was familiar with. The beast was covered in scratches, and had been torn open, its intestines spilling out.  "Hey, you found one!" Said the Australian.     "Yes, though we've found that the unaltered yeti is fairly weak to our genetically modified creatures. He died a horrible death against the hands of our newest creation." Said Wiz.     Hale smiled at that before he turned and looked over the various test tubes, which were lit with a bright, blue liquid, faintly brightening up the dark room. Inside of each of them were newborns of various strange hybrids. Beneath each of the test tubes was a piece of tape covered with sloppily written hand writing in black marker.     "Dinoshark"     "Piranhaconda"     "Ice Spider"     "Sharktopus"     "Supergator" Wiz groaned as he walked over to the tubes. "I told Boomstick to stop giving the creations names!" He growled, before going to rip off Sharktopus's tape, revealing the simple designation "S-11" underneath.     "Wait!" Hale said, before grabbing the tape and putting it back on. "Leave it. These creations are perfect for my park!"     "If you insist..." Wiz sighed.     "Yes, just make these over a hundred times their size and they'll be perfect." Hale commented.   "Those are just for display sir. If you want to see what they'll really be like, follow me." Said Wiz, before walking over to a large window. Saxton followed, and looked out, only to see a large, in door jungle.     However, he knew something was hiding amid the trees, as claw marks dotted the metal walls encasing the greenery. He scanned over everything with his keen eyes, however, nothing seemed to move.   "Hmm, well this is boring. I'd figure you'd have an actual battle in progress to impress me." Hale said. "Maybe I should take my business elsewhere."     "But sir, then these creatures would escape! We're barely able to contain this one as is and the dozen others aren't giving us any favors." Said Wiz.     "And what is this one exactly?" Hale asked.     "Oh, well this one is dubbed experime-" Wiz was cut off.   "Don't give me any of that 'experiment' crap, what's it called?" Hale said.     "The workers have dubbed it... Dinocroc." Wiz sighed.   "Maybe there's hope for you yet..." Said Hale. "How many creatures do you have contained at the moment?"  "Roughly thirty six... thirty seven if you count Boomstick." Wiz said.     "You got a button that releases them all at once?" Hale asked.   "W-what!?" Wiz said with a hint of shock in his voice.     "You heard me! Do you got a button or a switch that lets all of them out? That's all I'm really asking for." Replied the Aussie casually, completely obvious to the possible danger he would put Australia in.   "Mr. Hale, I don't think these creatures are ready yet! Besides, they're way to hostile for the general public a-and they might go on a vicious rampage once let out of their cage-" However, Wiz' warnings were interrupted by Hale, who simply rolled his eyes at the possibilty of danger.     "So what if these buggers are too dangerous for the public! That'll make them grow manlier and stronger with every fight, it will really toughen up softies. Now spare me all that chatter and show me where the bloody button is!" Hale demanded, making Wiz let out yet another sigh.     "Follow me..." Wiz grumbled as both he and Saxton entered into a smaller room that housed a control panel. Hale's eyes lit up while smiled before running up to the pannel, ready to release all the beasts that this facility held.     "Now Mr. Hale, are you sure that-" Wiz was cut off once again. "Of course I am! Now then, which one lets out all these buggers.... Hmm, my chest hair is tellin' me that it's... THIS ONE!" Hale shouted, pressing a finger onto one of the many buttons on the pannel. CLICK! __ Location: A Road in the Outback __

    We open up on a patch of road in the middle of the Outback as only one vehicle was seen riding across the asphalt that spanned for miles upon miles ahead. It was large old Camper with a slightly rusty exterior but other than that, it was still in fine condition as the driver of the vehicle was currently listening to the radio of calming orchestral music. The driver, an average sized man dressed in a brown vest with a red under shirt, a pair of sunglasses, and a long fedora that was bent on one side, couldn't help sing along to the tune.     "Waltzing Matilda... Waltzing Matilda, You'll come-a Waltzing Matilda with me." The Sniper happily sung to himself before letting out a light chuckle. Right now, The Merc was taking a nice week long vacation in Down Under. Yes, assassins such as Mun-dee would need a bloody vacation and what better place to get a vacation is the country where literally every single native animal wants to kill you, Australia!     "I wonder if I can do some personal croc hunting later this week. Haven't eaten that in awhile." Sniper said to himself, continuing to drive down the long roads of the Outback. Everything in front of the merc's vehicle could be described as sand, shrubs, and plateaus. Nothing seemed to be alive in this wasteland, aside from a few scorpions crawling about amid the rocks. However, unknown to the Sniper, he heard a faint stomping sound from outside his van. Of course, The Snipper didn't think much of it was he continued on driving down the outback roads. Mun-dee should've thought twice though, because the moment he cocked his head to the side... THUNKKKKKKKK!!!! (Music Stops)     "GAUGH! WHAT THE BLOODY HELL!?" Sniper shouted as something heavy unseen force struck against the side of van, causing the large vehicle to violently swerve and crash into the sandy grounds. As the left side of the vehicle crashed onto the ground, Mr. Mundy gave out a pained grunt as he quickly kicked the right-hand door open as he climbed out of the van with his sniper riffle and machete by his side as he noticed the large dent in the right side of the van.     "HOLY DOOLEY! What in the hell happened here!?" Sniper shouted as he hopped out of the van and inspected the damages inflicted on the large vehicle.      "Aw piss! I had that when I was eighteen, what kind of bloke or...thing would do that!?" The Sniper shouted, placing his hands onto his sides while trying to piece together this sudden chain of events. However, it didn't take long for him to hear a faint... hissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.... ...Alongside the small puffs of hot steam blasting against his back. The Sniper turned around and immediately locked eyes with a towering reptilian beast that was the size of a small building. The beast standing before The Sniper looked to have the features of a Crocodile but had the body and stature of a dinosaur as it's cold yellow eyes glared into Sniper's, who silently gulped upon realizing what he was dealing with.      "Aw bloody hell..." "HOOUUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!"

    Nearly being blasted away by the monster's deafning roar, Sniper held onto his hat before quickly jumping to the side as Dinocroc thrusted itself forward and snapped it's jaws, attemtping to rip apart Mun-dee's body. The Sniper quickly unsheathed his firearm and took aim.     "Alright ya big green croc lookin' bugger! C'MON!" Mun-dee shouted while Dinocroc snapped it's head to face Sniper, letting out a low growl of rage.     Mr. Mundy knew what away that was in for hell...

    The dinosaurian beast rushed down the New Zealander turned Australian, causing him to roll out of the way of the monster's charge. The croc snapped its jaws shut, yet found itself annoyed as it met only air. The monster growled and quickly turned back towards its prey, only to flinch back as it got several sniper rifle rounds to its face. It grunted in annoyance as some of its scales were chipped by the bullets. However, the beast didn't pay attention to this as it charged down its opponent once more.     The Sniper quickly rolled to the side of the beast's charge and as the Dinocroc stomped past him, he unleashed a few bullets into the monster's underside. The Dinocroc growled before quickly batting its tail at the Sniper, making his eyes widen before he was hit with a tailwhip, sending him flying a few meters back. However, as he landed in the orange Australian sand, he turned his momentum into a roll before he came to a stop in a crouched position. Taking a knee, the Sniper continued to pelt the Dinocroc, which just roared at him. The Reptilian Terroriser charged forward as Sniper continued to unload several bullets into the Dinocroc, most of them striking against either his legs or face, as they seemed to only enrage the monster to a greater degree as the creature began to pick up the pace.     "Aw piss! This scaly blitzer is eatin' up all me ammo!" Mun-Dee cried as he quickly reloaded his firearm after having burned through all of his bullets, sadly though, Dinocroc was able to get close enough to deliver another tail whip. Unlike last time, Mun-Dee was able to react in time however the Reptilian's tail was able to strike the Sniper's riffle as it was sent flying several feet across the sandy grounds. The Kiwi-Ausie Hybrid silently cursed to himself as Dinocroc lunged forward, with the intent of bitting into Mun-Dee's body, but The Sniper quickly ducked beneath the beast's chin as The Sniper drew out his trusty Bushwacka and stabbed it right underneath the monster's chin.     "How's that, ya big bugger!?" Mun-dee laughed as his knife pierced right through the Croc's flesh and into his chin. The Dinocroc let out a low screech of pan as he viciously jerked his head side to side as Sniper unsceathed the blade and bolted right underneath monster's legs. However, the beast wasn't gonna let this prey of his escape so easily as he proceeded to swing his tail for a third time but Mr. Mundy was able to react in time as he grabbed a hold of the tail. The Sniper proceeded to jab the Bushwacka into the beasts' tail, but unfortunately, he felt his body lift off onto the ground as he grabbed onto the knife for dear life. The Dinocroc began to viciously swing it's tail in several directions while throttling Sniper's body as if it were a ragdoll until he was catapulted several feet forward with an upward thrust.

    The Sniper screamed as he flew towards the Dinocroc's snout and the massive monster jerked its head towards the Sniper, slamming its large snout into his chest. This blow both knocked the wind out of the Aussie and sent him flying several feet away, before he smashed into the sand and rolled a few more meters before coming to a stop, dirt now covering his bright red outfit.     The beast then began to stomp towards him. While he was dazed, the Sniper looked around and found his rifle just a few feet away. He quickly stumbled to his feet before he rushed over and grabbed it. Mun-dee turned back to the Dinocroc, only to find it now charging at him. The Sniper quickly took aim and began to fire several shots into the monster's face, the bullets merely bouncing off of it's scaley mug as he started to back away from the charging beast. Dinocroc snarled loudly before thrusting itslef forward, intending to crush Mun-Dee with a snap of it's jaws, but The Kiwi Merc had a plan this time around. He quickly pulled out a jar of his own urine before giving it a good shake.     "Oi, Have a taste of this!" The Sniper barked before chucking the jar right into monster's mug. The container of Mun-dee's essence managed to land directly into Dinocroc's opening maw as the beast closed down on it, the monster's eyes widening with total shock as the rancid and sour taste of piss combined with broken glass nearly made the creature vomit as it staggered back, gagging and coughing while Snipper grinned, dashing right past the coughing beast as he bolted it straight twoards his Camper-van in order to stay at a far range from it. The creature spat out a small bit of the Jarate, before quickly turning towards the fleeing Sniper and charging him down. Mun-dee continued to rush towards his large RV as he turned around, only to see the Dinocroc gaining on him. He sped up his pace, however, when he was within a few feet of the camper, he felt a hard, scaled snout slam into his back.     The Sniper grunted as he was launched into the air, straight over his vehicle, before he slammed right into the sand on the other side of the flipped camper. However, the Dinocroc's momentum caused it to slam into the flipped RV. This had the effect of both downing the beast and turning the camper back onto its wheels. The Sniper laughed before quickly opening the car-door and zipping inside, starting the engine and proceeding to speed off back onto the road. Meanwhile, Dinocroc regained it's stance before coming to realization that his prey was getting away as it let out a booming roar of rage before chasing after the van on the outback. Sniper, on the other hand, was making sure that he was getting as far away from that beast but Mun-dee could hear a growl from the outside as he looked into the rear-view mirror to see that the reptilian menace was gaining on him!

    "Fuck's sake!" The Sniper said in surprise before shifting more weight onto the accelerator, the truck barely being able to out-pace the hungry monster. This, of course, caused Dinocroc to pick up the pace as he slowly but surely started to gain on him. Mun-dee, now realizing that the monster was right behind him decided to pull down his window and stick half of his body out of the vehicle with his Riffle aimed directly at him. After several shots, Sniper manage to hit a tooth, one that caused the beast to step back a little. The Sniper chuckled at this, before setting his rifle back inside of his van. He then opened up the glove box before grabbed the Cleaner's Carbine out of it. With one hand, he pointed the SMG backwards out his window before he began to blind-fire at the Dinocroc. The beast could only let out several more snarls of rage while the bullet pelted against his scales as the monster decided to allow the van to quickly out-pace him by just a few feet. At first, Mun-dee believed that he was starting to escape danger but unfortunately for him, Dinocroc only lead him into a trap as the beast leaped several feet forward before attaching itself onto the van. The Sniper cringed as he heard the sound of tearing metal, and looked behind himself only to see the Dinocroc's sharp feet claws digging through the roof of his camper. The Sniper nearly caused the van to swerve and flip back onto its side, as he tried to maintain control over the vehicle. Dinocroc then began to bang its lower chin against the top of Sniper's camper-van, leaving various dents in it while its smaller arms clawed and scratched at the roof. The Sniper tried to shake the beast off by swerving side to side, only for the beast hold on tight.

"Bloody hell, this scaly bugger ain't comin' off!" Sniper said, trying to come up with a new idea to get this beast off his van. He then decided something that only an insane merc for hire could think up, and quickly shifted to where he was standing in his seat. With both the Cleaner's Carbine and Bushwacka in hand, he began to both stab and shoot upwards through the roof of his RV. The Dinocroc slammed its chin downwards, only to hiss and pull back as it impaled its lower jaw on the Bushwacka. It then felt its underbelly get pelted with bullets and hissed as its weaker scales were penetrated by SMG fire.

    The Sniper meanwhile smiled as he reloaded the Cleaner's Carbine. Once he was done, the weapon began to glow a deep red and he pointed it back towards his bullet hole filled roof, and pulled the trigger. The Dinocroc growled as it felt more bullets slam into its underbelly, however, this time the beast's grunted in pain as it was critically hit by each one. Blood began to pour from the beast's wounds as the Cleaner's Carbine tore through the beast. After the Sniper completely emptied the clip into the monster's belly, the Dinocroc finally let go and fell back, slamming into the road with a gigantic thud. The beast laid limp while blood poured from its new wounds as the RV continued on.     "How's that for ya!" The Sniper called out in a tuanting manner before zipping over, however, he felt his car was stuck in place for some reason. The Sniper tried to get the van to move but it just wouldn't budge, no matter how hard he pressed the accelerator. As it turns out, Dinocroc managed to have its's tail wrapped onto the exhaust pipe. Keeping the large vehicle in place while the monster pressed it's claws in to the asphalt. The monster slowly brought itself back onto his legs despite the pain surging through it's body. The Sniper continued to hold down the accelerator, however, after a moment, he realized he wasn't moving, and the Dinocroc was almost steady again. Thus, he had an idea. He quickly put his vehicle into reverse before hammering the pedal.     The RV flew backwards, surprising the larger monster before his camper slammed into its knees, making the beast buckle as it stumbled back. With the monster dazed, the Sniper put his camper back into forward drive, before quickly slamming his foot on the gas, letting him quickly leave the Dinocroc in his dust. The Sniper, now outpacing the beast by a wide margin, felt a wave of relief run over him, as he had felt as though he had escaped a great danger. However, the Dinocroc was still kicking as he brought himself up snarled as it soon began to feel a short burst of energy run through it's body as it started to charge forward at speed forward. The Reptilian Menace managed to get close enough before thrusting it's tail much like a scorpion, piercing into the side of the van with a jolt of force! SHINK!     "W-what the-" The Sniper's words were cut short as he felt his van being dragged off into a completely different direction, the wheels now screeching and bumping against the asphalt as the Red Merc tried his utter best to regain control of the vehicle but to no avail.     "Aw piss!" Growled the Sniper, before he quickly turned, pulling out the Tribal Man's Shiv, before he began slashing at the Dinocroc's tail, attempting to force the monster to let go.While it left gashes in Dinocroc's scaly exterior, it wasn't enough to shake the enormous beast off but the monster kept on dragging the vehicle throughout the Australian Outback. The Sniper ultimately raised the Tribal Man's shiv up into the air before slicing off a piece with the monster's tail off with one clean swing. The beast roared, blood spurting from the stump that was once the tip of the beast's tail as the Sniper drove off. As he drove, he realized that his steering had been knocked out from the beast's powerful strikes, and thus he was left with only the option of driving straight. He cursed to himself as he looked in the rear mirror, finding the Dinocroc far behind him.

    He chuckled to himself, however when he focused his gaze back on the road, his eyes widened as he spotted a sudden cliff leading into a massive chasm ahead. While this sight was strange in the middle of a flat desert, the Sniper wasn't able to question it as he attempted to swerve to keep himself on the road. However, that didn't work and he continued straight ahead before he flew off of the cliff and into an tree dense oasis below.

____________________ (Music Stops)

    "I told you that the oasis arena was a good idea, Wiz! I mean how else are we going to have all out creature battles in the wild?" Said a chubby man with a trucker hat as he sat in a cage that was so small, his only remaining leg hung out the front of it. His other leg was gone, cut off at the knee.

    "Well that bright idea of yours won't matter, considering all of our experiments are being turned into blood splatters!" Shot back Wiz. "I mean seriously, we were supposed to film these one at a time, now in all of this chaos, not even the camera man's safe!" "Aw come off it Wiz, Saxton Hale was paying millions for us to do all this! I mean, we're talking giant monsters fighting and killing each other and we're getting paid big bucks for all that! It's a total win-win!" Boomstick said to his smarter companion.     "Well that would be nice if it weren't for the fact that there's going to be giant monsters running loose in the wild, attacking tourists and country folk alike! My credibility as a Scientist is on the line here for crying out loud!" Wiz retorted, searching for the monster that Hale released into the wild.     "Wait, don't Evil Scientists usually let killer monsters loose on the public?" The Shotgun-legged Redneck said.   "COMPETENT Evil Scientist..." The mechanical armed scientist groaned.     "Oh come on Wiz, we're in AUSTRALIA, do you honestly think you can make anything worse than what's already here?" Asked Boomstick.     "That's not the point! The point is we were supposed to collect data! Film each fight individually, not this cluster fu-" Suddenly there was a beeping on a nearby monitor. Wiz sighed as he quickly walked over to it.     "Unauthorized human in oasis." Came a robotic, feminine voice.   "Pull up the cameras..." Wiz said, rolling his eyes.    

    "Aw bloody hell, that hurt..." Sniper growled to himself before opening the truck door and literally leaping out of it, his body tumbling against the hard and course grounds of the Outback as a result. Sniper growled with discomfort as he jerked his body back up to see the downed truck. While the Kiwi Merc would cuss out in despair, he heard a loud roar com from the clifftop as he looked up. Sniper's eyes nearly bulged right out of their sockets as he saw Dinocroc rapidly descending down on him.  The Mercenary scrambled several feet away from the approaching quickly drew out his riffle while Dinocroc came charging once more.     While it seemed like history was going to repeat itself with the bullets bouncing off of the beast's scaly exterior as it lunged forward with a snap of it's jaws, forcing Mun-dee to throw himself out of harm's way. However, Sniper drew back his rifle and replaced it with a bow and arrow, The Huntsman.      "Have a taste of this, ya scaly gremlin!" Sniper barked before pulling back the bow's string. Mun-dee proceeded to fire the arrow, aiming straight for one of the monster's peepers as it flew across the air in mere seconds... SHINK! Critical hit!     Dinocroc roared in fury as its right eye was penetrated by the arrow, with the beast swinging its head back and forth to get said arrow out as it did. The beast thrashed and continued charging, causing the Sniper to rush out of the way as the Dinocroc smashed through several trees. It soon tripped over a few smaller ones and fell into a heap, with many trees being uprooted before they soon fell onto the beast. The large trees collapsed onto the beast while Sniper rolled forward, avoiding being crushed as well as he turned to face monster, who now had trees pilled up on his body. Sniper couldn't help but laugh at the monster's misfortune as he pointed a finger at the injured monster.     "That's what ya bloody get for trashin' me van!" The Sniper cackled as a hot crimson rage started to burn throughout the injured monster's body. Using what little control he had over his body, The Dinocroc wrapped it's tail around one of the trees that had fallen onto it's body before catapulting it straight into the Kiwi Merc with one swift hoist. Sniper's laughing fit came to an end as he looked up to a see an oncoming tree hurtling towards him at rapid speeds.     "Aw for fuc-" THWAAKKK!     The Sniper let loose a scream of pain as the massive hunk of wood slammed into his body, sending him flying back before he smashed into another tree, pinning him against it. Mun-dee attempted to push the log off of his chest, but found himself struggling and gasping for air as he was stuck. His struggles did move the large log an inch or two back, but that did little for him as he watched the Dinocroc slowly knock the trees that covered it aside. The Sniper continued to struggle getting the log off of his body while Dinocroc trudged forward with murderous intent as blood leaked from it's left socket as a scowl of rage was present on it's features. Mun-dee desperately tried to think of a plan otherwise he'd be this beast's dinner. Just then, he noticed where he was positioned...     Just underneath the shade of a coolibah tree with many of it's branches leaning down. Sniper then realized that if he was just in arm's reach of the bending branches, he could pull himself out of danger and luckily, the monster was gonna be helping out indirectly. Sniper slowly but surely began to push himself out of the tree while Dinocroc was now just a few feet away from him. The Reptilian terror drew closer and closer while Sniper continued to push the with his knees.     "Come on, Come on..." The mercenary grunted. The Dinocroc continued forwards, its stomps now shaking the ground beneath the Sniper's feat. The beast leaned down, its maw wide opened as it let loose a deep, predatory growl, ready to tear the Sniper apart. Soon enough it was upon him, lunging at the Sniper.      "That's it! That's it!" The Sniper excialmed before the monster's jaws latched onto the log that Snipper down and lifted it up. That right there was just what Sniper needed as he quickly thrusts himself backward and grabbed a hold of the tree branches. Dinocroc's eyes widened with shock as Mun-dee climbed up into the tree top before leaping to the next tree much like Tarzan. The monster roared with fury as it began to bulldoze the trail of trees with mere headbutts while Sniper found himself jumping from treetop to treetop. 

    "Okay, got out of that one! Now what to do with that big bugger?" The Mercenary thought to himself before taking notice of something off at the distance. The Sniper had realized that the two of them were heading for an Oasis with an old motorboat resting by a dock. Mun-dee then hatched a plan that could help him of his giant lizard problem. With a renewed burst of speed, the Sniper rushed through the treetops and towards the dock, his face dripping sweat and such as he did. He luckily managed to not trip as he used his agility to rush towards the actual lake. His luck ran out however, whenever he realized that the trees ended a few dozen feet short of the boat, and was sent spiraling out of them, due to a few branches cracking under his weight. He landed with a roll as he grunted in pain.     "Agh! Bloody hell, that's gonna be sore tomorrow..." Sniper growled to himself as he soon limped on over to the large body of water with Dinocroc following behind. Refusing to let his prey escape that easily, the monster thrusts itself forward once more but rather than trying to eat his opponent, the monster instead resorted to crushing Mun-dee underneath his under belly. Sniper felt a shadow cast over him as he cocked his head upwards and gave out a horrified scream. The monster flopped right onto his belly while Sniper force himself out of harm's way for the umpteenth time, but Dinocroc didn't stop there.     The monster proceeded to flail his body around like a fish that had been reeled out onto dry land. As a result, Dinocroc flopping around created a great dust cloud that mad the Sniper's vision harder to see, along with him frantically dodging and weaving around the monster spastic movements. The constant writhing of the monster began to overwhelm Sniper completely before it ultimately caused the mercenary to trip when it's tail knocked him down onto the ground for the umpteenth time.      "ACK!" Sniper growled while Dinocroc got back up onto his legs upon making contact with Sniper as he turned his attention towards the downed mercenary. The beast proceeded to lunge in for the kill, but once again it's plans to turn Sniper into lunch were thwarted once more, as it's jaws were mysteriously held open without being able to snap it shut. In a shocking turn of events, Sniper had his bushwacka lodged into the Dinocroc's jaws, preventing him from snapping them shut as the Mercenary grinned before grabbing onto the monster's snout and climbing atop his head, proceeding to remove the knife from the beast's jaws causing them to shut close. Dinocroc roared with rage as it stood tall and tried to shake off the Mercenary but Sniper laughed as he proceeded to drive knife straight into the top of the monster's head.     "Hopefully that got your pea-sized brain, wanker!" Mun-dee laughed as the Dinocroc let loose another roar of pain and agony as it nearly keeled over while Sniper proceeded to dash across the monster's back before latching atop it's tail. The beast reeled it's tail back, something the Sniper wanted, before swinging it forward as it catapulted the Mercenary into the air. Before he could escape the beast, Sniper spun around and chucked a jarate straight into the monster's face to add insult to injury, right before landing into the seat of the motorboat. Upon landing into boat, The Sniper wasted little to no time by starting up the boat's engine and after a few tugs, he got it working. Dinocroc swung his head and bashed it against a tree hard enough to get the bushwacka out of his head only to then realize that his opponent was nowhere to be found.     It was here that Dinocroc heard the growling of an engine before seeing his small fleshy prey speed off onto the river on the boat. This filled the beast with even greater levels of rage, this pesky little human thinks he had what it would take to escape his clutches? The very thought of this annoyance getting away after inflicting all this damage onto his body was just about enough to make the Dinocroc go insane. The giant scaly monster immediately dove into the river, pursuing the boat with murderous intent.     Sniper was laughing to himself, completely overtaken by joy that he had managed to escape a great danger. However, his brief moment of relief was soon completely disrupted when he heard a sudden SPLASH from the water, forcing him to turn around and be met with that reptilian terroriser that he knew all too well. Dinocroc came lunging out of the water with a murderous rage, taking the Merc by complete surprise as the monster barely struck the boat. The moment the monster's enormous body came back into the water, it generated waves that sent the Sniper's boat careening several feet forward while the mercenary fell onto his back, groaning with pain and discomfort.      Getting back up onto his feet, The Sniper scrambled back onto his feet before pulling out his trusty riffle before taking aim once again. Sadly for the Kiwi Merc, he had zero clue to where his adversary was, for all he knew, he could've been lurking beneath his boat right now. Just from the corner of his eye, he noticed a slight movement in the water and proceeded to fire at what he believed to be the Dinocroc's tail only for him to have shot nothing.      "C'mon ya bloody scale-covered drongo, show ya self to me already..." Sniper cursed under his breath. Sadly for the Sniper, the Dinocroc was lurking from behind as the beast threw itself out onto the water and slammed half of it's body straight onto The Sniper's boat. The poor mercenary didn't have enough time to react as his body was flung several dozen feet into the air as he lets loose a scream. The Dinocroc knew now was a perfect time to strike as he threw himself out of the water once more, his jaws widen open to snatch his prey out of the air. But in a last ditch effort to get a one-up on his larger opponent, Sniper launched yet another jar right into the monster's gullet. As a result, the beast's one eye widened with surprise as it began to struggle breathing.     Sniper, despite being airborne, pressed his eye against his scope and took aim once again.     "CHOKE ON THIS!" Mun-dee boomed before squeezing the trigger once more. BLAM! The bullet managed to strike right into the jar, causing the glass to shatter as the Dinocroc started to gag and roar with pain, completely taken aback by the foul taste in it's mouth and the glass piercing into it's throat. However, Sniper wasn't just done.      Mun-dee proceeded to fling himself forward towards Dinocroc, both of which were falling down twoards the body of water beneath him. Dinocroc took notice that Sniper was heading straight at him, the reptilian took no chances as he too threw himself into the direction of Mercenary with one final burst of energy. The two drew closer as Dinocroc opened it's jaws one more time, but just then, Sniper lodged the barrel of his rifle straight into the monster's gaping maw. The gun was pointed upward as Sniper's finger wrapped around the trigger. BLAM! And just like that, Dinocroc's eyes rolled into the back of their skull upon feeling his brain being blown out the other end of his head. The lifeless corpse of Dinocroc came falling into the water alongside Sniper, as the Mercenary quickly resurfaced gasping for air while the carcass of the reptlian terror sunk to the bottom of ravine.  In the end of the hell, the Hunter had become the hunted.

(Music Stops)     Mun-dee swam back to shore, pulling himself out of the water before taking a long deep breath. He had so many questions run through his head after that chilling experience, unsure of what to make of that creature as it was unlike anything he had ever seen.     "Just what in the hell was that bloody thing and where did it come from!?" The Sniper asked himself, trying to put the pieces together. Could there be more than one of this thing and could it be possible that there was more than one of these things just running around in the outback. However, he'd save the questions for later as of right now. The merc still had a vacation to at least enjoy before reporting back to his group about what he had experienced. What mattered right now was that he was alive and that damned creature was dead.     Sniper trudged his way down the sandy grounds, returning to the cliff that both he and Dinocroc fell off of. He looked to the top to see his camper van, sitting above the cliff top as Mun-dee sighed before climbing the cliffs despite the injuries he had endured. Upon reaching the top, Sniper opened the door to his van and proceeded to start up his vehicle. While damages the monster inflicted on it were noticeable, the van was still able to properly function.     Sniper couldn't help but chuckle to himself before turning his van back onto the lone road of the Outback.     "This bloody blue planet is full of surprises..." 


Aftermath Screen:

The Sniper continues driving down the Outback roads despite the damages inflicted onto his van while Dinocroc's body was fished out of the river by a helicopter as it's carcase was hauled back to base, where a disappointed Saxton Hale glares at Wiz, who simply smiled sheepishly as a bead of sweat came down his brow.


UL: Willing to bet that's just an ordinary thursday in Down Under, isn't it?

Mettaton: No doubt about that. Anyways, Dinocroc was truly fearsome beast to be sure! If he were to get close enough and overwhelm Sniper with it's frightening strength and persistence, however, Mun-dee had a few tricks up his sleeve to avoid being an entree for the crocodilian beast.

UL: For starters, Sniper was way smarter compared to the beast. While it's true that Dinocroc can be a cunning predator, in the end, he's just a ferocious beast that knows a few ways to hunt it's prey down. Compare that to Sniper, who has had years worth of experience fighting mercenaries that had the same bloodlust as the crocodilian and even a few giant monsters here and there, who would know how to stay out of the Dinocroc's range and exploit any weaknesses that the monster may have such as the eyeballs or the underbelly. Plus, Sniper could also take advantage of Dinocroc's rage by having the beast screw itself over in the process while he proceed to land several devastating blows in the process. No matter how you sliced it, Sniper had a plan to take down this croc no matter what.

Mettaton: Intellect and Experience wasn't the only thing that Sniper had going for him. For starters, Sniper easily won the range advantage given his extensive arsenal that allowed him to damage Dinocroc from afar and help him stay away from the reptilian terror. Even if Dinocroc were to get up close, Jarate could also allow Sniper to severerly damage Dinocroc once he got up close and even open a temporary escape for Sniper once the damage had been dealt. Though, it could be argued that if Dinocroc were to be struck with the Jarate in underwater, it could likely negate the effects of Sniper's urine. But even then, Sniper had the edge in terms of weapons in both close and long range!~

UL: Another key advantage that Sniper holds is speed, as he's fast enough to dodge bullets, arrows, and even freaking rockets. Soldier's rockets to be exact, which can fire up to 1100 Hammer units per second which are roughly around 76 km/h (47 MPH). The best speed feat under Dinocroc's scaly hide is being able to keep pace with the likes of Supergator, who was able to keep pace with a speeding van. As impressive as that sounds, it's still nowhere near as fast as Sniper being able to dodge oncoming rockets. Hell, Sniper is moderately comparable to Scout, who was fast enough to briefly outpace a train!

Mettaton: Though durability should've went to Dinocroc given it's extensive size and scaly exterior. But truth be told, durability was surprisingly a lot more harder to directly pinpoint here than expected. Of course, Dinocroc has a fair share of impressive durability feats from surviving being hit by an oncoming train and shrugging off gunfire with ease but Sniper actually somewhat had him matched. For example, Sniper is capable of withstanding blows from powerhouses such as Heavy and Soldier, both of which were able to wrestle and overpower grizzly bears in the process!

Mettaton: If that wasn't enough, Sniper also scales to Scout, who was tough enough to endure three rockets exploding at point blank and didn't even die for that matter! Plus, given how an explosion that Dinocroc was a few feet away from was potent enough to kill him, Durability likely went to Sniper. 

UL: Finally, there was also the fact that Sniper had his hands on some potent debuffs that definitely gave him the upper hand as they could easily take down Dinocroc. With all that said and done, Sniper simply had superior speed, range, weaponry, and persistence to help him bring down the reptilian terror! Guess you can say that SniperCROCKED the house!

Mettaton: The victor of this match-up is, The Sniper!


The Sniper (WINNER)

++Ranged weaponry

++Far smarter

++Debuffs help him immensely

+More versatile in general

+Far faster

+Used to fighting monsters larger than he himself is

=/+Possibly more durable, or at least equal to Dinocroc

-Possibly weaker

-Could be thrown off by Dinocroc's aquatic nature

Dinocroc (LOSER)

+Possibly stronger

+Aquatic nature could throw off the Sniper

+Dousing itself in water negates the effects of Jarate

-/=At best is as durable as the Sniper and at worst is less durable

-Much slower


-Dominated in weaponry and range

--Debuffs completely annihilated him

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