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  • Writer's pictureMrNate2015

SBS: Legosi VS Goliath (PRELUDE)

UL: It's unsafe to venture out in the night, for it's the time where monsters and beasts walk among us to wreak havoc towards mankind.

Mettaton: However, empathy and compassion still are present in some beasts as they are willing to fight for what they care for. Even in the face of ridicule and exile.

UL: Such as Legosi, the Lazy Terror of the Night!

Mettaton: And Goliath, the Leader of the Manhattan Clan!~

UL: Hello everyone, I'm The Unemployed Loser and he's Mettaton!

Mettaton: And join us as we analyze these two warrior's strengths and weaknesses to see who is the true superstar!~



(The following bio was provided by Desert-Croc)


Full Name: Legosi

First Appearance: Beastars Chapter 1 (2016)

Age: 18

Species: Grey Wolf

Occupation: High School Student, Delivery Boy

Aliases: None



-Is very awkward but gentle

-Is jumpy and can be startled easily

-Is used to being shunned and feared

-Likes bugs as they don’t fear him

-Has a tendency to panic in uncomfortable situations

-Is brave and will face danger when he has to


-Fought a group of about 10 Shishigumi lions with the help of Gouhin

-Defeated the Shishigumi boss and rescued Haru

-Helped Gouhin take down criminals in the Back Alley Market

-Discovered the identity of Tem’s killer and his attacker

-Took down distributors of the Bloodbone drug

-Fought against yakuza leaders in the Back Alley market turf war

-Fought against Melon, a leopard-gazelle hybrid

Physical Stats:


-Can crack nuts open with his grip

-Broke a mirror with a punch

-Easily restrained a jaguar

-Sent Louis flying several feet with a punch

-Swung a cane hard enough to destroy a chandelier

-Punched a hole in a wall

-Hurt Pina’s hand with a handshake

-Caught a punch from Gouhin

-Can lift heavy weights

-Crushed a spotlight with his hands

-Fought against Riz, who can strike bathroom floors hard enough to leave an imprint

-Punched Riz’s face into the ground and cracked the concrete beneath it

-Tore down a chain link fence after eating Louis’ leg

-Punched Riz through a chain link fence (Super Beast Mode)

-Could break Melon’s arm with his grip alone

-Can crack concrete with his punches

-Can overpower Kyuu, who can snap a street light with her rope

-Burst open from underneath a pile of debris after tanking an explosion

-Traded blows with Melon

-Hurt Louis’ hand with a high five

Speed and Agility:

-Closed a gap of several feet between him and Haru in seconds

-Tackled a jaguar before it could attack Louis

-Blitzed a lion holding him at gunpoint before he could react

-Dodged a sneak attack from Riz at the last second

-Vanished from Jack’s sight in a split second

-Reacted to Gouhin’s punch while he was busy talking

-Kept up with Riz in a fight

-Dodged a knife slash

-Avioded getting his stomach cut open by Melon’s antlers

-Dodged attacks from Kyuu

-Can jump high enough to reach the top of a street light

-Put tail grenades in his pants right before they exploded to keep them from being damaged

-Attacked Melon before he could pull on sneak attack on the Inarigumi leader

Durability and Endurance:

-Shrugged off a punch from Kai, who was surprised how hard he was

-Endured Bill slowly clawing his back

-Took a punch from Gouhin, who is stronger than Bill

-Was able to take a beating from Shishigumi lions, who could harm Gouhin

-Endured being mauled and clawed by the Shishigumi boss

-Survived being pushed off the top of a building

-A hyena that could bite through bones couldn’t bite down on his arm

-Riz, a bear, struggled to bite through his body

-Got slammed around several times by Riz to the point where he broke his ribs

-Endured pulling his fangs out

-Survived a fatal shot, although was hospitalised after

-Was so focused on eavesdropping while having a tattoo done that he didn’t feel any pain

-Didn’t yell out in pain after getting shot in the ear

-Tanked an explosion which also caused rubble to fall on him

-Tanked several more explosions soon after

-Took a brutal kick that put his eye out

-Took a beating from Melon

Powers, Skills and Abilities:

Combat Skills:

-Is a skilled brawler

-Specialises in heavy strikes

-Can use headbutts, which are powerful enough to cause bad nosebleeds

-Can use his claws to scratch his foes

-Received training from Gouhin, a powerful fighter capable of subduing a group of lions

-Has a talent for fighting, which was recognized by Gouhin

-Has methods for taking down animals as effectively and efficiently as possible

Enhanced Senses:

-Being a wolf, he has superhuman senses

-Can determine the size and distance someone is from him, even if they are hidden

-Smelt poultice from Louis’ bandaged ankle

-Smelt an unopened bottle of rabbit blood Bill had on him

-Is able to detect Haru’s scent on those who’ve come in contact with her

-Is nocturnal and can see in the dark

-Claimed he could smell mosquito bites, even with one nostril blocked

-Was able to sense Rokume, who had been stalking him for weeks

-Was able to determine the identity of his attacker by tasting his own saliva

-Has memorised the scent of everything he has smelt for 17 years

-Discovered Pina’s location from over 2 km away with his scent

Fighting Instinct:

-Has natural fighting capabilities due to being a strong carnivore

-Can quickly analyze his opponents at a glance

-Useful for determining how powerful they are

Moth Dispersion:

-An ability Legosi gained after eating moth larvae

-Can turn his body into a swarm of moths and reform back

-Temporarily Makes him immune to physical attacks

-Used it to escape from Riz’s hold

Imaginary Chimera:

-A technique taught to him by Kyuu

-Can conjure an imagery creature that can help him fight

-Is a manifestation of his strong feelings towards Haru

-Supposedly increases the power of his strikes

Super Beast Mode:

-A form Legosi enters after eating meat

-First entered it after eating Louis’ leg

-Increases his strength

-Allowed him to damage and trade blows with Riz

-Due to his nature of protecting herbivores and having no desire to eat meat, the form is last resort if anything


-Is immune to Komodo Dragon poison due to his lineage

-His fangs can regenerate


-His jaw has become really weak as a result of his training

-Tends to go easy on small, weak creatures, especially herbivores

-Has trouble fighting females

"I'm beginning to understand it now. The reason I was born a wolf..."


(The following bio was provided by GalaxyVideo)


AKA: N/A (people only call him Goliath)

Occupation: Defender of New York

Likes: Shakespeare, His fellow gargoyles, Elisa

Dislikes: Xanatos. Thailog




-Can toss werewolves into a steel garage door hard enough to dent it

-In general seems to be able to rip apart metal with ease

-Was able to slam two people through a wall by pushing them into it

-Is strong enough to lift and shatter a solid rock gargoyle

-Was strong enough to impale a robot with a steel beam, and then toss the robot through a wall

-Was strong enough to burst through a metal wall

-As you can tell, Goliath busts down walls on a daily basis


-Tanked an anti-aircraft shot

-Constantly survives being shot with lasers

-Has endured multiple explosions, from ones brought about by oil fires, to grenades

-Has fought people just as strong as him, including his evil clone Thailog (and I’m sure he comes from Nilbog)

-Has endured being stabbed multiple times

-Endures plenty of violent electric shocks

--Has even endured a lightning strike


-Is fast enough to dodge gunfire, magical spells, and lasers

-Dodged lightning from Macbeth’s lightning weapon

-While gliding, can keep up with trains, jets, and WWII planes


-Has tremendous fighting skills, even being able to defeat Macbeth in battle with a mace

-Intelligent, able to lead his team well, and be very wise

-Was able to outsmart Oberon, whom was godlike at the time

-Xanatos claimed him to be the greatest warrior alive

-His wings allow him to “glide” but it’s more akin to actual flying, able to let him soar higher into the air

--Only struggles with the takeoffs, needing to get elevated first

-His body turns to stone during the day, and while this leaves him defenseless, it also heals all wounds while he’s in stone

--Has healed up sword wounds, laser wounds, and holes through his wings

-When angered, his eyes glow white, and this appears to increase his strength

“I’ve been denied everything! EVEN MY REVENGE!!!”


-In the morning, he’s turned to stone, making him defenseless, able to be killed easily

-Has clear limits to what he can take, and can be knocked unconscious

-Has a short temper, and his emotions can cloud his judgment

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