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  • Writer's pictureMrNate2015

SBS: Spinel VS Jack O' Lantern (FIGHT)

Updated: Apr 24, 2022

UL: Well everyone, the friends have been made...

Mettaton: And the jack-o'-lanterns have been lit... Who will prevail?

UL: My fellow viewers...IT'S TIME FOR DRAMA!





Location: A Lone Road, Delmarva

Time: 10:57


It was a cold and dark Halloween Night as we set our scene on a long stretch of road in a seemingly barren plain. Black clouds concealed the night sky and while the only thing that was breaking the silence was the whistling of the wind. The cold air carried a rather unique chill, one that almost felt as though an indescribable evil was lurking in the darkness. Down from where the road started, a bright yellow glow illuminated the night as it started to advance down the trail.

When the light moved further down the road, the silence was broken by low, guttural roars and high-pitch cackling that filled the air. Soon enough, the bright glow revealed itself, and quite frankly, it was a chilling scene. Advancing their way down the track was a parade of monsters that came in all different shapes and sizes, all of which resembled jack-o'-lanterns. The cavalcade of pumpkin creatures trudged their way down the long pathway, laughing like a pack of hyenas. The leader of this bizarre army of monsters was riding atop a large quadrupedal pumpkin that was about the size of a semi-truck, as it shook the ground with every step it took while its rider laughed like a maniac.

Perched atop the giant pumpkin beast was a scrawny man dressed in medieval peasant clothing, but his head was the most notable trait. The head of this odd man was a jack-o-lantern, just like the very army he was leading. Clenched in his hands was a large scythe and on his face was a twisted grin. This was the notorious pumpkin-headed prankster who now wielded the powers of the Grim Reaper's Scythe, his name? Jack O' Lantern.

As of right now, Jack and his army were just about through with wreaking havoc among Endsville and figured they could find a new place to spread chaos and carnage. They were also on a stakeout for the Grim Reaper himself because, during their raid on Endsville, Jack or his troops couldn't find him anywhere. However, Jack wasn't one to immediately call it quits. He would tear through the earth itself just so long as it meant to find that bastard skeleton who took his head.

"Okay boys, we'll have to flip this whole world upside down if we're gonna find that bonehead. But right now, we got another town to trash just up ahead. So, let's get work!" The pumpkin-headed prankster declared while his troop of monsters cheered in response, the horde of creatures traversing further down the road, passing by a sign on the side of the road that read 'WELCOME TO BEACH CITY'. The platoon of pumpkins grew closer to the end of the road where they would be approaching a new city, one that would be perfect for running amok through the streets. Approaching the end of the road, Jack's smirk grew wider as he stood up and raised his scythe high into the air.

"Now then, time for some good ol' fashion Halloween carnage!" Jack said with a laugh while his monster army joined in a sickening guffaw. The pumpkin parade marched off to Beach City, however, it didn't take long for all of them to suddenly stop while Jack fell right off of the giant pumpkin beast, landing face-first onto the pavement.

(Music Stops)

Scrambling back onto his feet, the pumpkin-headed prankster dusted himself off before glaring at his army, clearly frustrated by the fact they had decided to just suddenly stop right when they were about to arrive at their next destination.

"Hey, why'd you all stop?! I already told you morons, no bathroom breaks during the trip!" Jack scolded, noticing that his army was staring off into the direction facing the city with clear expressions of fear and shock.

"And just what the heck are you pinheads looking a-" Jack's frustration devolved into shock, his frustrated scowl turning into a look of astonishment matching the horde of paranormal goons. What were they looking at, you might ask well...

Standing over the small beachside town was an enormous device that was the size of a skyscraper. Beneath this bizarre contraption, large cracks formed onto the earth while a magenta glow illuminated from the crevasses along with streaks of smoke wafting throughout the area. Just from the sight alone was enough to make the whole crowd of monsters stare in awe while their leader soon got a grip and slapped himself into reality. Jack tried to make sense of what the heck was going on here until he came up with a plausible conclusion. Could it be someone or something that was trying to overshadow and steal his own thunder? Perhaps even ruin his plans to dominate the whole universe? Just by going off that thought alone was enough to drive Jack mad as his face turned visibly red while flames began to flare out of his eyes and mouth.

"Okay, fellas, new plan! We take care of whatever punk behind this and THEN we continue our search for the Grim Reaper! ONWARD!" The Pumpkin-headed Prankster declared, his minions shaking off the feeling of shock and terror before they all began to let out a distorted cheer before marching off to the enormous device.

Unaware of the chaos that awaited them.


Location: The Top of The Gem Interjector


Fear was the only thing that Steven Universe could feel. His body was on the verge of giving up and his powers were practically useless at this point as he laid there on the ground, barely summoning the energy to even breath. His heart raced with terror upon hearing a nasal giggle as he could make out a magenta-colored figure approaching him. Steven desperately tried to get back up, but he could not even move a muscle while his attacker drew closer and closer.

"Well, well, well... Look at ya now, Pink!" A shrill voice called out before Steven suddenly felt a weight press down onto his abdomen. The half-gem looked up and saw a dark pink shoe perched atop his chest connected to an abnormally long pink limb. Whoever had Steven pulled themselves over to the where The Successor of Rose Quartz was pinned as Steven could finally get a better look at his assailant. A pink humanoid creature with reddish-maroon hair that was styled in two spiky pigtails dressed in black and pink clothing.

"Or should I say... Steven Universe?~" Spinel said in a mocking tone.

"S-Spinel... Please... This isn't the wa-"

"CRAM IT, BOY!" Spinel barked, her head growing slightly large while shifting more weight onto Steven's chest that made him clench his teeth with pain. The Demented Jester's head reverted to normal before she withdrew a stick-like device, glaring down at her helpless prey.

"At first, I didn't really care if you were dead or not when I set out on this whole personal mission of mine. But now..." Spinel said, looking over to the device before clicking a button. An extra appendage began to protrude from the device before a glowing scythe-like blade lit up as Spinel's hateful glare turned into a wicked cheek-to-cheek grin. "I think I've made up my mind, wouldn't you agree?~"

"N-NO!" Steven said, raising his arms fearfully while Spinel brought the Gem Rejuvenator over her head, the blade of the scythe pointed directly at the gem on his abdomen.

"Say goodnight, Steveeeeen!~" Spinel said, ready to finally end the son of the woman who ruined her life. But just as Spinel could down the blade and deliver the killing blow...

"HEY, YOU!!!"

(Music Stops)

Steven opened his eyes and looked over to see The Gem Rejuvenator's blade inches away from his stomach. He also noticed Spinel looking in the opposite direction with a look of confusion on her face, confused as to why she had stopped her kill. The Former Jester swore she heard someone calling out to her seconds ago, but there was nobody in sight so she might've thought her mind was just playing tricks with her. Shrugging it off, Spinel turned back to her target.

"Well, that was weird. Anyways, where was I?... Oh yeah, I was about to kill you!~" Spinel exclaimed before raising the scythe over her head while Steven went back to being terrified. However, Spinel's kill was interrupted once again as she heard the sound of someone grunting and groaning several feet away. The Gem let out an exasperated sigh before turning around, this time she saw a gloved hand rise from the ledge of her interjector. It didn't take long for a man with a jack-o-lantern on his head to pull himself onto the interjector before collapsing onto his back, wheezing in exhaustion from having to climb this ginormous contraption.

"Ufff... ufff... Why didn't the darn thing...ufff... have an elevator installed?...ufff..." Jack huffed aloud, whipping a bead of sweat from his brow.

"Uh, hello!?" Spinel shouted, her call garnering the pumpkin-headed prankster as he shot back up onto his feet.

"Aha! So, I'm guessing from the ugly shades of magenta that you and this thingamajig share, you're the one behind all this aren't ya?!" The undead trickster shouted, pointing an index finger at Spinel.

"Will you buzz off?! I'm in the middle o' something!" Spinel retorted, clearly not wanting to deal with any of this right now.

"I'll buzz off when YOU buzz off! I'm a little busy controlling the universe here and I sure as heck don't want some bubblegum gremlin from stealin' my thunder!" Jack proclaimed.

"Hate to break it to ya but I don't like sharing the spotlight!" Spinel yelled.

"Well too bad! So why don't you take your little doomsday device and scram!" Jack yelled out.

Spinel growled with fury, streaks of smoke beginning to resonate off of her brow. Just who does this jerk-o-lantern think he is?! He interrupts her chance in ending Pink Diamond and now he has the gall to insult her right up to her face. Steven, completely confused by this, tried to interject on whatever was going on here.

"Uh... D-do I get a say in thi-" However, The half gem was immediately silenced as Spinel tore into the metal frame of the injector's top before wrapping it around Steven's arms to keep him from escaping.

"You stay RIGHT here." Spinel barked, poking Steven in the nose before spinning around with the Gem Rejuvenator tightly clenched in her hands. "I'll take care of this..."

"Ah, ah, ah! I don't think that'll be a wise decision lass since I'm the one with the all-powerful weapon here!" Jack said, twirling The Reaper's Scythe as both combatants slowly approach one another.

"Keep runnin' your mouth, Squash Face! I'll sure as hell get a kick out of smashing you into a pulp!" Spinel snarled, readying her weapon as she fiercely glared into the pumpkin-headed prankster's eyes.

Tonight, a battle of pure insanity and mayhem was about to break out and only one was gonna be claiming victory. But one question remains...

Who shall it be?



Spinel started the show by springing herself forward, reeling the Gem Rejuvenator back before swiping at Jack with the blade aiming for his neck. However, this attack never came to fruition as the pumpkin-headed prankster blocked the attack by raising the shaft of his scythe and pushing Spinel back. Jack was given a perfect opportunity to strike as he jumped in the air and swung the Reaper's Scythe down while a demented cackle escaped his lips. Spinel, however, wasn't afraid of the descending attacker as she spun around in circles before hurling the Gem Rejuvenator at Jack, which came spinning towards the undead trickster. Jack gasped upon seeing the spinning scythe speed towards him as he maneuvered himself out of the blade's reach as it passed him by.

"Haha! Missed me, missed me! Now you gotta kiss me!" Jack taunted while Spinel grumbled with fury before rocketing herself towards the pumpkin-headed prankster, who swung the scythe as hard as he could only for the former jester to evade the blow. Before both could hit the ground, Spinel outstretched her arms as they wrapped themselves around Jack's torso and waist, taking the undead trickster by surprise. Spinel lifted Jack over her head before slamming him down onto the hard, metallic surface as her arms stretched out to further lengths. A spider-web of cracks formed onto the Gem Injector's top while Jack let out a groan of pain as his opponent's arms unwrapped themselves from his body but Spinel wasn't done just there. Still in mid-air, Spinel extended both her legs out, her boots smashing right into Jack's spine, which further worsened his pain.

"How do ya like them apples, eh!?" Spinel called out, her legs recoiling back to their original form as she then brought her hand up to her mouth and blew on her thumb as her hand began to enlarge in size. Jack slowly got back up, rubbing his head before he suddenly felt a shadow loom over him. He turned his head to the sky and shrieked with terror upon seeing Spinel's enormous fist hurtling towards him at rapid speeds. The pumpkin-headed prankster took cover in the nick of time while the giant pink fist came smashing into the ground beneath while the Injector shook from the force of Spinel's strike. The deranged entertainer came back down and recoiled her arm before speeding towards her adversary in a figure-eight peel-out. Acting fast, Jack pulled out his notorious bag of pranks before rummaging through the contents of the sack.

"C'mon, c'mon! There's gotta be somethin' in... AHA!" Jack exclaimed before pulling out a whoopee cushion from the sack as he threw the windy blaster right at Spinel's feet. Due to being blind-sided by anger, The gem was able to see what was thrown at her before it was too late...


Spinel's foot stepped right onto the whoopee cushion, triggering its flatulent alarm while the gem's look of anger turned to surprise as she found herself uncontrollably skating across the arena.

"WHAT THE HECK!?" Spinel yelped, rapidly flailing her arms as she was unable to stop herself while Jack's mouth formed into a devious grin. The pumpkin-headed prankster stepped to the side and stuck his foot out, resulting in Spinel tripping forward once her shin came into contact with the undead tricker's foot. The deranged entertainer landed right onto her head, generating a loud 'BONK' noise while Jack broke into a hysterical guffaw.

"BWAHAHA! Oh... That's a classic..." Jack commented, whipping a tear from his eye while Spinel, infuriated that she had fallen victim to her opponent's prank, jumped back up onto her feet and stretched her arm out for a surprise punch. Jack was able to react to the attack just in time as he brought up his scythe and blocked Spinel's punch, the force of which caused him to slid across the injector's top with his heels digging into the surface resulting in noticeable skid marks burnt into the metal. Spinel charged forward and began to assault Jack with a plethora of blows, forcing the pumpkin-headed prankster to defend himself as he side-stepped an outstretched punch from his pink foe as he then attempted to slice off Spinel's arm with a swing of the scythe.

"I don't think so, creep!" Spinel shouted as her hand suddenly shifted into the direction of Jack's head, knocking the pumpkin-headed prankster several feet back. Spinel proceeded to barrel towards her foe, preparing to deck him in the face only for Jack to quickly pull out his prank bag and swing it right into Spinel's face, bashing her in the jaw. The rogue jester's neck comically stretched backward while Jack laughed at his adversary's misfortune, only to have the tables turn on him as Spinel's neck snapped forward as the entertainer's forehead slammed right into the kisser. Jack awkwardly flopped back from the impact of Spinel's noggin while her neck snapped back into place as she proceeded to leap high into the sky for an aerial attack. However, Jack quickly pulled out a large firework from his bag.

"I'm more of a Halloween guy, but what's wrong with a little late 4th of July celebration!" Jack chuckled before lighting the fuse with a match. In seconds, the firework went off as it raced towards Spinel while the pumpkin-headed prankster anticipated her to be engulfed in a colorful explosion of sparks. Right before it could touch her, Spinel notices something falling towards her from above as she outstretched her arm and yanked it out of the air. Turns out, it was the Gem Rejuvenator, as Spinel swung the scythe in a swift motion.

"RIGHT BACK AT YA, SQUASH FACE!" Spinel boomed, parrying the firework back to Jack as his eyes shrunk in fear.

"Aw nuts..." Was all Jack had to say before he was caught in a bright explosion of colorful lights, one that sent the pumpkin-headed prankster flying as he landed back-first onto the hard metal ground. Jack let out a groan of pain, now covered in soot and ash before springing back up onto his feet, enraged that his attack had backfired on him. However, he had a new plan in mind...

"Okay, let's try that again. But how about we amp up the danger factor, eh?~" Jack hollered with laughter as he drew forth a jack-o-lantern that a streak of flames emitting from its head. Spinel, meanwhile, struck the gem rejuvenator into the ground before pulling it back as she wrapped her arms and legs around the shaft. The deranged jester bent the scythe as far she could allow it before unleashing her grip from it, resulting in the gem getting sling-shotted through the air. Spinel was able to snatch the rejuvenator from the round in the last second before she soared through the skies while Jack saw Spinel approaching him from above but he was more than prepared to deal with her.

"You're gonna get a kick outta this one, Pinkie!" Jack cackled before chucking the pumpkin bomb at Spinel as if it were a softball as the jack-o-lantern themed explosive sped through the air at a rapid pace. Spinel furrowed her brows and emitted a booming war cry as she prepared to cleave through the bomb with a swipe of the rejuvenator. However, Spinel was a little too late with her swing as the bomb lodged itself right into the deranged jester's mouth. But instead of going off in a fiery explosion, what happened next was... unexpected.


(Music Stops)

Spinel and Jack's eyes both widened with shock, the former having swallowed the bomb as it went down her gullet and disappeared into her stomach. The deranged jester awkwardly landed onto the ground, standing just a few feet away from her adversary.

"Uh... What just happened?"

"I... don't know actually. This a first for m-"


Suddenly, the pumpkin bomb went off inside of Spinel's gut but instead of combusting into flames, Spinel's body suddenly swelled up like a balloon. Her cheeks puffed out, her chest and abdomen region took up a spherical shape, and her legs and feet comically shrunk into her now-bloated body while her hands and feet awkwardly wiggled and flailed around. Spinel let out a muffled whimper while Jack started to wheeze with laughter, almost falling onto his back from this bizarre scene.

"GAAAAHAHAHAHA! OH, THIS IS RICH! That's definitely going in my list of favorite pranks!" The pumpkin-headed prankster cackled while Spinel furrowed her brow, growing evermore furious by this fool's antics.

"Waugh at me, will ya!?" Spinel said through her swollen lips before rocking herself backward with all the mobility she had before shooting forward, striking Jack with her newly inflated gut. Because of her bouncy body, Jack was sent flying several feet into the air.

Jack disappeared into the clouds, his screaming briefly stopping... Only to reemerge once he came careening back down where Spinel awaited him, bumping him with her bloated hips that caused the pumpkin-headed prankster to flop onto the ground. However, the bloated gem didn't stop there as she proceeded to propel herself high up into the air by bouncing onto her rear. Jack slowly raised the upper half of his body, groaning from being thrown around like a ragdoll.

"Ugh... What happened?" The undead trickster said before feeling the unnerving presence of something looming above him. The immortal mischief looked up and didn't even have a chance to react as he was smashed into the ground underneath Spinel's behind. The inflated jester let out a snooty 'hmph' upon squishing Jack as she then repeated the process numerous times resulting in Jack's body being flattened like a pancake. After one final rump smash, Spinel burped out a torrent of smoke and flames causing her body to deflate back to her original form. The deranged jester proceeded to reach down and grab Jack by the collar of his shirt, hitting him with a hateful glare.

"Any last words before I beat the snot outta ya, freak?!" Spinel snarled while her opponent hacked and wheezed with pain.

"Well... I do have a good joke I would like to tell, FEATHER you like it or not!" Jack said with a laugh before plucking the red feather from his hat and began tickle Spinel from the inch of her nose. The tingly sensation of Jack's hat feather brushing against her schnoz caused Spinel to start giggling, it wouldn't be long before she started to laugh uncontrollably as she let unleashed Jack's shirt collar. Spinel soon keeled over onto the ground, her feet falling around in the air while she held her abdomen to keep herself from laughing.

"Hehehe! Stop, stop!... I'm so gonna murder ya for this! Hohoho!~" Spinel laughed against her will while Jack smirked, placing his feather back on his hat. The pumpkin-headed prankster proceeded to draw out the Reaper's Scythe before flipping it upside down and positioning it as if it were a golf club.

"FORE!" The undead trickster yelled, reeling the scythe back before swinging as the blunt end of the scythe struck Spinel as hard as it could!


Spinel's body was sent careening through the air from the force that Jack delivered in his swing as the pumpkin-headed prankster watched with glee, hoping that would be more than enough to take care of that pink nuisance. Unfortunately for Jack, he felt something strong tug at the handle of his scythe as it violently pulled him forward. The trickster tried to hold onto the scythe from being ripped out of his hands as he looked to see the culprit behind this, his eyes being met with Spinel's hand grasping the shaft. Jack furrowed his brows, trying to pry the scythe out of his opponent's hands. Just then, Jack was alerted to the shrill sound of Spinel hurtling towards him at high speeds.

"EEEK!" Jack shrieked as he narrowly side-stepped Spinel's foot that was just a millimeter away from smashing his head into mush. The deranged jester sped past, her arm still clutching onto the scythe's handle as she planted her feet against one of the spider-like legs of the injector before twisting her legs into rocketed back with the Gem Rejuvenator raised above her head. Spinel swiped her scythe in a sweeping motion, forcing Jack to duck, temporarily separating his hat from his head while Spinel passed him by yet again. Jack stood up, letting his hat fall back onto his head as he desperately tried to shake off the deranged jester but her grip was far too strong.

"Get your mitts off my ticket to dominating the universe will ya!?" Jack cursed, frantically jerking the scythe around while Spinel was throttled throughout the air in a similar vein to a kite being blown and thrashed around in the wind. Growing tired of being jerked around, Spinel recoiled her arms back, resulting in Jack being pulled off the ground. Like a fish that fell for a worm on a hook, Jack was now being reeled towards his opponent at high speeds before his noggin collided with Spinel's, generating an audible 'THUNK' which left the pumpkin-headed prankster in a dazed state.

"Uuuaargh... No ma, those breeches are too tight..." Jack whined before being snapped back to reality by being flung right into the clouds up above by Spinel, who proceeded to spring herself in hot pursuit of her foe. Jack found himself soaring through the air, screaming along the way while Spinel zipped past him before cupping her hands together and raising them above her head. She proceeded to swing them down as hard she could, right down onto Jack's head as he was sent hurtling towards the ground. Spinel proceeded to follow him, both her fists tightly clenched while a murderous flare burned within her eyes.

The two plummeted further and further, but Jack was able to draw out his prank sack and frantically search through the various gags that he had stashed in the bag. Spinel was coming in hot so Jack had to throw whatever he had at his disposal. Jack chucked a rubber chicken right into Spinel's face only for the toy to harmlessly bounce off of Spinel's face though this merely prompted Jack to throw more random objects at the deranged jester. Ranging from a baguette, a pair of Groucho Marx glasses, a trumpet, all of which failed to impede the enraged gem. Panicking to a further degree, Jack pulled out one more item that could possibly give him a leg-up as he was met with a live skunk, a sight that made the prankster grin.

"Well kid, I think you're about fall for the hook, line, and STINKER!" Jack hollered before hurling the skunk at his pink foe, the smelly rodent tail-first onto Spinel's face as she stopped in mid-air to this strange earth creature that the prankster threw at her.

"The heck's thi-"


Spinel emitted a scream of disgust and pain as the skunk sprayed her right in the eyes, as she grabbed at the rodent in an attempt to pry it off her face. Jack quickly slipped past her and prepared to finish her off with a slash from behind. However, Spinel was able to successfully yank the skunk off of her face before tossing it over her shoulder as the rotten rodent managed to land directly into Jack's eyehole. The skin burrowed itself in Jack's head through his eye before emitting its horrific smelling spray causing a pungent green gas to waft through his eyes and mouth. Jack unleashed a shrill scream as the terrible odor resonated from his face before both he and Spinel came crashing into the hard ground bellow resulting in a sizable crater when coming into contact.

After smashing into the hard concrete grounds, both fighters laid in the mosaic of cracks while the skunk crawled out of Jack's maw and scampered off. Jack was the first to rise back onto his feet as he let out a groan of discontent with a hand rested on his temple.

"Ugh... That's gonna be sore tomorrow, I guarantee ya..." Jack grumbled to himself aloud before suddenly coming back to his senses as he narrowly avoided getting his head cut off by a surprise swipe from the Gem Rejuvenator. Jack proceeded to bring up his scythe to quickly block off another attack as both combatants began to clash blades, generating sparks with each collision. Spinel quickly side-stepped out of the scythe's reach before twirling the Rejuvenator and slicing Jack across the chest, who let out a scream of horror when the blade made its mark.

"N-NOOOOO! I'm... I'm... perfectly okay?" The pumpkin-headed prankster said with realization, realizing that there wasn't even a scratch on him. Spinel awkwardly stared at her undead opponent, internally kicking herself for forgetting the fact that the Rejuvenator can only harm gems while Jack bellowed with laughter at how ineffective her weapon turned out to be. Spinel huffed with annoyance before deactivating the blade, but before she could do anything else, Jack delivered an onslaught of blows prompting Spinel to parry every single one of them before promptly whacking the trickster right on the head.


Jack rubbed his head in pain while he furrowed his brow in annoyance before stepping back and swinging the scythe in a quick motion, one that Spinel was in no position of dodging as the scythe's blade carved straight through the Rejeuvnator's shaft. Recoiling the scythe back, the pumpkin-headed prankster let out a cocky snicker.

"Haha! Not so tough without that little toy of your-" Jack's boast was interrupted a fist came flying right into his cranium and send him skidding across the hard pavement before coming to a stop when coming into contact with one of the giant legs of the injector, a large comical bump started to form on the pumpkin-headed prankster's head. Spinel merely cracked her knuckles before grabbing onto a gigantic boulder and hoisting it above her head.

"Just because I'm unarmed doesn't mean I'm down for the count, Squash Face!" Spinel chucked the boulder as hard as he could at Jack as the enormous hunk of rock soared through the air towards the pumpkin-headed prankster with all of her strength. Jack gasped with horror as he immediately jumped out of the way, the boulder shattering into pebbles when coming into contact with the Injector's leg but that didn't stop Spinel one bit as she kept the boulders coming.

Huge rocks were hurled senselessly at Jack, who dodged left and right in order to avoid being crushed into pulp but suddenly stopped when he nearly fell into a crevasse where a riverine of bio poison was waiting for him below. The trickster flailed his arms up and down so that he wouldn't fall into the venomous pool but would have to take a leap of faith when he looked up to see Spinel stopped flinging sarsens at him and instead, was now hurtling straight towards from above.

The pumpkin-headed prankster, acting fast, sprung himself forward over the rushing river of bio poison and onto the neighboring platform while Spinel's feet only struck the hard concrete. The deranged jester glared at Jack, who chucked a pumpkin bomb at her, prompting Spinel to quickly dodge the explosive as it went off in a fiery outburst. She then lunged herself at her opponent, throwing a wicked punch only to be blocked by the scythe's shaft as Jack then swung the blade in a diagonal motion. The deranged jester threw herself back, avoiding the reaper's scythe from cleaving into her but this didn't stop her opponent from mounting an assault as he started wildly swinging the scythe from different angles prompting Spinel to bob and weave out of each strike.

"Hold still, Pinkie!" Before slashing the scythe in a downward motion, Jack scolded, which caused the blade to get stuck in the terrain. Seeing this as a perfect opportunity, Spinel leaped onto the shaft of the scythe before socking Jack right in the face only for Jack to quickly duck down as he proceeded to whack Spinel with a strong swing of his prank bag which was enough to launch Spinel right into the air. The pumpkin-headed prankster proceeded to leap onto the scythe's handle before bouncing himself off the shaft in a similar vein to a diving board as he soared through the air.

The moment the Pumpkin-headed prankster reached his adversary in mid-air, he struck her with a surprise summersault kick that stunned the deranged entertainer. Jack proceeded to draw out his sack of pranks and swung it with all the strength he had in his scrawny frame, whacking Spinel across the face. The pumpkin-headed prankster readied his bag once again, preparing to deliver a second blow that would send Spinel flying into orbit.

"AND STAY OUT!" Jack boomed delivering his next swing, but much to his chagrin, Spinel caught the bag right before it could make contact as she fiercely glared into the immortal trickster's eyes. One that prompted a timid peep out of him.

"OH NO, YOU DON'T!" Spinel roared before socking Jack right in the chest with as much force as she could provide, her arm stretched out the moment her fist made contact with her opponent. A large indentation formed amongst the concrete grounds as Spinel recoiled her fist and stretched her leg out with the hopes of crushing him in half by stomping on his fragile mid-section. The pumpkin-headed prankster acted fast and rolled forward while Spinel's foot smashed into the crater, further deepening the indentation. Spinel quickly lowered herself back to solid ground before Jack another swing of the prank bag only for the past to repeat itself with the gem latching onto it before attempting to pry it out of her adversary's hands with a hard tug. However, Jack yanked it back as the two now entered a game of tug-o-war.

"Get...hngh...your paws...hnng...of the merchandise!" Jack said between grunts, the two wicked fighters attempting to rip the bag from the other's hands. As they continued pulling, however...


A tear soon formed on the burlap holding the sack together and out from the gash spilled several pumpkin bombs that fell to the floor and surrounded Spinel and Jack by their feet. The two fighters, still holding onto the bag, looked down with wide-eyed expressions, both of them knowing what was about to happen next...


(Music Stops)

Steven flailed and jerked around, trying to break free from his restraints. Due to the damage that he had received during his battle with Spinel, Steven could not even wriggle free from his confinement. Just as it seemed he was about to give up, he suddenly heard a deep voice with a Jamaican accent.

"Err... Need help wit' dat, kid?" The voice called out while Steven looked up to see a skeleton draped in a black robe standing over him. Steven's eyes widened with horror from this sight as he was about to let out a scream only to be shushed by the skeleton's bony finger.

"Hey, don't scream! I'm here to help ya, dangit!" The robed skeleton shouted before reaching down and grabbing onto the metal that was wrapped around the half-gem. After some hard tugs that nearly made him pull his back, he was successful in freeing Steven as the Gem-Human Hybride scrambled back up onto his feet before letting out a sigh of relief.

"Okay, thanks but... Is it a good time to ask who are you and why you're here or...?" Steven said, still unsure of what to make of this.

"Ah yes, where are me manners? I'm da Grim Reaper, all-powerful collector of da dead, yadda yadda yadda. Ya get the gist of what I'm sayin', yeah?" Grim nonchalantly explained with a careless shrug.

"W-wait... You're the Grim Reaper!?" Steven exclaimed.

"Of course, Genius! What da heck did I just tell ya?! But dat's not important... Oh, and if you're wonderin', Nah, I'm not here to reap your soul... yet." Grim said.

"Well, that's very comforting..." Steven remarked, a bead of sweat dripping down his brow.

"You see boy, I'm here for me Scythe because a certain pumpkin-headed jerk stole it from me and I sensed its power out here... Though, might I ask what da heck is goin' on here?" Grim remarked, overlooking the chaos that was unfolding on Bech City. "Yeesh, haven't seen this much destruction since Pompeii... Ah, I remember that like it was yesterday."

"It's... a long story." Steven groaned. "Though, you said someone with a pumpkin for a head took your scythe? Well, I did see someone just like that fight against the person who put this injector here if that's good enough."

"Aha! So dat jerk is here! Can ya tell me where he and this new foe of his ran off to?"

"I-I don't know, they fell off the interjector while I was stuck here so I don't have a clue-"


Suddenly, a massive explosion from below took both Grim and Steven by surprise, the latter of whom yelped as he jumped into Steven's arms. Speeding through the air, two slender figures could be seen soaring into the clouds while shrill screams filled the air for a brief moment before going silent completely.

"...That was them, wasn't it?" Steven said with visible worry in his voice.

"'Fraid so. Welp, come along boy." Grim said, hopping out of Steven's arms before walking towards the ledge of the injector's top. "You and I got some work to do."


Location: An old dirt road...


We open to a seemingly barren patch of land surrounded by distant massifs where the road that Jack and his men followed into Beach City stretched for over miles. All was silence but this would not last as the sound of two faint screams could be heard coming from the cloudy heavens. Soon, both Jack O'Lantern and Spinel came crashing into the dirt ground beneath them. Despite the sudden and explosive trip, Jack was about to get himself back up...

...Only to then be crushed by his torn-up sack of pranks.

Spinel slowly got up, her legs feeling wobbly as they quivered like molds of jello. As she slowly regained her bearings, Spinel set her gaze up into the sky to something rather odd floating above her and that being an emerald green portal that lit up the night sky as if it were day once again.

"What the-"

"THAT'S IT!" Jack's voice suddenly boomed as the pumpkin-headed prankster pushed the heavy gag bag off of him before staring down Spinel with a fiery scowl.

"I've had with ya! All ya had to do was kick rocks and none of this could have happened! But NOOOO! You had to instead mess up my Halloween mayhem for some petty vengeance scheme!" Jack cursed, prompting a snarl from his alien foe.

"Oh yeah? Well, I've had it with you as well! I'm sick of these stupid games! When I'm through with you, there will be nobody to put you back together again!" Spinel snarled while Jack raised a brow in response.

"Okay, first of all, that's Humpty Dumpty. Second of all..." The pumpkin-headed prankster raised the Reaper's Scythe high up into the air with both of his hands while a maniacal grin began to form on his features.

"This game of ours has just barely begun..."

Jack proceeded to strike the ground two times with the blunt end of the scythe, prompting the ground to start rumbling much to Spinel's confusion. Of course, Spinel cared little of this tremor as she merely leaped at Jack to simply get this whole fight over and done with only to feel something rough and hard grab at her ankles, forcing her in place.

"WHAT THE!?" Spinel shouted, trying to break free before looking down to see a pair of branches that resembled arms jutting out from the soil beneath her as Jack began to laugh like a mad man.

"No need to worry, lass! You're just about to meet my friends!" Jack proclaimed before suddenly, breaching out from the dirt was an army of pumpkin monsters, both big and small, as they surrounded the perimeter in a matter of seconds. From the valleys surrounding the dirt roads, hordes of pumpkin creatures began to scale down the hills and into the battle scene. Spinel tried to break free from the grip but she would soon have the lower half of her body being dragged into the dirt.

"Now I'd love to stay and chat but how about you have yourself a nice, good ol' fashioned dirt nap!" The pumpkin-headed prankster exclaimed before Spinel was forcibly dragged into the ground by a two-armed jack-o-lantern as the two burrowed further down the earth. The deranged jester flailed and kicked around but no matter how hard she thrashed, she was unable to free herself from the pumpkin's grip. Just then, a new idea struck her mind as she kicked down with both her legs extended forward, her feet smashing right through the top of the pumpkin's head before shooting out the other end. Upon slaying the creature, a blue-green soul escaped from the pumpkin's remains as it floated back to the surface. Now free, Spinel began to twist her legs as far as they could go. On the other side of the spectrum, Jack O'Lantern casually sat atop his quadrupedal pumpkin beast before letting out a sigh of content.

"Aaaah... All in a good day's work! Now then, let's find that boneheaded jerk an-" But just as The pumpkin-headed prankster could finish his sentence, he heard something shoot out from the ground as he, along with his troop of pumpkin monsters, all turned their heads to see Spinel rocketing out from the soil like a torpedo.

"W-WHAT THE!?" Jack shouted, rubbing his eyes to make sure that they weren't playing tricks on him. Sure enough, this was real as Spinel came hurling back down with a pair of enlarged fists, which prompted the pumpkin army to start scattering out of harm's way. Sadly a good chunk of soldiers wasn't so lucky as they were smashed into a squishy, orange mush beneath the deranged jester's enormous knuckles.

"YOU'RE ALL GONNA BE SCREAMIN' WHEN I'M DONE WITH YA!" Spinel shouted, her arms recoiling back to their original formation while her fists shrunk back to regular size. Jack furrowed his brow, enraged that his opponent hadn't bitten the dust yet as he pointed his scythe at the gem.

"What the heck are you ding-a-lings standing around here for!? GET HER!" The pumpkin-headed prankster demanded as the horde of jack-o-lantern beasts all collective let out a war cry before charging at the deranged jester. The first few soldiers rushed towards Spinel as a small spider-like pumpkin attempted to latch onto the gem's face only to be effortlessly swatted out of mid-air, its body splattering against the ground. Spinel stretched her arms out and grabbed onto the next two pumpkins that tried to rush her and proceeded to smash both of them together with enough force to turn them into little more but pulp. Spinel then spun around at speeds so fast that her body resembled a twister as she came zooming into the charging horde of pumpkin monsters. She cleared a path through the army, with her sights set on the giant quadrupedal beast that Jack rode upon.

Sadly, she was unable to make it as a vine-like tendril suddenly snatched her pulled her back. Spinel was now face-to-face with a sentient tree-like monster who viciously swung Spinel around like a ragdoll, repeatedly slamming her up and down against the dirt. This wouldn't go on for much longer as the maniacal entertainer started to wriggle and kick around before successfully breaking free from the tree's grasp as she proceeded to hoist the ent off of its roots by lifting it by the vine tentacle over her head. Spinel proceeded to spin the tree monster around in circles as he let out an awkward cry.

Spinel flung the ent across the area with one strong throw as it crushed another handful of pumpkin soldiers into paste and twigs. A relatively short pumpkin beast wearing a tricorn and eye-patch noticed that the gem had her back turned as he quickly skittered towards her with a cutlass raised in the air, but before he could lay an attack on her, Spinel kicked the pirate pumpkin right in the face with enough force tear a hole right through its face. Before removing her foot from the gaping cavity, she stole the cutlass that still held in the jack-o-lantern's branch-like hand. With the sword now in her hand, Spinel began to slice and dice away at high speeds cleaving through pumpkin after pumpkin as orange pulp and seeds scattered throughout the area.

Jack was starting to get visibly frustrated, bending the reaper's scythe to a point of almost snapping it in two before whacking the quadrupedal pumpkin monster on the head with the blunt end of his scythe's shaft. The lumbering beast winced in pain before gazing up to his master, who directed his scythe over to Spinel, who had smashed another oncoming pumpkin beast with a single punch. Realizing his leader's needs, the quadrupedal pumpkin beast barreled towards his magenta-colored target as the earth quaked with every step the giant took. Spinel was alerted to the stomping as her head made a full 270-degree turn to see the lumbering pumpkin mammoth charge towards her.

"Try this one out for size, Pinkie!" Jack yelled with a laugh while Spinel's body twisted into the direction of where the quadrupedal beast was heading. Without a moment of hesitation, Spinel sprung herself as high as her elasticity could allow her legs to go with the sole intention of turning the giant beast into a giant mess much as she did with fellow members of its own kin. However, the giant opened its gaping maw, and out came a large, green vine-like tongue, one that wrapped itself around Spinel's waist. The deranged entertainer was suddenly pulled into the pumpkin's gaping maw, as he casually chewed on its dinner before letting out a loud belch. Jack couldn't help but cackle to himself aloud.

"Dinner is served!" Jack howled with laughter, believing that this was truly the end of the fight. However, his victory was short-lived, as the giant pumpkin started to visibly shake and convulse. The Qaudrepedal beast started to let out a guttural moan of pain before suddenly, his eyes widened and his body swelled up before inexplicably exploding into a mess of pumpkin entrails while its rider was blown sky-high. Pushing aside pumpkin chunks and pulling off strands of pulp that had gotten onto her, Spinel stood up with her fists clench while a look of seething fury. She stretched her arm out and caught Jack by the leg before pulling him backward to give him a strong punch. However, acting fast, The Pumpkin-headed Prankster jabbed the rear-end of his scythe right into Spinel's forehead.

The blow knocked Spinel down to the ground while her arm forcefully recoiled back to its normal state, freeing Jack from her grasps. While Spinel was down, several pumpkin monsters began to dogpile her to a point where an entire mountain of pumpkins buried the deranged entertainer. However, they would all be sent into orbit as Spinel's fists erupted from the pumpkin hill as she rose back onto her feet. This didn't deter the resilient pumpkin army from attacking as they still bolted towards her with their leader right up front with the Reaper's scythe tightly clutched in his hands.

"BWAHA! We have ya surrounded now, stretch! Time to end this!" Jack said while more and more pumpkin monsters came rushing into Spinel's direction, the gem tightly clenched her fists before roaring out to the entire horde of monsters.

"I'LL SMASH EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU INTO PASTE, YA HEAR ME?!" Spinel shouted at the top of her non-existent lungs, both she and the pumpkin army both came charging towards one another. Unknowingly, however, a whoopie cushion laid right before Spinel, who was unable to see it just in time...


(Music Stops)

Both Spinel and the pumpkin army stopped dead in their tracks from the flatulent echo of a whoopee cushion, an awkward silence taking place. The deranged entertainer lifted her leg and slowly looked down to see a whoopee cushion beneath her boot before stepping on it once again, causing another fart noise to ring out. Jack lowered his scythe, his look of anger disappearing, and in its place was a slight smirk. It was here that the pumpkin-headed prankster's lips began to quiver before finally, he erupted into a fit of laughter.

"HEY, QUIT LAUGHIN' AT ME!" Spinel said, clearly infuriated by Jack's guffaw as she stomped her foot onto the ground only to step on the whoopee cushion once again. Jack continued to laugh like a hyena on nitrous oxide, falling onto the ground and rolling around cackling hysterically. The pumpkin monsters all looked at their leader with visible confusion before one soldier joined in on the guffaw and another. Soon, the whole army of jack-o-lanterns were all laughing to end while Spinel's face started to turn red as a hateful scowl began to form along with her features.

However, just as Spinel was about to unleash her earth upon the laughing crowd. One of the giggling pumpkins started to slightly inflate like a balloon and before the creature had time to process...


It exploded into a mush and floating from the desecrated remains of its pumpkin body was an underworld soul, one that continued laughing even after its own body was destroyed. The soul would suddenly float back into the emerald green portal, disappearing in the gleaming emerald light. Soon a few more pumpkins suddenly exploded while Spinel's look of anger turned to surprise.

As more pumpkin creatures exploded into mush, Spinel's mind hatched an idea.

A wickedly funny idea.

"Oooh me, Oooh my! I don't make another toot!~" Spinel dramatically announced, clumsily waddling around before intentionally stepping onto the whoopie cushion as it generated its flatulent toll. Jack and his army continued laughing like maniacs as a few more of his monster soldiers exploded into pulp. While the crowd was busy with their guffaw, Spinel stretched her arm out and stole Jack's prank sack before dumping out all of the contents for potential new material.

"Keep laughing, folks. The show is just starting..." Spinel giggled to herself before scooping up arm fulls of other whoopie cushions, all varying in color, along with a birdcage as she created a trail of the toot-making traps that led into the said cage.

"Ooooh! I did it again! I hope I don't do it a second time!" Spinel said before deliberately tripping over a small Christmas tree, comically bouncing across the ground with her body hitting each and every whoopie cushion before slipping right into the cage's main door. Her whole entire body squeezing right into the opening, similar to an octopus going through a narrow gap, her whole entire body awkwardly scrunched inside of the birdcage. The laughs kept pilling up, everyone in the army couldn't contain themselves with soldier after soldier exploding into a blast of orange entrails.

"OoOoOoOH! How humiliating!" Spinel cried before her two legs suddenly busted out from the bottom of the cage. Springing herself up, Spinel awkwardly wobbled and stumbled around with the upper half of her body still stuck in the cage before clumsily tripping onto another whoopie cushion. This resulted in the cage suddenly exploding into metal fragments with Spinel awkwardly laying on the soil. As she had hoped, the crowd was still in one big hysterical guffaw with pumpkin creatures exploding left and right. Jack started to bonk his head onto a rock as a way to control himself from laughing too hard.

"Heheheh, now I got 'em!" Spinel thought to herself before getting up, pretending to be disoriented as she stumbled on over to the pile of pranks. She started to rummage the gag mound, hoping to find something that could keep the audience entertained.

"OoooOoOoh... I feel so woozy, I need a glass of water..." She mumbled before pulling out a bottle of ink. She opened her maw and downed the entire bottle without a moment of hesitation, guzzling it down until the very last drop. The taste was horrendous and if gems had a gag reflex, Spinel would be upchucking right about now.

"EUUUUUUUUUUGH! THAT WAS HORRIBLE!!!" Spinel cried aloud, the whole audience continuing to cackle and laugh like maniacs. As Spinel kept up the act, the entire pumpkin army was starting to greatly diminish with each and every jack-o-lantern, big and small, exploded into chunks while their chuckling soul flew off into the underworld. Some tried to stop but the laughter was too strong and Spinel just kept adding fuel to fire. In one final trick, Spinel pulled out a rake and chucked it several feet away from her.

"Oh, I've had it! I'm going home!" The gem cried out before lowering herself slightly, springing high into the air before landing directly on the teeth of the rake. The gardening utensil suddenly swung itself up, its shaft striking Spinel right between the eyes.


"Oooh fooey..." Spinel weakly muttered while her audience couldn't even try to contain themselves with more and more of them exploding. Their numbers greatly shrinking in size before finally...

All that remained of the pumpkin army was just their leader, still stuck in a fit of laughter.

Despite his pumpkin army diminishing into nothing, Jack was still laughing nonstop with his body curled up and back flopped against the dirt-coated grounds. Suddenly, a shadow loomed over the pumpkin-headed prankster as he gazed up to see Spinel, standing over him with a wicked smile plastered on her face. Rather than reacting with fear, Jack continued to howl with laughter before he was picked up off the ground by the collar of his shirt.

"Well, well... Had ya laugh, buddy?" Spinel said with a mixture of murderous rage and sadistic joy meshed together in her voice.

"BWAHAHA... It's not fair! I-I'm the one who should be ruling the universe!... HAHAHAHA!" Jack barely managed through laughter while Spinel's toothy grin widened as she clenched a fist tightly. Her arm started to twist into a series of coils, winding up for one titanic blow that would mark the end of this chaotic bout. But before she could send the pumpkin-headed prankster flying, she had a few final words to say to him.

"Hate to break it to ya, freak, but this stage is only meant for ONE performer, and like I said before..." Spinel's arm started to unravel, spinning around at an unnatural speed that made it appear like a moving pink blur to the human eye.



And with one fierce upper-cut, Jack's body was sent rocketing into the sky, the immortal trickster laughing the whole way. His body soon came swirling into the green vortex up ahead, still cackling like a hyena. Soon, Jack O'Lantern disappeared off into the wormhole and once he was sucked in, the wormhole sealed itself shut. In its place were the dark gray clouds that hovered above the earth. Gazing off into the sky with a sneer, Spinel dusted her hands before letting out a scoff.

"Thank ya for wasting my time, ya big jerk!..." Spinel chided, still enraged that her plans were delayed thanks to that pun-spouting stranger. However, before she could leave the scene and head back to Beach City, she felt her foot hit something. Looking down, Spinel noticed that fancy scythe her opponent once wielded throughout their bout. The deranged entertainer raised a brow in curiosity before picking up the scythe. Grasping the handle, Spinel could feel the power emanating from this weapon as a twisted smile soon took place on her face.

"Though, I won't be leavin' empty-handed..." The former jester chuckled to herself devilishly. "After all, the night's still young~"

(Music Stops)

"HEY! HOLD IT RIGHT 'DERE!" A deep unknown voice called out to the deranged entertainer, prompting her to cock her head over to see two people standing before her. Steven and... a skeleton in a black robe? The half-gem had a look of worry on his face but the reaper had an annoyed scowl etched on his skeletal face.

"Sp-Spinel..." Steven could barely manage through breaths.

"Now you listen up here. I don't know or care what you did to Jack O'Lantern, you gimme mah scythe back right now ya bubblegum gremlin!" Grim demanded, shaking a bony fist at the former jester. Spinel gave the scythe a glance before setting her eyes back to Grim, letting out a cheeky smile as she playfully leaned against the scythe.

"Oh? Is this fancy toy yours?~" Spinel jeered with a cheek-to-cheek smile.

"Yes, now hand it over!"The Grim Reaper shouted, gesturing Spinel to return his weapon. However, Spinel had other intentions instead of just giving her newly found scythe away.

"Hehe... Well, why don't ya take it yourself?..." Spinel giggled, taking a step forward while she twirled the scythe in one hand. Grim's look of anger diminished into that of fear, a few beads of sweat started to trickle down his brow as the reaper let out a nervous chuckle.

"Err... Could you uh... give it to me in a respectful, non-violent ma-"


It seemed that diplomacy was off the table, both Grim and Steven ducked down while Spinel swung the scythe in a sweeping motion. Hadn't they reacted, their heads would've been cleaved off of their shoulders. The reaper and the half gem both looked up to see Spinel staring at them with a toothy smile.

"I dunno that seems boring... Why don't we do this the FUN way? How 'bout we have ourselves a game o' tag!" Spinel continued to laugh before readying the scythe for a second swing. "FYI, I'm it~"

"G-Grim? What do we do?..." Steven fearfully asked his skeletal acquaintance.

"Don't worry, Steven! I know what to do in these types of situations and I assure you dat it's worked every time..." Grim said before standing up to his full height, staring Spinel down with a hard glare... Only to suddenly book it into the other direction.

"GETTIN' DA HECK OUTTA HERE!" The Grim Reaper cried while Steven watched as his partner ran off like a coward.



Steven narrowly avoided another swing from Spinel before taking the reaper's advice, running in the opposite direction. The former jester couldn't help but manage out a laugh as she gave chase, the scythe tightly clenched in her hands.

Excited for her little game...



Aftermath Screen:

Spinel chases Grim and Steven throughout the night, wildly swinging her newly-found scythe as the duo narrowly weaved around each attack. Meanwhile, Jack is seen falling into the underworld where he crashed into a poker table. Looking up, Jack was met with two demons, a large bestial man and a reptilian-like humanoid with a large white patch of hair from his head, both of whom glared down at the prankster for interrupting their game.


UL: Now that's a prank gone wrong if I've seen one. Mettaton: It's all fun and games when someone gets sent to the underworld. Anyways, this fight required some thought but in the end, Spinel was the clear victory. For starters, She had stats in the spades, considering she was able to manhandle the Crystal Gems on her first outing. It wasn't just that, however, let's go back to Spinel and Steven clashing together. In the movie, Steven was able to lift the Gem Interjector and after some calculations, it was concluded that Steven was able to lift around 275831.49 Tons and he did all that in a weakened state! It's not just scaling that gives Spinel the advantage considering she was able to throw Steven over the clouds and send him careening back onto the injector, leaving behind a giant crater in the process. This feat alone was more than enough to give Spinel the strength advantage. UL: Speed was also something that Spinel easily had going for her considering she was able to blitz and weave around Pearl's attack, a gem who was able to successfully pilot her way through an asteroid belt. The best speed feats that Jack could plausibly scale to are simple FTE feats from characters such as Hoss Delgado, even then, this clocks in at the subsonic range which Spinel far surpasses. Durability was also not much of of a contest considering Spinel is able to endure blows from Gems such as Garnet, who caused a mountain side to collapse, and harmed gems such as Jasper, who as we established before, survived her handship crashing on her. Considering that Jack doesn't have any legit durability feats, Spinel easily had this one in the bag.

Mettaton: Jack may have been a more crafty thinker and with the plethora of pranks that he had at his disposal, he'd likely take advantage of Spinel's short temper. The problem is that, in the end, they're just simple gags. They are little more than minor annoyances for Spinel. Even if his pranks won't do much, Jack still had Grim's Scythe, a weapon WAY more potent than that of Spinel's Gem Rejuvenator considering that Jack isn't a gem, meaning the Rejuvenator would have no effect on him. UL: You'd think with a weapon like Grim's Scythe that Jack would easily win this fight considering its durability negation powers and. But you see, that also has its own slue of problems as well. Other than opening a portal to the underworld, Jack hasn't been shown to use the Reaper's scythe to its full extent and it's unknown if he actually does know the full extent of the Scythe's powers. Even then, there was still the durability negation but the problem with that is that throughout the course of Billy & Mandy, this ability is rather inconsistent and proven false at times. With this in mind, Grim's Scythe wouldn't be as powerful as one could imagine in this scenario. And even so, Spinel is easily fast enough to avoid such harm through her superior speed and agility. Mettaton: There were other factors that played into Spinel's victory as well, such as the fact that Jack really isn't much of a fighter and more of a schemer while his minions do all the work. Jack may outnumber Spinel thanks to his pumpkin army but given the right circumstances, The Gem Injector could make quick work of them all considering they're technically evil spirits holding a biological form. Even then, Spinel herself could simply destroy their bodies while they had no other choice but to retreat back to the underworld. UL: The final thing we need to ultimately address here is Jack's immortality. As mentioned before, Grim bestowed Jack O'Lantern his immortality and he had existed for hundreds of years and it's debatable whether he can still be killed the traditional way. Whereas, Spinel is also biologically immortal but can still be killed just as long as her gemstone is shattered into pieces. Mettaton: You'd think Spinel would be incapable of killing Jack but there is a glaring weakness. Considering that Jack accidentally sent himself into the Underworld through a laughing fit, Spinel could likely figure this out and have Jack ultimately laugh himself to his doom considering her time as a jester. UL: To put this in perspective, who do you think would win? A person who was designed to make people laugh versus a person who was defeated by laughing too much... Not much of a brain scratcher, huh?

Mettaton: In the end, as crafty as Jack may be, Spinel was far stronger, way more quicker, had superior flexibility, and overall just about had everything going for her in this battle!~ UL: In other words, he had JACK on his adversary! Mettaton: The victor of this match-up is, Spinel!


Spinel (WINNER)


+Way more durable

+Blitzes by an incredible margin

+Superior Flexibility and Range via Elastic Body

+Superior CQC

+Given the right circumstances, The Gem Interjector would wipped out the Pumpkin Army

++Even then, Spinel herself could easily take Jack's Army head-on

-Outnumbered by the Pumpkin Army

-The Gem Rejuvenator <<< Grim's Scythe

-Not as crafty or shifty

-Ill-tempered, meaning Jack can likely take advantage of her rage

-Wouldn't necessarily be able to beat Jack the traditional way on behalf of his immortality

Jack O' Lantern (LOSER)

+Grim's Scythe >>> The Gem Rejuvenator

+Far more Craftier & Shiftier

++Can likely take advantage of Spinel's anger via pranks

+Numbers advantage via Pumpkin Army


---Annihilated in the Stat Trinity

-Not as flexible

-Outside of Grim's Scythe, the rest of his arsenal was downright useless

--Even then, while Grim's Scythe is powerful, it's unclear if Jack knows the full extent of the Scythe

-Given the right circumstances, The Gem Interjector would wipe out his army

--Even if that wasn't the case, Spinel was physically powerful enough to take them head-on

-Susceptible to loss if he ends up in a long laughing fit

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