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SBS: Spinel VS Jack O' Lantern (PRELUDE)

Updated: Feb 22, 2023

UL: You know the ancient old saying that is 'What goes around comes around'. Mettaton: Indeed, actions will always have consequences. No matter how long it takes, consequences will always come back to haunt you one way or another... UL: Just look at Twitter!

Mettaton: Spinel, The Jester turned Vengeful World destroyer!~

UL: And Jack O' Lantern, The Manical Pumpkin-headed prankster of Endsville! Mettaton: Hello all you beauties out there! I'm Mettaton!~ UL: And I'm the Unemployed Loser! Mettaton: And join us as we analyze these two warrior's strengths and weaknesses to see who is the true superstar!~ UL: LET'S HIT IT! _________________________________________________________________________________________ Mettaton: Thousands of years ago, there was a race of alien creatures known as Gems who ruled by the terrifying galactic leaders known as The Diamonds. However, one such Diamond wasn't quite as menacing or mature as her kinswomen, that being Pink Diamond. UL: Yeah, to put it at simple terms, Pink had the mentality of a child. She wanted to prove to her fellow Diamonds that she was capable of handling responsibilities while also wanting to do her own thing, something that didn't sit well with the Diamonds at all. In hopes of shutting her up, The Diamonds created Pink a best friend, one that would spend time and play with her, that being Spinel. Mettaton: Spinel was a happy-go-lucky gem who always had a playful attitude, along with her elastic body, she was a perfect playmate and Pink did enjoy her company... For awhile that is. UL: Like most children, Pink grew tired of Spinel but didn't have the guts to tell her to screw off. So, instead, Pink told Spinel to stand in one spot and wait for her until she came back. When Pink left, Spinel did just that... FOR SIX THOUSAND YEARS! Mettaton: Well, we now know who the undisputed Hide N' Seek champion is. While Spinel was waiting, she had no idea that Pink actually started a rebellion under the guise of Rose Quartz and later birthed a child named Steven to carry on her torch. UL: Steven would then make peace with Homeworld and Earth, where he would make an announcement on every facet of the Gem's former colonies and wouldn't you know it, one of those facets was on the garden where Spinel was abandoned!... Oof is all I gotta say. Mettaton: Spinel was heartbroken, filled with despair by the fact that she was left to rot in the far reaches of space while her only friend casted her aside and started a new life without her. Soon, this grief would transform into hatred and revenge. She wasn't going to take this and so, her appearance changed from a loveable cutie to an emo bubblegum gremlin. One that makes Nathaniel's blood cells travel to his- UL: ONE MORE CRACK LIKE THAT AND I WILL TELL EVERYBODY ABOUT WHAT YOU AND THAT GAY SPIDER DO ON WEEKENDS! Mettaton: ...How did you kno- UL: Anyways, not taking this sitting down, Spinel raided Pink's armory and found a few nifty trinkets to help her exact her revenge on this so-called Steven where she would revert The Crystal Gems back to their original state while also injecting the Earth with a toxin known as 'Bio-poison' so that Steven would be doomed to walk on a desolate earth... Damn, now that's a wicked hate boner if you ask me. Mettaton: However, against all possible odds, Steven managed to convince Spinel to stop all this madness as she soon realized that causing all of this chaos would do nothing to fix what has already been broken. Luckily for Spinel, she was able to find a new loving home and family under the care of the Diamonds. UL: Oh yeah, just let the emotionally abused villain live with a group of even worse villains with a mile long record of abu- Mettaton: Nathaniel... UL: ...Sorry.

Mettaton: Let's move on before this devolves into an hour-long rant log...



First Appearance: Steven Universe: The Movie (2019)

Age: 6,000 + Years

Aliases: N/A

Occupation: Pink Diamond's Jester (Formerly), The Diamond's New Adopted Daughter



-Spent six thousand years, waiting for Pink Diamond in the garden

-Effortlessly defeated and poofed The Crystal Gems on their first encounter

--Reverted them back to their previous states, along with herself

-Nearly destroyed the world hadn't it been for Steven

-After her attack on Earth, she was taken in by the Diamonds to live a happy life once again



(Mountain to Island Level)

-Juggled Garnet around effortlessly

-Easily lifted Pearl and dangled her around as if she was a ragdoll

-Matched Garnet in strength--Garnet is capable of collapsing parts of a mountain and fighting against the likes of Jasper, who survived standing in the epicenter of her handship crashing

-Generated shockwaves when clashing with Garnet

-Capable of trading blows with Steven -Can lift and hurl large boulders with ease

-Can easily shatter stone with her fists alone-Launched Steven high above the clouds -Enlarges her fist until it's so heavy that it pushes back nearby clouds-Punches Steven into her injector with enough force to push it into the ground, creating a sizeable crater on top forcing up bio-toxins, creating a dust cloud and shaking the ground

-Struck Steven's shield with enough force to fracture the giant gem on top of the interjector

Speed & Reflexes:

(Relativistic, Possibly Higher)

-Was able to outpace and blitz The Crystal Gems

-This would include Pearl, who was able to successfully steer The Roaming Eye through an asteroid belt

-Casually evades punches from Garnet with relative ease

-Thanks to her elastic body, Spinel is able to casually zip across the battlefield in a matter of seconds-Can spin around at faster than eyesight speeds

-Capable of running so fast, her legs resemble a Figure-Eight Peel-Out

Durability & Stamina:

(Mountain to Island Level)

-Stood in place at the Garden for six thousand years without tiring

-Fine after getting swing-kicked into a wall by Amethyst

-Got sling-shotted right into her own injector and got back up almost immediately

-Capable of enduring blows from Garnet, who was able to harm Jasper


Combat Skills:

-Despite not being made for combat, Spinel has demonstrated proficient combat skills

-Can utilize her elastic body in combative and defensive formations

-Able to fight on par with the likes of Steven and Garnet in hand to hand combat

-Immensely skilled in using her weapon, the Gem Rejuvenator, by using her elastic body to increase the range of the scythe


Gem Physiology:

-Gem bodies are described as "holograms with mass", being projections of their actual gems

-Gems don't need sustenance or rest to survive, but can still partake if they wish-The weight of a gem will automatically adjust to any form of gravity

-Can fuse with other Gems into stronger forms

--Doing so would be considered outside help, however-Era-1 Gems are capable of shape-shifting


-A common ability for Era

-1 Gems, able to manipulate their bodies/appearance however they see fit

-Spinel is able to stretch and contort her limbs and other body parts as if they were made out of rubber-Spinel is able to reach enemies from afar and increase the range of her attacks

-Can inflate her body parts, namely her hands, to strengthen her attacks-Capable of increasing the size of her body

-She can use her elasticity to increase her agility, being able to jump at great lengths-She can stretch out her eye, mimicking that of a telescope

-Capable of becoming as flat as the ground and slither across it, in an almost semi-liquid like state

-Can twist herself into a spring and launch herself up into the air or towards enemies-Can swing across and wrap herself around large structures with ease

-Can coil her fingers into a sort of horn that allows her to activate and deactivate the Gem Injector-Can use her elasticity to perform the following moves below:

Twister Dash:

-By spinning around at high speeds, Spinel will dash at her target, resembling that of a tornado

Spin Dash:

-Spinel curls up into a ball and rolls forward at high speeds

-Capable of moving around in circles while doing so

Flight/Helicopter Legs:

-By twisting her legs around and twirling her feet, Spinel can propel herself similar to a helicopter blade

-Can slow down falls while also carrying heavy objects


-When she was first created, she was happy-go-lucky and very playful, albeit a little clingy

-After her abandonment and the realization of Steven, she became bitter and held a grudge against anything connected to Pink

--This is best shown when Spinel reset the minds of Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl, feeling as though they got in the way between her and Pink-Surprisingly tactical and cunning as she used her interjector to slowly kill the earth after having reset the Crystal Gems

-Somewhat trusting, willing to give Steven a chance and stop her interjector from destroying the earth

-However, she resumed her plans and relapsed into insanity due to a misunderstanding, going so far as to nearly killing Steven

-However, when Steven finally gets to her, she shows genuine remorse for hurting him and causing all of this chaos-Understand she will have difficulty creating friendships after what Pink Diamond put her through and all the chaos she had caused

-Was more than willing to start a new life with the Diamonds on Homeworld-After returning to Homeworld, Spinel became her happy/fun-loving self once albeit less clingy than she was before


The Gem Rejuvenator:

-Spinel's Main Weapon

-A Scythe-like weapon used for slicing

-When used on a Gem, it will poof them back into their gemstone

-It will erase said gem of all their memories and revert them back to their original form

--However, this effect is not permanent because if the gem is reminded of their past, they will return to their current form

-When used on Gem-Hybrids, it will depower and severely weaken them

-Able to cut through Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl as well as Steven's shield

-Non-effective on any and all non-gems

The Gem Interjector:

-A sky-scrapper sized device that injects a deadly toxin known as 'Bio-Poison'

-This poison kills all organic life, ranging from plants, animals, insects, and people-The injector holds and releases up to about 237 cubic meters worth of Bio-Poison

-According to Peridot, the machine would destroy the Earth in 41 Hours (1 Day, 17 Hours)

-If any organic life comes into contact with the poison, it will paralyze them-Spinel can control the interjector through a horn she creates via her elasticity

-If the machine is disturbed or damaged, the injection rate accelerates-She can either activate, deactivate, or increase the speed of the poison

--However, the latter results in the poison unable to properly settle and destroy the planet, rendering it useless

-If the Gem Interjector sustains too much damage, it explodes


-If her physical form retains too much damage, she'll revert back to her Gemstone in order to regenerate

--This makes her gemstone vulnerable to shattering-If her Gemstone is cracked, her body will become weaker and start glitching/deforming

-Emotionally & Mentally Unstable

--Resumed her plans of destroying the world due to a misunderstanding

---However, she has grown more stable as shown in Steven Universe Future-The Gem Rejuvenator is downright useless against any non-gems

”I used to be just not good enough! Just not good enough for Pink! But now... Now... I'M NOT GOOD AT ALL!”


(The following bio was provided by Mr-Pepsi-And-Pizza/TheBioVendingMachine)

Mettaton: Pranks are something that we love to pull on people, however, one should be aware that you must have a limit otherwise it may result in dire consequences...

UL: Trust me, I've seen all those Prank Channels, they never learn. But before we had douchebags sexually assailing randos on the street for a small bit of clout, let's go back way before the internet to a quiet medieval village known as Endsville where we begin our story with a man by the name of Jack.

Mettaton: Jack was a notorious prankster, known for pulling various pranks on the villagers. Now, this all seemed fine but the problem was that Jack didn't know when to quit as kept pulling nonstop pranks on the people of Endsville. Jack even stayed up all night inventing new pranks, laughing himself to sleep.

UL: All of these practical jokes were getting so bad that the townsfolk had enough of Jack's bullshit and devised a plan to get rid of him for good. Thus, they sent a gift with Jack's name on it to the Queen of Endsville, who had no sense of humor, who had fallen victim to a snake-in-a-can prank. Greatly angered by this, the Queen sent out one of her knights to take care of Jack and in doing so, murdered him in his sleep... Damn, talk about pranks gone wrong.

Mettaton: After the night of his demise, Jack met with the Grim Reaper and it was time for him to go. However, Jack simply slammed the door and his face continued on his day. When Grim tried to force him into submitting, Jack stole the Reaper's scythe and said that he will only give it back if Grim gave him immortality so that he could continue pulling pranks on people for all eternity.

UL: Reluctantly, Grim accepted the offer and gave Jack immortality. However, Grim wasn't going to let this slide and as punishment for tricking him, he decapitated Jack so that he wouldn't show his face around town ever again. Honestly, Jack simply had to say 'It's just a prank, bro' and he would've turned out alright.

Mettaton: After his decapitation, Jack replaced his head with a pumpkin and was forced to hide in his cottage for the rest of his life while the world changed around him. Only coming out on Halloween Night to pull pranks on suspecting victims.

UL: That was until one faithful Halloween Night, a dim-witted boy named Billy showed up at Jack's doorstep with the Grim Reaper's scythe in hand. Seeing this as his opportunity to get revenge, Jack stole the scythe and opened a portal to the underworld where he would wreak havoc among Endsville and finally get his revenge on Grim by cutting his head off.

Mettaton: Well, that would've been the case hadn't it been for the power of laughter... We mean that literally, his army of pumpkins laughed themselves to death while Jack laughed his way into the underworld...



Height: Unknown

Weight: Unknown

First Appearance: Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy's - Jacked up Halloween


-In the Medieval times of Endsville was an infamous prankster

-Obsessed with pranking, and has the slight implication that he invented certain tricks

-Tricked The Grim Reaper into giving him immortality

-Managed to recover from having his head sliced off decently quick and became an urban legend

-Every Halloween played pranks on the people of Endsville

-It's partially because of Jack that Tricks are a common thing to see on Halloween

-Eventually got his hands on The Grim Reaper's Scythe thanks to the incompetence of Billy

-Nearly succeeded in dominating Endsville and decapitating Grim permanently, with the ambition to eventually rule the universe



-Appearance wise seems to be physically frail looking

-In the Video Games can do some damage to people by hitting them with his Prank Bag

-Can lift Billy with one hand

-In the video games can send people flying with a swing of his prank bag

-Threw a stone hard enough to hurt and enrage a demon


-Despite being technically dead from an axe in his back, moved around like normal

-Withstood not having a head for an extended period of time

-Was immortal by this point but he should still have been able to feel pain

-Ignores Billy hitting him in the face repeatedly with the blunt end of a scythe


-Can be extremely quick, going unnoticed often before people can realize they're about to be tricked

-Sawed through all the legs of a chair in a few seconds

-In the Video Games can pull off impressive high speed combos

-Can keep the scythe out of Grim's grasps



-Thanks to a deal with Grim, cannot be killed by any means

-Survived without a head for a long period of time

-Even replaced his head with a pumpkin


-Was famous for his pranks and jokes

-Not in a positive light mind you

-It's because of his constant pranks that Tricking is a part of Halloween

-Could be pretty clever in some cases

-Invented many classic tricks for pranks

-Can tell when people are trying to prank him

-Can make up puns on the fly


-Beats his foe up with several punches and kicks, progressively rising higher into the air before finishing them


-Hits his foe with a somersault kick

-Follows it up with a fast paced spinning kick

-Whacks them with his bag of pranks

-And than hits them one more time, sending them flying far into the distance before they explode for no reason


-A Costume from the Fighting Game never seen in the show

-Jacks entire body becomes a mass of vines

-The game doesn't display any unique abilities with this

-Seems to have claws now



-A large sack he carries around on Halloween Night

-Can also use it as a weapon to bludgeon people with

-Likely filled with every pranking tool he's come up with, in other words its an excuse to list off his pranking tools seen on him and in his house

-Wood Saw

-A Trumpet

-A large firework

-Rubber chicken

-Various Woopie Cushions

-A baguette

-Chattering Teeth

-A Bomb with groucho marks glasses

-A Skunk

-A Christmas Tree

-Kick Me Signs

-A piece of headgear that makes it look like there's an arrow through the wearers head

-Various Slingshots

-Groucho Marks Glasses

-Cigars (Potentially exploding ones)

-A Pair of glasses

-Ink and Pen

-A Birdcage

-Rubber Snake

-Mouse Trap

-Fake Coffee Spill

-A Fish

-Itching Powder

-Laughing Bottle

-A Stick?

-Hate Bottle

-Love Bottle

-Sleep Bottle


-In his hat always has a red feather

-With that feather he can catch someone off guard and tickle them, sending them into a laughing fit

-Can use this to disarm a foe


-Has stolen the Grim Reaper's Scythe on two occasions

-Is one of many people to have stolen the Scythe

-The Scythe has been seen to be somewhat easy to use for Anyone, and grants several abilities to the wielder

-Is able to cut through ANYTHING

-Can open up rifts to the other side

-This is shown as either as swirling vortex or by the ground opening up and spewing flames

-Opens inter-and-extra-dimensional portals and rifts in the fabric of time and space

-Used to cast a number of different spells that includes

-Giant skeletal hands

-"Fixing" ones eye sight

-Transforming people into various things

-Can be used to fire bolts of energy at targets

-Give off light

-Deflects incoming energy blasts

-Pull the moon out of the sky

-Put up protective barriers

-The handle can be used like a Light-saber

-According to Jack, a head sliced off by the Reaper's Scythe can never be put back on

-There are moments where the Scythe has cut off Grims head and it can be put back on, but it could be a matter of intending to cut off the head that makes it permanent

-Can be hopped on and rode like a motorcycle

-Is fast enough to keep up with cars and airplanes

-Jack himself has used the scythe to tear open a portal to the underworld to unleash countless souls into a pumpkin patch


-An extremely powerful explosive made from a pumpkin, also kept in his Prank Bag


-By releasing souls from the Underworld into a Pumpkin Patch gains an army pumpkins

-Every pumpkin is unique to some extent but have similarities in some cases

-Jack rides atop a gigantic pumpkin larger than cars

-Shakes the area with every step

-Has an extending tongue to capture foes with to store them in its mouth

-Can stick people to walls with its spit

-Other pumpkins can be armed with various things



-A Candle

-Their own viney tendrils

-Some Pumpkins are have crab claws, or spider legs

-Some pumpkins can fly with bat wings

-Size varies among pumpkins

-Other pumpkins can fuse with the foliage to gain height and a wooden body attached to them

-Has a large tree as a soldier, capable of producing long tentacles to trap foes, even being able to ensnare Grim

-Some Pumpkins also have normal arms

-This army wreaked havoc across Endsville, covering the city in fire and destroying several buildings


-Despite his talent for pranking, also has no restraint on it

-Its because of his constant pranks that he was set up to be killed in the first place

-Seems to tell puns out of a force of habit

-Deathly afraid of the Knight that killed him back in Medieval Times

-Can be somewhat unobservant

-Mistook Erwin in a costume of all people for the Knight that killed him

-If one of his pumpkins are destroyed, the soul contained inside will go back to the Underworld

-And they're not hard to destroy given that they're pumpkins, at best with a dead tree for added mass

-Pumpkins will explode powerfully if they laugh too hard and for too long

-If Jack laughs too hard and for too long, while a portal to the underworld is ripped open, his entire body will start floating before being sucked into the underworld

-Not much of a fighter, relied more on his army for that

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